The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion


Autocross Champion
For those who see themselves as the left (although from what I've seen, there are no true leftists in this thread), you have an opportunity to apply yourselves beyond silly arguments in this thread.

Read up on the recent developments at Lay's, the huge chips producer. Read about the inhumane working conditions the monster subjects its workers to. Read about record profits in 2020. And remember that Lay's is owned by Pepsi.

Boycot all Pepsi products in solidarity with the workers that are being thrown crumbs from the table of the shareholders and investors. The latter are parasites that feed off of human suffering. Make the parasites realize that their pockets are not invincible.


Autocross Champion
Statistically, I have a greater chance of making them seriously ill from numerous other infections than covid. But, no one seems to care about that.

Name 3 infections your statistically more likely to make them seriously ill with.



Autocross Champion
Name 3 infections your statistically more likely to make them seriously ill with.


Bacterial pneumonia, viral (non-covid related) pneumonia, flu. All significantly more likely to develop severe symptoms than covid in someone vaccinated.


Autocross Champion
Bacterial pneumonia, viral (non-covid related) pneumonia, flu. All significantly more likely to develop severe symptoms than covid in someone vaccinated.

Wrong on all 3.

Try again. The first two are much lower prevalence than covid 19, and flu has a much lower prevalence
and mortality rate.

Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
The couple that started one of the California fires last year is is facing eight felony and 22 misdemeanor counts, including one felony count of involuntary manslaughter.

Maybe zricky can be charged with a felony when it comes to light that some poor guy listened to him and died of COVID because they didn't get vaccinated. At this point, zricky is shouting "fire" in a crowded movie theater without there being a fire.

I don't often agree with the Biden administration but in this case I do believe that misinformation can kill.
This is some of the dumbest shit I have read in a while. You sir have raised the bar!


The Fixer
I suspected you were behind the below title:

Local Clown Makes Clever Points With Thread Titles​

Wrong. I'm not above making fun of myself for the betterment of the thread.


The Fixer
Correlation and coincidence already mean the same thing, the words are literal synonyms. Nothing more to it than that.
LOLOLOL go back to grade school


The Fixer


The Fixer
A+ thread title @jay745
Kids these days, amirite?


Autocross Champion
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The Fixer

Correlation: things may be related. The relationship is not cause and effect.

Coincidence: things occur at the same time, they are not necessarily related.