The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
I get it. Must be hard to see out of your own ass. Warm in there though, so that's nice.
Lol, that was a good one. Don't listen to everyone else, you do have useful skills in life.
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The Fixer
To close my comments from yesterday:

The climate is a lot of things. We could call it the weather and leave it at that. However the climate really is so much more, as a definition of our broad ecosystem.
No real civilization has ever lasted for more than a few hundred years, and our ouroborosian approach to civilization is eating itself from the inside like a cancer.

Humans have effectively changed the ecosystem. An ecosystem is synonymous with climate in which it is how organisms can live and thrive within the confines of a given area. The A/C, heating and humidity control in your home is a microclimate. If your house floods, the microclimate has changed.

Climate change has been caused by a bunch of the following factors, most of which do intertwine and exasperate the effect of any one of the factors existing:
• Overpopulating
• All currently 'successful' economies being linear materials based economies
• The economies are only driven by growth. This means any company can only remain in existence if it keeps growing. For an organization to grow, it must rely on consuming resources. This is true for all organizations, even if you do not produce any material or service; i.e., if you run a blog, you are using more bandwidth and power. If you are a construction company you are using more concrete and steel.
• An ever-growing economy is in all organisms natures to pursue, and is typically fine to pursue. However some key things have indeed changed in the last ~200 years:
• Back in the day, we started with natural resources and largely wound up with natural products. Food, wooden homes, simple metals, etc. And all of this was happening within a population of around ~100M people. Now, most natural resources are turned into consumable products which are not returnable or recyclable, and the earth cannot effectively absorb them without omitting toxins into the soil, atmosphere or water. Think nuclear waste, plastic, rubber and other oil based products.
• We developed ways to become the acting apex predator in all domains. The means are unsustainable. I.e., we are going to one day run out of oil and/or lithium. Helium is a closer example of a resource we are close to running out of.
• The fact that as we take more and more resources from the planet, all other life on earth (short of organisms living deep in caves just outside of our reach), is struggling to compete with us. Their climate, their ecosystem, has been very affected.
• Due to our ingenuity, humans haven't felt the effects of climate change yet, or at-least, not us 300M lucky few in America. Those who live in Africa are having increasing hard times finding water at all, or clean water. This is because water supplies are controlled for the rich and the factories, and the water that gets returned is polluted.

• Here's another feedback loop to think of: As the earth warms due to lack of forest and phytoplankton, and ever increasing pollutants, we will crank our A/C more, which will further warm the planet. As coastlines disappear, 70% of the populations which rely on coastlines will move inward starting massive resource wars and also further changing the climate due to the massive move or existing resources and acquisition of more resources. When you consider it took ~100 years to build almost all current infrastructure around the coastlines just imagine doing it all again and the effects that can have on our ecosystem.

I know this all falls on deaf ears or blind eyes and I get it. I don't want to change the way I live either. Do I want to stop driving, cut off my power, or better yet, live in a tent in the woods living off berries and shit? Of course not. Noone wants to give up their privilege. Further more, noone wants to admit fault for an obvious catastrophe that is spiraling out of control. Instead we all choose to run blind through the woods faster and faster. It is in our nature to feel like growth is not just the answer but our god given right. And no single person can begin to make a dent in the issue. So I will leave with this. Think down the road, 100, 200 years from now. Population around 12 billion. Somehow we are still finding deep secret oil reserves and burning coal. Theres a mcdonalds ever quarter mile. People are 300lbs each on average. We will have had to rebuild our millions of miles of roadways and most of our buildings 10 times over. Probably another couple thousand nuclear warheads will have been tested or used. Will our already non-fertile planting soil still be able to harbor life? Will there still be healthy ocean water for aquatic life? Will there really be NO CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSED BY HUMANS AT ALL?

Go ahead and cherry pick one innocuous detail from my argument and shit all over the chess board. But you will have had to ignore the other 90% irrefutable and obvious issues at hand.
Idiocracy was not a documentary. The earth will be here long after we are gone. It grows back. Certain species died off long before we came on the scene. Our collective footprint is still like fleas on a dog. The earth will support us until it can't, then people will live smarter and/or die off. Balance will be reached. Paying a carbon tax to politicians or driving electric cars is not going to change anything with the climate either.
Do we need to be more conscious of our impact? Absolutely. Are we causing irreparable harm? No, not really. Not yet. It would take nuclear weapons and even then the earth would recover on a long enough timeline.
Another riceburner manifesto about climate change, I thought you were smarter than that.
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The Fixer


The Fixer
The news I heard on the radio said he sent racial emails. Nothing about Biden.
Fake news gonna fake news.
Isn't cancelling Aunt Jemima racist?
Sure is but they did it anyway.


Autocross Champion
Idiocracy was not a documentary. The earth will be here long after we are gone. It gets grows back. Certain species died off long before we came on the scene. Our collective footprint is still like fleas on a dog. The earth will support us until it can't, then people will live smarter and/or die off. Balance will be reached. Paying a carbon tax to politicians or driving electric cars is not going to change anything with the climate either.
Do we need to be more conscious of our impact? Absolutely. Are we causing irreparable harm? No, not really. Not yet. It would take nuclear weapons and even then the earth would recover on a long enough timeline.
Another riceburner manifesto about climate change, I thought you were smarter than that.
Oh, rickety schmickety.

The harm we are doing to the planet is irreparable in some contexts. It is irreparable in the way that species we are killing now aren't going to just come back, such as the last two rhinoceros that are now gone. The damage we are doing is and will be affecting us humans and our children. Soon enough the way we live our lives now will not be possible to continue. We can't build our way out of destruction.

Yes, of course, the earth itself will live on with or without us. I would say that a runaway greenhouse effect like what Venus experienced is far-fetched and likely not in our power to achieve (luckily). But as plastic dissolves in the acidified ocean, that shit will take a fucking long time to recycle.

No sense arguing with people like you, though, since your general opinion about anyone but yourself is 'fuckem', be it with masks or starving people across the world, or peoples general well being within the next few generations.


The Fixer
No sense arguing with people like you, though, since your general opinion about anyone but yourself is 'fuckem', be it with masks or starving people across the world, or peoples general well being within the next few generations.
People hunted those rhinos, had nothing to do with climate change.
No sense in arguing with me because neither point will be proven in our lifetime.
My general opinion is there needs to be personal decisions and accountability. Informed consent.
We could feed everyone in the world with the money they are spending on masks and tests, which both have no impact on the virus.
The vaccine doesn't work.
All these measures are just lining the pockets of billionaires and eroding our civil rights.


The Fixer
It was both with the emails that I saw in the Score sports app. Didn't see the Biden one.
Can't let the masses get the idea of 'no confidence' in Biden.
Quick, the coach is a racist!


The Fixer


The Fixer
Still think it's about a virus?



The Fixer


Autocross Champion
People hunted those rhinos, had nothing to do with climate change.
No sense in arguing with me because neither point will be proven in our lifetime.
My general opinion is there needs to be personal decisions and accountability. Informed consent.
We could feed everyone in the world with the money they are spending on masks and tests, which both have no impact on the virus.
The vaccine doesn't work.
All these measures are just lining the pockets of billionaires and eroding our civil rights.
Agree on some points but to add one of your points, billionaires pockets are also being lined at the expense of cutting corners on environmental protection standards.


Autocross Champion