The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
I paid into Medicare and FICA for 54 years and counting. People who want a free education ride haven't paid into a plan for that because there isn't one. K-12 education is already free.

So you understand how public funding of essential health care works when it benefits you, but get amnesia when it comes to public funded education? That's the most boomer thing you've ever said.

What about all those free loading k-12th graders? They didn't pay and they just expect an education. Oh wait, we need an educated workforce, that.... wait for it, pays taxes so others can get an education too. Our compulsory level of education has risen throughout our countries history. Would you be ok if you had only received a 6th grade education because your grandparents thought you were lazy and should figure out how to pay for your own education?

You should actually read up on the history of education in the US. It's time for public education to extend to college and trade schools.


Autocross Champion
So you understand how public funding of essential health care works when it benefits you, but get amnesia when it comes to public funded education? That's the most boomer thing you've ever said.

What about all those free loading k-12th graders? They didn't pay and they just expect an education. Oh wait, we need an educated workforce, that.... wait for it, pays taxes so others can get an education too. Our compulsory level of education has risen throughout our countries history. Would you be ok if you had only received a 6th grade education because your grandparents thought you were lazy and should figure out how to pay for your own education?

You should actually read up on the history of education in the US. It's time for public education to extend to college and trade schools.

Public funded education for K-12 comes via property taxes and bond issues. Not everyone pays into those. Sorry but Bernie won't be POTUS.


Autocross Champion
Public funded education for K-12 comes via property taxes and bond issues. Not everyone pays into those. Sorry but Bernie won't be POTUS.

You don't think everyone pays property taxes, either directly or indirectly?

I can assure you, our renters pay the mortgage and taxes on our old house that we kept as a rental.

Did you go to a private or public college? What year?


Autocross Champion
You don't think everyone pays property taxes, either directly or indirectly?

I can assure you, our renters pay the mortgage and taxes on our old house that we kept as a rental.

Did you go to a private or public college? What year?

It's still just rent to the renter. You as the property owner paid the taxes regardless of the fact that you based the rent on your taxes. I went to a public college to which I paid tuition and not on student loans.


Autocross Champion
It's still just rent to the renter. You as the property owner paid the taxes regardless of the fact that you based the rent on your taxes. I went to a public college to which I paid tuition and not on student loans.

BS, renters pay property taxes indirectly. That' s just a fact.

Ok, so you were fine with socialism for your education, which was far more heavily subsidized when you went to college, 70% of most public colleges funds came from the federal and state governments in the 60's and 70's vs 20 to 30% today. Again, your boomer is coming out. Your education was heavily subsidized with federal and state taxes, but since it was for you, it's ok. If we subsidized kids educations to the same or higher level today, that's socialism. The government also mandated that you receive a living wage when you were in college. You seem to be selectively against socialism. You like the socialism that benefits you, but not that benefits other people. Pretty much sums up the entire conservative platform today.

News flash, we've had a mixed economy, as does every other western democracy, for almost 100 years. We should be publicly funding the essential needs of society, i.e. education, criminal justice, corrections, health care, courts, infrastructure, etc... (scary socialism) and have free markets for commerce. Mixing the two leads to corruption, a noncompetitive workforce, and out of control costs for essential services.
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What Would Glenn Danzig Do
Providing government funded college has been proven by many countries to advance society as a whole. You solve so many problems by doing that, at the same time advancing your country as a whole. But boomers look at is as a handout which is why our country is so far behind and still dealing with mass homeless and crime issues.


Autocross Champion
Providing government funded college has been proven by many countries to advance society as a whole. You solve so many problems by doing that, at the same time advancing your country as a whole. But boomers look at is as a handout which is why our country is so far behind and still dealing with mass homeless and crime issues.

And boomers refuse to admit that they received a heavily subsidized educations, living wages, and trade training from companies themselves.
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Autocross Champion
You say "boomers" as though it's a derogatory term. I started my own business when I was 20 and have never relied on anyone except my customers who do have a choice.

So you built your own infrastructure and paid 100% of your college education without federal and state subsidies? I think not.


The Fixer
*works in healthcare*
*hopes you end up on ventilator*
*makes fun of the dead*
*opposing views should not have internet access*
*hates boomers*
*hates on small business owners*



Autocross Champion
*works in healthcare*
*hopes you end up on ventilator*
*makes fun of the dead*
*opposing views should not have internet access*
*hates boomers*
*hates on small business owners*

I'd make less money under a single payer system, so not sure your point. The pandemic shows why employer based health care is a terrible idea.
Hoping you end up on a ventilator and pointing out that you're ignoring experts and are more likely to end up on a ventilator aren't the same thing.
I made fun of him calling the pandemic a hoax, then dying from that hoax. Sorry, it's funny.
I didn't say you shouldn't have internet access, I said I supported you wanting to go off the internet.
Don't hate boomers, I don't like boomer acting like they did everything on their own.
I don't hate small business owners, I don't like small business owners acting like they did everything on their own. I especially don't understand small business owners supporting the GOP, who have done everything possible to give large corporations massive advantages over small businesses and bailout large businesses at the expense of small businesses.

Populist nonsense, like your post, is destroying the country. Your posts are the Alex Jones of the mk7 forums.


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
I just can't help but laugh at the "I dID iT aLl mUHseLF" people. Can't facepalm hard enough. Fast forward to 2020 and it's much much more exaggerated.



Autocross Champion
College shouldn't be for profit.

It's ludicrous that they've figured out how to make a generation of debtors before people even come out the gate.

It used to be that a home was the first thing you would take on true debt for. And that increased in value as you paid it down. Now people come out of college, some with completely worthless degrees, already owing 100 grand(or a lot more).

For profit medicine is even worse.(not talking about elective or cosmetic procedures)

In the name of almighty capitalism we've allowed corporations to literally commoditize life and death. Want to live 6-9 more horrible months? Don't worry there's a company that will sell you false hope and platinum chemotherapy to make sure they get every last drop(of your cash) when they wring you out.

When Jonas Salk was asked why he didn't patent the vaccine for Polio he said:

"Could you patent the Sun?"


What happened to the memes?
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Autocross Champion
I got a friend that's soooo against socialism, it's hilarious. He went to a military school during his high school years, that his parents paid for. He graduated from a college, that his parents paid for. He went to a christian law school, that his parents paid for. For the last 11-12 years he's been living in a house more expensive than any house my parents have ever bought, pool, 3 car garage, 4 bedroom, 3 bathrooms, also paid for by his parents. I've seen him go through 5 BMWs in that time and one of those was a E90 M3. I know for sure 4 of those BMWs were all paid for by his parents, I'm not sure about his new one. He had a couple small retail jobs in his early 20s, but up until a couple years ago he wasn't working either and his parents have been sending him money.