The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion

Golf R GT

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870 engraved high grade and I have a full engraved Rem grade IV .416 mag Im restocking and rechambing.....


Autocross Champion
Recognizing the fact that our country is responsible for millions of innocent lives from our own continent to the jungles of Indochina to the mountains of Afghanistan to the deserts of Iraq and Lybia to the flatlands of Serbia, etc. is a good start.
And once that's recognized what is the result. Absolutely fucking nothing.


Autocross Champion
I'm exposing two-faced shitbags and their propaganda.
What? What does China restricting children from playing over 3 hours of video games per week have to do with what you said about Afghanistan? I have no idea what you're doing.

@IanCH posted a comment about China restricting video game playing and I posted the actual story and the next thing I know is that you're comparing it to Afghanistan.


Autocross Champion
What? What does China restricting children from playing over 3 hours of video games per week have to do with what you said about Afghanistan? I have no idea what you're doing.

@IanCH posted a comment about China restricting video game playing and I posted the actual story and the next thing I know is that you're comparing it to Afghanistan.
Forget it.


Autocross Champion
So let's keep pretending we don't have any of this blood on our hands. Let's keep enlisting, allowing us to be sent to kill others, etc. Touche.
Who the fuck is pretending? I recognize it. You're really reaching or trolling now.

coniglio rampante

Autocross Champion
Some expert that can't decide which number between 50 million and 80 he likes better.
I suppose that’s possible…or, it could be possible that at the time of the writing, China wasn’t all that forthcoming with the actual numbers on the topic.

“Hmm, China…hiding or lying about something to the rest of the world…I wonder if they’ve ever done that before?” as has been frequently questioned in this scamdemic thread.:unsure:;)


Autocross Champion
What the fuck are you talking about? I wasn't arguing with anyone except you.

Jim, you have to hate your country to satisfy him, don't bother. Guy is straight up a terrorist sympathizer and open racist.

US politicians only do as much as voters let them. Americans like the idea that we're "exceptional and number one". When you're "exceptional and number one" you think you know what's best for other countries too. Most of our country thinks a magic sky daddy favors the US over other countries. It isn't the system, it isn't the politicians, it's the citizens that are the problem. Come on, the vast majority of Americans supported invading Afghanistan and Iraq. No one twisted their arms. They cheered for it. They wanted revenge.