The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion


Autocross Champion
Which Air Force One??..

Don't they fly two identical planes so on one knows which one of the two flying planes that POTUS is on???

Far easier to nuke he'll be at Mar-a-Largo...

Florida will be making a great sacrifice to the rest of the USA & will be dearly remembered...😜

EDIT:- Far far easier to give him his own recommended Covid-vaccine..."bleach-o-express"...

there can only be one Air Force One. It’s the call sign for what ever airplane the president is aboard.


The Fixer
Today's the day...21,000 imminent.
Swamp arrests imminent.
One of you stable geniuses sent me a glitter bomb.
The funniest part is my wife opened it because I thought it was something she ordered.
Well played! LOL


Autocross Champion
Whatever happened to judging someone by the content of their character and not the color of their skin? Seems we have done a huge about face on this one. Also, I in all honesty need somone to explain this inequality that is spoken of. We have the greatest country in the world where anyone can become or do anything they want with their life. Where we are is a matter of the choices we each have made and the culmination of those choices is what separates everyone in their tax bracket. Don't get me wrong, some have a bigger whole to dig themselves out of than others but they can still become who they wish to be.
I was talking about black and white pictures not skin color.


The Fixer
Can I have your address also? 😂
Some real sleuthing going on here to get my address. I haven't sold any parts in awhile except for the LSD to that one guy.


The Fixer
The funniest part is it went all over the counter and everywhere, but missed my giant cup of coffee. Proof there is a God.


The Fixer
Why did Lil Wayne get a pardon??


The Fixer


The Fixer


The Fixer
I see you are realizing the level of idiot that is Trump. Sad it’s taken you this long to see it.
Apparently it's a 10 years old weapons charge.

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion

.Bomb Sent To Zricks Home - FBI On The Case So Nothing Will Happen (thread title)

+ Glitter Bomb for Zrick

+ Trump out

= Best day ever

although messing at home isn't something I approve of Z accepted it with good sense of humour