The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion


Drag Racing Champion
I included the study from nature. You responded to my post with said study and decided to completely ignore it. I'm not wasting my time sending it again. I'm not engaging in these childish games with you.
You included a link - not a study, and as far as I'm aware... and no quote. So, I took a look at the site, myself, and found a good article on COVID and vaccines that appeared right on their main page. You can see, below, that I've provided a link and a direct quote to the article that state how amazingly efficacious the mRna vaccines are at producing "more potent immune cells as time went on." I even highlighted important words for those that "don't like to read paragraphs." So, yeah, excellent article on that actually supports the amazing efficacy of the mRna vaccines.

How can immune memory actually be getting stronger?​

Research from immunologist Ali Ellebedy, at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, Missouri, helps to explain the vigour of the memory-B-cell response. His group took samples from the lymph nodes of vaccinated individuals and found tiny B-cell finishing schools — called germinal centres — that were churning out ever more potent immune cells as time went on6.

B cells in these structures randomly mutate their genes to create entire new sets of antibodies. Those cells that produce the best antibody repertoires eventually win out through an evolutionary process that augments the immune system’s ability to fight off Delta and other SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern.
Ellebedy and his colleagues initially described the persistence of these germinal centres for 15 weeks post-immunization with an RNA-based jablonger than anyone had ever seen before with older-technology vaccines for other ailments. Now, the researchers have unpublished data, following the germinal centres for up to six months. “The training camp is still going,” Ellebedy says. “It’s amazing.”
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Drag Racing Champion
He makes up an opposing argument that was never put forth and successfully argues against it. It's a certain victory every time. ;)
Oh, so you now you actually support getting vaccinated? I mean, for me to "successfully argue against it" -- the "it" would be the total BS about COVID vaccines not being safe or effective. So, now your position is that you support vaccination? Good to know...


Drag Racing Champion
You just showed how you are influenced in your assumptions of the informing you seek as well as what you watch/read. The herd tends to follow mainstream media sources and take that as their truth versus question what is seen/heard. Your "labeling" is laughable and completely highlights your ignorance of the opposing view, perhaps some research and truly wanting to understand both perspectives will suit you well on developing your own conclusion versus what you are told to believe. It's a challenging concept I know but it is certainly enlightening.


  1. a person who is opposed to vaccination, typically a parent who does not wish to vaccinate their child.
Lots of words with no point. By "mainstream media"... uh, do you mean what intelligent people call "The News?" Are you denying the Joe Rogan show hasn't had a negative effect on the opinion of vaccines? Btw, do you realize that I believe that the virus most likely came from an accidental release at the Wuhan Virology Lab in Wuhan, China? I don't believe this was a natural zoological outbreak where the virus (for ex) jumped from a bat to a pangolin. I've had that view for some time now.


Autocross Champion
Reaction score means very little.

It doesn't mean you write well or are interesting. It mostly just means you post a lot.


The Fixer
So you admit that you can't find one single peer reviewed article that is critical of the mRna COVID vaccines... nearing 4k pages in this thread, and none of you anti-vaxxers can cite a single peer reviewed article that confirms all this BS you hear on Joe Rogan about the danger of spike proteins and the safety of off-prescription horse dewormers?
Studies are funded by the same people pushing the vaccine.
You won't find anything critical of them. Information like that is widely suppressed in the name of 'misinformation.' Even when it's personal experiences of people and family members who have been injured and killed within days by the vaccine.
Officially labelled coincidences. Pull your head out of your ass and you see this is true.


The Fixer
Reaction score means very little.

It doesn't mean you write well or are interesting. It mostly just means you post a lot.
I disagree. It means you posted something worthwhile. You can post all day and never get a like.


The Fixer


The Fixer