The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
Let's see how these 'no adverse reactions' stack up in the long 3 years from now.
You know everyone getting the jab is IN the clinical trial, right? Going on until 2023.
It's hard to believe someone can be so stupid as to no understand something as simple as that. And yet there are millions of those who think everything is fine and exactly how it should be.


Autocross Champion
Man it must suck being that stupid. Leave your Healthcare decisions up to someone competent asap. This isn't the only one you will fuck up.
I wouldn't know why don't you tell us what it's like to be so stupid.

The healthcare experts have no idea if there will be any long term problems from the vaccination for Covid.

Hell at this point they don't know if the vaccine will be a yearly shot.


Autocross Champion
Given the millions of vaccines given throughout the world, the number of serious side effects are pretty insignificant and again far less than the season flu shots
Pretty language for an ugly truth. "Pretty insignificant" is prep to drop a number, which no matter how low, will be in the thousands. This is the way we reduce people to numbers on a piece of paper.
You'd lose that bet. That is what clinical trials are for - in part to determine who shouldn't get the vaccine
Weird, the clinical trials have concluded I guess, and it has been determined that everyone should have the vaccine... also deaths are in the thousands. So what are clinical trails for again? Am I supposed to believe the risk management conclusion was to expect zero deaths from this vaccination? Come on... did clinical trials not determine people with hypertention, HBP, diabetes, or the other dozen pre-existing conditions should not get the vaccination then? Because those groups seem to be prime for death after getting the jab.

Man it must suck being that stupid.
You spending your Saturday night calling people stupid on the internet without an ounce of validation or information? Did you wake up today and decide you would contribute nothing to a conversation?


Autocross Champion
And that's exactly what I said about the expert's opinions and advice to evolve after learning more about the virus.

That's not what you said you fucking cunt.

Just finished watching a Jim Jeffrey's special.


Autocross Champion
That's not what you said you fucking cunt.

Just finished watching a Jim Jeffrey's special.
Yes it is. That's exactly what I said. don't know who that is.
Always with either an insult or calling someone a name. You're a child.


Autocross Champion
Yes, you get it. Explains why people are getting fungal and bacterial infections while the false positive test labels them as corona.

Dirty underwear is also full of bacteria. That's how people get saddle sores. There are people that won't wash their bike shorts for two or three rides.

I only use my mask once. Then I'll wash it...just like my underwear and bike shorts.


Autocross Champion
Let's see how these 'no adverse reactions' stack up in the long 3 years from now.
You know everyone getting the jab is IN the clinical trial, right? Going on until 2023.

But zero concern for the actual real possibility that those who've had Covid will have long-term organ damage, eh? Or let's see how many of the people that died from Covid fuckung rise from the fucking dead, you stupid cunt.

Again, apologies, but read that in an Australian accent and it's funnier for everyone else.
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Autocross Champion
Yes it is. That's exactly what I said. don't know who that is.
Always with either an insult or calling someone a name. You're a child.

No it isn't. Fuck you, stupid cunt.


Autocross Champion
Dirty underwear is also full of bacteria. That's how people get saddle sores. There are people that won't wash their bike shorts for two or three rides.

I only use my mask once. Then I'll wash it...just like my underwear and bike shorts.

Imagine being so dumb, you think people bring disgusting pigs is the fucking masks fault.


Autocross Champion
A 60 some year old with a chronic respiratory disease isn't getting the vaccine because he thinks, with no evidence other than zricky delusions, that it is unsafe.

The definition of stupidity. I didn't insult anyone, I made a factual observation.


Autocross Champion
I treat my masks like my clothing. As long as it touches my skin to where I can get oils and sweat on it...I won't wear it again till I wash it. I can't imagine wearing the same mask multiple times without washing it or if its a disposable...not throwing it out for a new one.


Autocross Champion
Bro, this is beyond the pale.

Take it down a few.

It's not that bad if you do it in an Australian voice.

And seriously, cunt is where we draw the line? It wasn't twat waffle, fuck yourself with razor blades, etc... it's cunt? Come on.