The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion


Autocross Champion
What's going to be be interesting is the following possible chain of events:-

Enough of the Republicans side with the Democrats to impeach DJT, & basically "disown him" from the party & he can't run for president again.

DJT, Son & friends set up "their Republican party (patriot party?)" with Son running for POTUS, thus forcing a split in the Republican voters in the whole of the USA.

As the vote was almost split down the middle between Republicans & Democrats, this further splitting of the Republican voters will mean that neither the "old" Republican party, nor the "DJT" party will get enough votes to ever win the election!

Democrats to be POTUS for ever!


The Fixer
My mom got the first Moderna shot with zero side effects, not even a sore arm. My wife got the Pfizer and had a bit of a sore arm. My brother-in-law got both Pfizer shots with minimal side effects (slightly sore arm - he said not as bad as the flu shot), but a member of his team had a slight reaction to the second Pfizer shot - she said she had a headache and was going to home that day. She was fine the next day.

I know of one person that had an adverse reaction - 102 temp for a couple of hours. She stayed in bed for a day and went back to work the next day.
Probably spread the virus to her co-workers!!
My partner that got the vaccine and is out sick just tested positive. Everyone in the office is getting tested exept me because I have the beautiful immunity.


Autocross Champion
possible but unlikely. The problem is to do the right thing is political suicide.
That's the issue for literally every government official, down to city mayors. This is the exact problem keeping NYC's MTA subway system's from receiving the repairs it so desperately needs. NYC Mayors are more concerned with high profile accomplishments -- no one wants to be "forgotten" for fixing things that are underground. Bonehead, short-sighted moves. The subways are literally crumbling.


The Fixer
apparently when 46 walked in there was either no plan to deploy vaccines or it was not shared. either way that's fucked.
That was fake news CNN. They already retracted the story. Trump admin was vaccinating 1 million a day.


The Fixer
Impeachment applied because he was still in office when he was impeached.

Further, while he accepts tax dollars for his “office of the former president” he is still acting “in the interest of the United States government” and therefore is acting in a pseudo official capacity.

Regardless. He was impeached, that is the charges were preferred against him. He’s just waiting on a trial that could retroactively strip him of his former presidential benefits.

Impeachment while serving the government with trial and conviction post separation has legal precedent established, in fact the impeachment came after Belknap’s resignation.

Let’s make his ass the example, strip him of his ability to represent the US, then unleash the criminal complaints waiting in the wings.

Fuck Donald J Trump
You're a terrorist.
Don't you have random strangers to harass?


Autocross Champion
Probably spread the virus to her co-workers!!
My partner that got the vaccine and is out sick just tested positive. Everyone in the office is getting tested exept me because I have the beautiful immunity.
You can't even keep your lies straight anymore. Pathetic.

And you can't get covid from the vaccine, it's literally impossible.
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Autocross Champion
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The Fixer


Autocross Champion
That was fake news CNN. They already retracted the story. Trump admin was vaccinating 1 million a day.
First, no he didn't. Second, which is it, Trump is a hero for people getting vaccinated or the vaccine is killing people and giving them the virus? How does that work?


The Fixer
Biden in October- 'Only dictators rule by executive order.'
Biden first week- 37 executive orders
Biden October- 'Trump lies, I won't ban fracking.'
Biden first week- 'Learn to code.'

He signed an order to ban the term 'China virus' but 'UK, Brazil, South American variants,' that's ok.


Autocross Champion
We've vaccinated more people than any other country in the world, but there was 'no plan' in place? GTFOH
Trump lives rent free in the heads of all media.
Do you not read anything beyond headlines? The "plan" they're talking about is vaccinating people beyond nursing homes and healthcare workers, i.e. vaccinating people that aren't at the top of the priority list.