The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


The Fixer
Not brave, stupid.

Next week they'll wonder why they're going out of business, because half the population have been excluded as customers for understanding basic infectious disease principles.
Fake news. Places like this sell MORE because people support them. There is a shop in St. Simons, the guy has more signs like this, all handmade, have been viral, I was there a month ago. He's doing GREAT.


The Fixer
It happens. You're wife thought she married a man and ended up with a little boy.
You admittedly married a bear, so there's that.


Autocross Champion
It's not a photoshop, just a reallly poorly framed/positioned photograph.

Both Joe and Jill look like they are equal in depth from the camera from the other two, but jill is kind of in front of Jimmy who is slouching and Joe is WAY in front Rosalynn even though the way his right arm is positioned it looks like he is behind her.

Anyway, its the same tricks they use in the lord of the rings films to make Gandalf look so huge. Just... done by incompetence. I would fire the photographer.

"Obvious photoshop" was a poor choice of words, but more-so just conveying it looks like a horrible photoshop. And not just the forced perspective, but the lighting on Joe looks unnatural for the scene. Combined with the wide angle forced perspective, it makes it look like he's pasted in.


The Fixer


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Ah yes. Funny that I’ve most certainly proven my bravery and am quite free. In addition I’m fully vaccinated, yet I choose to socially distance and wear a mask anyway.

Then, there’s you.
It's zrickety's world, we're just living in it.

Careful about a real virus = fear
Careful about imaginary mask induced illness = FREEDOM


Autocross Champion
Ah yes. Funny that I’ve most certainly proven my bravery and am quite free. In addition I’m fully vaccinated, yet I choose to socially distance and wear a mask anyway.

Then, there’s you.
We all make poor choices here and there.