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Autocross Champion
The problem sits in the data provided that disputes the majority. Just because the majority says it is so does not mean it is, that is a slippery slope to walk on.

Example, the vaccine means you cannot get sick, no need to wear a mask and you can hug your kids and grandparents again.

Exactly. The majority agreed the initial polio vaccine was safe, yet they were eventually proven wrong.

Some people act as if we haven't been down this road before. It has happened and can happen again.


Autocross Champion
This is a very good example.

It turns out the vaccine isn't going to take us back to business as usual. To many people though, this means the vaccine is totally ineffective and we've been being lied to this whole time.

If they were wrong about what the vaccine could accomplish, why is it unrealistic to feel there are other things they could be wrong about as well... Especially when there's ample evidence to suggest so.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Wrong. A lot of it has to do with the food we eat (good food is very expensive) and the lives we lead (after getting all energy drained by bosses at work it's hard to get up and exercuse).

The easiest thing in the world is remaining sedentary and eating unhealthy food, unfortunately. And so many Americans live in food deserts, making the issue worse. The average person in a large city has easy access to all the freshest food, but their counterpart in BFE, Wyoming? Not so much.
Getting the right food is a different issue, but at least any able-bodied person can lead a relatively active lifestyle. But like you say, the only real obstacle is motivation, or lack thereof. The risk of heart disease should be enough motivation, but most people don't get too motivated by something that can be decades down the road.


Autocross Champion

Immunization expert: ‘Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others’​

He went on to say: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others. It’s proven in Israel now – I’m in contact with many physicians in Israel – they’re having big problems, severe cases in the hospitals are among vaccinated people, and in UK also, you have the larger vaccination program and also there are problems.”

Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations. We are opening more and more COVID branches. The effectiveness of vaccines is declining or disappearing.”


Autocross Champion
The easiest thing in the world is remaining sedentary and eating unhealthy food, unfortunately. And so many Americans live in food deserts, making the issue worse. The average person in a large city has easy access to all the freshest food, but their counterpart in BFE, Wyoming? Not so much.
Getting the right food is a different issue, but at least any able-bodied person can lead a relatively active lifestyle. But like you say, the only real obstacle is motivation, or lack thereof. The risk of heart disease should be enough motivation, but most people don't get too motivated by something that can be decades down the road.

I think the main obstacle is money. Easy access to food at Walmart is not the same as easy access to quality food at Whole Foods.
I don't blame regular working people trying to save for retirement, college for kids, paying off loans and bills, etc. for not having the motivation to exercise when their every day is filled with tasks and chores that leave no time for themselves. Motivation can go only so far.


Autocross Champion
You are not completely wrong with that, however the death rates between vaccd/unvaccd makes it a no brainer choice for me.

That's all it's about. The vaccinated couldn't care less about the negative impact they're having on spread and mutations. It's all about their own personal illusion of protection.


Autocross Champion
I think the main obstacle is money. Easy access to food at Walmart is not the same as easy access to quality food at Whole Foods.
I don't blame regular working people trying to save for retirement, college for kids, paying off loans and bills, etc. for not having the motivation to exercise when their every day is filled with tasks and chores that leave no time for themselves. Motivation can go only so far.

Definitely agree with you there. This 40+/wk ratrace that we're stuck in leaves a lot of us feeling completely drained at the end of each workday.


Autocross Champion
I think the main obstacle is money. Easy access to food at Walmart is not the same as easy access to quality food at Whole Foods.
I don't blame regular working people trying to save for retirement, college for kids, paying off loans and bills, etc. for not having the motivation to exercise when their every day is filled with tasks and chores that leave no time for themselves. Motivation can go only so far.

$500/year increase to eat healthy according to But, I don't think they accounted for beverages. Getting a water filtration system and nixing all soda's would easily eliminate that $500 increase.

I think will power is the obstacle here, not money. We live in a soft society.


Autocross Champion
10,000 migrants under a can no longer fly drones in the area.

This is not true. The Media may obtain a SGI COW to operate UAS within this TFR. It’s no different than the procedure to access and operate UAS immediately after a disastrous hurricane.

edit: To add to this. There is likely heavy air traffic/patrols from LEO agencies in that area and the vast amount of people described to be there attributes to this TFR being placed.
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Escape Hatch

Autocross Champion
Definitely agree with you there. This 40+/wk ratrace that we're stuck in leaves a lot of us feeling completely drained at the end of each workday.
This is why you work out in the morning before work.


Autocross Champion
This is not true. The Media may obtain a SGI COW to operate UAS within this TFR. It’s no different than the procedure to access and operate UAS immediately after a disastrous hurricane.

But Zrickety wants it to be true, so that supersedes your facts.
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