The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
So the generation that comes up with a new gender every week and cancels anyone remotely "controversial" isn't soft?

Laughs in Dixie Chick and Liz Cheney.

You motherfuckers, and by that I mean conservatives, make millennials look like amateurs when it comes to canceling. You dumb fucks canceled the GOP and turned it into the abomination it is right now, because a lifelong con man told you Mexicans were to blame for all your problems.

You should be embarrassed, but you've all doubled down on Trumpism. It's embarrassing. I do love that you're now killing each other off through stupidity now. Honestly, it was the only possible outcome and conservatives leaders and pundits led you idiots off the cliff, but you're owning the libs, so rock idiots.


Autocross Champion

I hope he gets the chance to run in '24. The country needs him.

Rand Paul is a moron. You're a bigger moron for liking him. You part of the Ted Cruz fan club too?
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Autocross Champion
Laughs in Dixie Chick and Liz Cheney.

You motherfuckers, and by that I mean conservatives, make millennials look like amateurs when it comes to canceling. You dumb fucks canceled the GOP and turned it into the abomination it is right now, because a lifelong con man told you Mexicans were to blame for all your problems.

You should be embarrassed, but you've all doubled down on Trumpism. It's embarrassing. I do love that you're now killing each other off through stupidity now. Honestly, it was the only possible outcome and conservatives leaders and pundits led you idiots off the cliff, but you're owning the libs, so rock idiots.

You sure have an odd infatuation with seeing people die for someone who works at a hospital. Candidates backed by Trump aren't even winning nominations. Calm your sensitive ass down.


Autocross Champion
Rand Paul is a moron. You're a bigger moron for liking him. You part of the Ted Cruz fan club too?

Coming from the moron who wants to defund police but has them on speed dial the second someone says something mean on the internet. The same moron who thought Obama banned GOF. The same moron who didn't know ventilators can cause organ failure. STFU.

No I'm not a Ted Cruz fan.


Autocross Champion
Coming from the moron who wants to defund police but has them on speed dial the second someone says something mean on the internet. The same moron who thought Obama banned GOF. The same moron who didn't know ventilators can cause organ failure. STFU.

No I'm not a Ted Cruz fan.

I've never advocated defunding the police, I've said I want police to stop brutalizing people and stop using police as mental health counselors and social services. But I get it, you like police brutality and a massive police state.

I'm fully aware improper use of ventilators causes lung damage, proper use of a ventilator doesn't, and it certainly isn't causing kidney, heart, and liver damage, which covid is, neither is there any indication improper ventilator use is what killed covid patients. Hemodynamic compromise and organ damage make intubation risky, but that isn't the intubation causing organ damage. Even something like CVC isn't caused by being incubated, it's, a complication due to hemodynamic instability. You said ventilators caused the death of a specific patient, which isn't true based on all the available information. I've incubated hundreds of patients, how many have you incubated? Fucking ass clown.

All you have are strawman arguments.

You do sound just like Ted Cruz.
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Autocross Champion
Me and Mrs Mud.....our 1st TV we were give a old 19" B&W from friends who thought we should at least have a TV since it was the mid 80's. The B&W sound went out while we were watching Shaft (Richard Roundtree) we spent the rest of it just singing the song (shut your mouth!). It was our 7th anniversary when we bought a real TV (early 90's).
When we got the real TV
I told friends "Hey, I got a new TV"
Them "what kind?"
Me "color!" ......They weren't impressed

I'm still on a used TV and we only have one but I have one good stereo and several OK ones

What did you do with your horse when you got your first car in the 80's? 😂


Autocross Champion
Laughs in Dixie Chick and Liz Cheney.

You motherfuckers, and by that I mean conservatives, make millennials look like amateurs when it comes to canceling. You dumb fucks canceled the GOP and turned it into the abomination it is right now, because a lifelong con man told you Mexicans were to blame for all your problems.

You should be embarrassed, but you've all doubled down on Trumpism. It's embarrassing. I do love that you're now killing each other off through stupidity now. Honestly, it was the only possible outcome and conservatives leaders and pundits led you idiots off the cliff, but you're owning the libs, so rock idiots.
Labeling all conservatives as mother fuckers shows how biased you are.