The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
When have I exonerated every single Democrat for everything they've ever done? I don't give Dems an automatic pass, but come on... when you have one party trying to overturn democracy and turn the USA into an autocracy.... lead by one of the most corrupt presidents in history, Trump, how am I supposed to get all hanged up on the small things Democrats do wrong (in comparison to Republicans)?
You mean like trying to pack the supreme court, bring in illegals, give them amnesty, and pay them to live here? But that's not for votes, right?


Autocross Champion
What, you mean that database isn't right next to that BS database on COVID vaccines "side effects???"

Seriously, you're demanding all the evidence in the world that the FDA Approved vaccines are safe and not loaded with tiny little aliens, yet you're telling me you'll accept any total BS post on Facebook about some unknown woman in Canada making an absolutely outrageous claim that a vaccine actually killed her daughter and you just believe it - whole cloth, no questions asked? So, you want a birth certificate from the 44th President of the USA proving that he wasn't born in Kenya, yet you'll accept a BS post on FB that is absolutely filled with lies and misstatements and not even so much as question that post?????? Hahahahaha, oh naive Republicans....
Damn you almost got through a post without a Republican comment. Made it to the last word of your post .

And don't label me I'm an Independent.


Autocross Champion
Corrupt? Here's corruption.


The Fixer
Wow, a lot of "evidence," none of which every ended up in court. Wonder why that is? Maybe because it's all total and utter BS that was promoted by a serial liar president that can't ever admit he lost. Dude, Trump lost by over 7 million votes! There were more recounts in the last election than any in history. Republicans are the worst losers... they get clobbered because they have a sh!t candidate that Democrats absolutely hate, and he loses by the widest margin in history... and Republicans want to claim it was rigged? 7 million votes were rigged?
The courts are compromised. Many did not hear the cases at all...were their families and lives threatened? Yes.
Not looking at evidence does not mean it doesn't exist. Biden himself said they had the largest voter FRAUD organization in history.
Gaffe, or confession?


Autocross Champion
The courts are compromised. Many did not hear the cases at all...were their families and lives threatened? Yes.
Not looking at evidence does not mean it doesn't exist. Biden himself said they had the largest voter FRAUD organization in history.
Gaffe, or confession?
If CNN says "baseless claims" enough then it must be true. Really that phrase "baseless claims" is designed to be misleading, even if you think Biden won the election. Baseless means that the claims are without merit and don't warrant a closer look. A better word would be "unfounded" because it at least acknowledges that there are reasons for concern, followed by some kind of investigation that discovered no wrongdoing.
But of course, the media isn't biased and they don't consistently gaslight conservative thought :rolleyes:


The Fixer
What, you mean that database isn't right next to that BS database on COVID vaccines "side effects???"

Seriously, you're demanding all the evidence in the world that the FDA Approved vaccines are safe and not loaded with tiny little aliens, yet you're telling me you'll accept any total BS post on Facebook about some unknown woman in Canada making an absolutely outrageous claim that a vaccine actually killed her daughter and you just believe it - whole cloth, no questions asked? So, you want a birth certificate from the 44th President of the USA proving that he wasn't born in Kenya, yet you'll accept a BS post on FB that is absolutely filled with lies and misstatements and not even so much as question that post?????? Hahahahaha, oh naive Republicans....
You know, maybe people wouldn't have to turn to social media to share their sob stories if journalists actually did their jobs.
The media is working overtime for Pfizer selling vaccines, which btw made them $14 billion in the last 3 months, their most profitable product ever.
They admit safety and efficacy are UNKNOWN in the purchase agreement, and they are not liable for injuries. What a scam.
Yes, I've seen 0barna's real birth certificate from KENYA. His brother posted it. The one from Hawaii that the White House has on file is clearly photoshopped, you can download it and see the layers for yourself. Oh naive indoctrinated Sheep with masters degrees...


The Fixer
I could post articles from news sources about the vaccinated dead. But because they are third party, or independent sites, clowns like @MagicMK just dismiss them because it's not CNN or MSNBC.
When the news is owned by 6 people, and funded by 1 pharma giant, the real news is not reported.
Hence all the censorship and a fake whistleblower to promote even more censorship.


Drag Racing Champion
You mean like trying to pack the supreme court, bring in illegals, give them amnesty, and pay them to live here? But that's not for votes, right?
The illegal immigrant thing is totally overplayed by Republicans. Republicans don't give an ish about Cubans coming into the country, illegally... oh yeah, they mostly vote Republican with a concentration in Republican Florida. Mexican Hispanics tend to vote Democrat in Republican Texas... surprising how excited Republicans get about Mexican illegal immigrants. You realize that both Biden and Obama were extremely aggressive with illegal immigration from Mexico, right? Trump was just cruel... separating kids from parents and then losing the kids... deliberately.

Oh, and on the "court packing" thing, my opinion is the Supreme Court absolutely needs to be expanded and the Democrats should take advantage of the opportunity. I know the Republicans will just do the same thing, but eventually we'll have so many Supreme Court justices, both liberal and conservative, that would work on a rotating basis (as other appellate courts already currently do), that no petitioner to the court would no advance what makeup he or she would receive for their respective case. That's the way it SHOULD work... pack the court by all means. The current system is absolutely ridiculous.


Drag Racing Champion
I could post articles from news sources about the vaccinated dead. But because they are third party, or independent sites, clowns like @MagicMK just dismiss them because it's not CNN or MSNBC.
When the news is owned by 6 people, and funded by 1 pharma giant, the real news is not reported.
Hence all the censorship and a fake whistleblower to promote even more censorship.
Dude, stop it with the "clown" BS. If anything, I'm the absolute opposite of a clown. Your anti-COVID data is total BS, and you don't like that I call you out on it all the time... but I'm not attacking you with ad hominems.


Drag Racing Champion
You know, maybe people wouldn't have to turn to social media to share their sob stories if journalists actually did their jobs.
The media is working overtime for Pfizer selling vaccines, which btw made them $14 billion in the last 3 months, their most profitable product ever.
They admit safety and efficacy are UNKNOWN in the purchase agreement, and they are not liable for injuries. What a scam.
Yes, I've seen 0barna's real birth certificate from KENYA. His brother posted it. The one from Hawaii that the White House has on file is clearly photoshopped, you can download it and see the layers for yourself. Oh naive indoctrinated Sheep with masters degrees...
The media *is* doing their job. The negative information on the COVID vaccine, 99% of it, is BS. It's proven over and over, again. If there was real data, the media would report it. Listen, the journalists and their families are many of those that have been vaccinated. You don't think they have a personal stake in whether that vaccine had deadly side effects? You think that they'd give it to the damn President of the United States (Biden, and ex presidents as well, such as Trump) if it was as dangerous as you proclaim?

Listen, you know you're scraping the bottom of the barrel on evidence if you have to post BS Facebook stories with absolutely ZERO, and I mean ZERO, corroborating evidence. Also, you realize many of these stories are planted by foreign intelligence services, such as the Russian GRU, not to mention the possibility of the Chinese as well (the Russian disinformation has been proven, but China's involvement less so).

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
The illegal immigrant thing is totally overplayed by Republicans. Republicans don't give an ish about Cubans coming into the country, illegally... oh yeah, they mostly vote Republican with a concentration in Republican Florida. Mexican Hispanics tend to vote Democrat in Republican Texas... surprising how excited Republicans get about Mexican illegal immigrants. You realize that both Biden and Obama were extremely aggressive with illegal immigration from Mexico, right? Trump was just cruel... separating kids from parents and then losing the kids... deliberately.

Oh, and on the "court packing" thing, my opinion is the Supreme Court absolutely needs to be expanded and the Democrats should take advantage of the opportunity. I know the Republicans will just do the same thing, but eventually we'll have so many Supreme Court justices, both liberal and conservative, that would work on a rotating basis (as other appellate courts already currently do), that no petitioner to the court would no advance what makeup he or she would receive for their respective case. That's the way it SHOULD work... pack the court by all means. The current system is absolutely ridiculous.
You really watch too much CNN and other extremely liberal media. Broaden your horizons to see the complete picture and then make a judgement for yourself. Every post you make further reinforces your gullibility and acceptance of following the flock. It is rather concerning as you profess such a high level of mindfulness through educational attainment yet your ignorance is glaringly apparent.


The Fixer
Dude, stop it with the "clown" BS. If anything, I'm the absolute opposite of a clown. Your anti-COVID data is total BS, and you don't like that I call you out on it all the time... but I'm not attacking you with ad hominems.
My anti-COVID data is the same as the pro-COVID's all from public reports.


The Fixer
The media *is* doing their job. The negative information on the COVID vaccine, 99% of it, is BS. It's proven over and over, again. If there was real data, the media would report it. Listen, the journalists and their families are many of those that have been vaccinated. You don't think they have a personal stake in whether that vaccine had deadly side effects? You think that they'd give it to the damn President of the United States (Biden, and ex presidents as well, such as Trump) if it was as dangerous as you proclaim?

Listen, you know you're scraping the bottom of the barrel on evidence if you have to post BS Facebook stories with absolutely ZERO, and I mean ZERO, corroborating evidence. Also, you realize many of these stories are planted by foreign intelligence services, such as the Russian GRU, not to mention the possibility of the Chinese as well (the Russian disinformation has been proven, but China's involvement less so).
Again, there is plenty of evidence. I could wheel out my 35 year old cousin who DIED AFTER THE VACCINE, but that shouldn't be necessary.

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
The media *is* doing their job. The negative information on the COVID vaccine, 99% of it, is BS. It's proven over and over, again. If there was real data, the media would report it. Listen, the journalists and their families are many of those that have been vaccinated. You don't think they have a personal stake in whether that vaccine had deadly side effects? You think that they'd give it to the damn President of the United States (Biden, and ex presidents as well, such as Trump) if it was as dangerous as you proclaim?

Listen, you know you're scraping the bottom of the barrel on evidence if you have to post BS Facebook stories with absolutely ZERO, and I mean ZERO, corroborating evidence. Also, you realize many of these stories are planted by foreign intelligence services, such as the Russian GRU, not to mention the possibility of the Chinese as well (the Russian disinformation has been proven, but China's involvement less so).
Keep drinking the kool-Aid junior.


Drag Racing Champion
Again, there is plenty of evidence. I could wheel out my 35 year old cousin who DIED AFTER THE VACCINE, but that shouldn't be necessary.
You're stating that your 35 yr old cousin died due to the vaccine.... nothing else? This cousin (male or female?) had no other underlying conditions and had no other reason for cause of death? I mean, if you throw something like that out there, you gotta add more details. What did death certificate state as cause of death of your cousin?