The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion


Autocross Champion
For what it’s worth:

“In 1736 I lost one of my sons, a fine boy of four years old, by the small-pox, taken in the common way. I long regretted bitterly, and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation.

This I mention for the sake of parents who omit that operation, on the supposition that they should never forgive themselves if a child died under it; my example showing that the regret may be the same either way, and that, therefore, the safer should be chosen.”

Ben Franklin

I think you're missing the point here. Would he be in favor of limiting free speech or shutting down the country after an effective vaccine was available? No.

There's nothing wrong with promoting the importance of vaccination, as many republicans have done. The problem is when you start impeding on people's liberties and free will.


Autocross Champion
Some people don't understand that this is the "new and improved" variant.

But, but, over a year ago Fauci said something about the alpha variant and now he says something different about the delta variant. So he's lying....

I can't believe such a large portion of the public is that stupid, but here we are.


Autocross Champion
Speaking of stupid fucking people...



Autocross Champion
All this stupidity made me go looking for some from a familiar source. This lot is normally dumber than a box of rocks but to fuck with a K-9 unit? Seriously... I don't think you can get any dumber.

LOL, thanks for sharing this, I just subscribed to the channel...should be good for hours and hours of entertainment. The way he says automobile reminds me of the scene from 16 candles lol

coniglio rampante

Autocross Champion
But, but, over a year ago Fauci said something about the alpha variant and now he says something different about the delta variant. So he's lying....

I can't believe such a large portion of the public is that stupid, but here we are.
From the movie “Idiocracy”:

"As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species."

coniglio rampante

Autocross Champion
I think you're missing the point here. Would he be in favor of limiting free speech or shutting down the country after an effective vaccine was available? No.

There's nothing wrong with promoting the importance of vaccination, as many republicans have done. The problem is when you start impeding on people's liberties and free will.
It is your use of the earlier quote that missed the point. That quote is often taken out of the context in which it was used.

“When Franklin said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety,” he was opposing the Penn family’s attempt to carve out an exception for themselves from the Pennsylvania General Assembly’s attempt to tax their lands for the collective good of frontier defense. The liberty Franklin was defending was the liberty the rest of us deserve now, too — liberty to choose to protect ourselves.”


Autocross Champion
How much more contagious? Well, scientists use a measure called R0 (pronounced R-naught) to measure the contagiousness of something. It’s essentially the answer to this question: “Without any immunity or any interventions, how many people does the average disease-infected person go on to infect?” The best estimate from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for R0 for Coronavirus Classic is 2.5: the average sick person with regular ol’ coronavirus, without immunity or intervention, infects about 2.5 people.

The estimated R0 for the Delta variant, though, is estimated to be somewhere between 5 and 8. That means, without immunity or intervention, the average sick person goes on to infect five to eight people.

That is a huge difference. Gigantic, thanks to exponential growth. Let’s put it this way: After 10 reproductive cycles of Coronavirus Classic at that R0 of 2.5 above, you get 9,537 infected people. After 10 reproductive cycles of the Delta variant — at, let’s be optimistic, an R0 of 5 — you get 9,765,625 infected people. Basically, 10,000 vs. 10 million. Exponential growth is crazy.
Rickety will simply interpret this as "The COVID variants R-naught contagious at all..."

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
In spite of being in favor of the vaccine you can't forcibly vaccine people. If freedom of choice is taken away what other inalienable right is next?
part of my reply is my standard "Rights come with Responsibilities"
19 gave a good example 2nd half below.
Well.. you can't directly... not in this country... but you can get shut out of every private business and public sector building if you don't get vaccinated. Indirect force so to speak.

From the movie “Idiocracy”:

"As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. Natural selection, the process by which the strongest, the smartest, the fastest, reproduced in greater numbers than the rest, a process which had once favored the noblest traits of man, now began to favor different traits. Most science fiction of the day predicted a future that was more civilized and more intelligent. But as time went on, things seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. A dumbing down. How did this happen? Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species."
Car manuals used to give instructions on how to adjust your valves, change your tires, and jump start them. Now they tell you "Don't drink antifreeze"

think about airbags. If instead of a pillow on your dash board you had a rusty steel spike. Wouldn't you pay more attention when driving?

No emoji
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Autocross Champion
People would still use the phone while driving even if there was a rusty spike on the steering wheel or dash 😐


Autocross Champion
People would still use the phone while driving even if there was a rusty spike on the steering wheel or dash 😐
It's probably my biggest cultural pet peeve. People using the phone while driving. On the highway it can be less offensive, but when people are on their phone at a stoplight and don't go when it turns green... straight to jail


Autocross Champion
I've memorized the light sequence of every light I hit regularly.

If I see the driver of the car in front of me texting I'll hit the horn the instant the light turns green.

I've seen a couple of people drop the phone thinking they were sitting there for a few seconds at the green. 😄
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Autocross Champion
I've memorized the light sequence of every light I hit regularly.

If I see the driver of thr car in front of me texting I'll hit the horn the instant the light turns green.

I've seen a couple of people drop the phone thinking they were sitting there for a few seconds at the green. 😄
Like for liberal use of the horn.

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
CRV update: $1800. a bit less than I feared. I guess that's a victory. Although some could point to the fact Mrs Mud backed it into a tree after getting a covid vacc as proof of something bad
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