The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion


The Fixer
"Working Together To Regain Trust" LOLOL
Sounds like a local TV news slogan. What they mean is regain control of the narrative.


Autocross Champion
Leslie Marshall is awful. Nothing more than a DNC talking point megaphone.

The thing is, someone who is her opposite would never be seen on MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, whatever. Fox News has lots of problems but they regularly give a voice to the opposition, and hire prominent Democrats as anchors and commentators. This is why they are #1 by a mile.


The Fixer



Autocross Champion
Since we were talking about how shitty the FDA is:

The FDA knew the shortage they were causing and knew what would happen, but proceeded to shut down Abbott.

This excerpt says it all:

"Now the president wants the Federal Trade Commission to search for evidence of price-gouging and House Democrats want testimony from formula manufacturers. How about investigating the FDA and letting people who are able to make baby formula feed hungry newborns?"


Autocross Champion
Also, signs are that despite higher interest rates, home prices are going to continue to climb, as Wall Street tries to turn America into a serfdom. Abbott looks to gain stock value despite the baby formula shortage, as they announced a stock buyback and used the money to reward shareholders instead of fixing the infrastructure that led to formula contamination. Isn't this why we have anti-trust laws? I know, you have to have a government that isn't corrupt to enforce them. Such garbage. And hot on the heels of the inability to feed babies or have shelter, comes the WEF to usher in the great reset, and save us.


The Fixer
The level of retardation on Twitter never ceases to amaze me. This country is too stupid to fix itself.
Not sure what you mean. Twitter is shining a light on the retardation of the Biden administration. The .gov is too corrupt to fix itself.


The Fixer


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Remember: a fucked up pos with the black sun that shoots up civilians in an american supermarket is BAD.

Nazis openly using nazi symbols such as the black sun in ukieland and committing war crimes against civilians for 8 years straight are resistance fighters. They are GOOD.
