The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


The Fixer
Wait, wait, wait, in January you were praising Trump for warp speed and vaccinating a million a day. Is your orange daddy a lizard person too?
I do like Trump, but I never said he was perfect. I certainly will not get the franken-vaccine, even if he says to do it.


The Fixer
It's zrickety's world, we're just living in it.

Careful about a real virus = fear
Careful about imaginary mask induced illness = FREEDOM
Fungal or bacterial infections from masks are not imaginary.
Besides, I survived the virus and am now immune. The CDC does not override the Constitution.


The Fixer
Ah yes. Funny that I’ve most certainly proven my bravery and am quite free. In addition I’m fully vaccinated, yet I choose to socially distance and wear a mask anyway.

Then, there’s you.
And you choose to verbally assault strangers in grocery store parking lots, and brag about it to your friends on the internet. You're a terrible person.


Autocross Champion
I do like Trump, but I never said he was perfect. I certainly will not get the franken-vaccine, even if he says to do it.
So you like a lizard person that funded the government 5G vaccine? Go on, tell us more...
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The Fixer
I love the whole "trust science" mantra. I don't see how it's any different from "I trust in God" and "I trust the Tooth Fairy to leave a dollar under my pillow." You can't take stupid out the stupid, even if it's the 21st century we are talking about.
I especially like how science flip flops every other week.


Autocross Champion
Fungal or bacterial infections from masks are not imaginary.
Besides, I survived the virus and am now immune. The CDC does not override the Constitution.

Let's see your twitter source for this nugget.


The Fixer
So you like a lizard person that funded the government 5G vaccine? Go on, tell us more...
I talk to lizard people everyday. Mostly on this forum.


Autocross Champion
I especially like how science flip flops every other week.
Science doesn't flip flop, that's religion you're thinking of. You and your religious nonsense never make it out of the fuck around phase. Welcome to grade school science concepts.

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Autocross Champion
I love the whole "trust science" mantra. I don't see how it's any different from "I trust in God" and "I trust the Tooth Fairy to leave a dollar under my pillow." You can't take stupid out the stupid, even if it's the 21st century we are talking about.
This is an amazing post. I fully believe that you don't understand the difference between science and the tooth fairy. 👍


Autocross Champion
When a 21st century libtard hamster that can't tell the difference between a hypothesis and a theory or silicone and silicon hasn't shouted "trust in science" for 30 seconds.