The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
You wanna talk Scamdemic - let's talk what's going on in my province. We can't walk outside with people outside of our household. We have not been able to get haircuts since October. I have friends that are physicians that have not been able to get vaccinated yet, and they work the ER. I went for a drive down Queen street - one of the trendier streets in Toronto, and over 60% of stores have papers covering their windows and have been closed down. My friend who works for a company that owns banquet halls, clubs and other entertainment venues used to have a workforce of 2200 staff, they are down to 30 now.

This has been sheer incompetence at every single level of government. This will be felt for decades through mental health, suicidies, an increased taxes, which in my opinion are already too high to begin with.

However you may feel about what is going on in America, at least you have some sort of semblance of normal lives. We are not allowed to leave our houses, yet multiple flights touch down in Toronto from countries where the different variants are originating from.


Autocross Champion
You wanna talk Scamdemic - let's talk what's going on in my province. We can't walk outside with people outside of our household. We have not been able to get haircuts since October. I have friends that are physicians that have not been able to get vaccinated yet, and they work the ER. I went for a drive down Queen street - one of the trendier streets in Toronto, and over 60% of stores have papers covering their windows and have been closed down. My friend who works for a company that owns banquet halls, clubs and other entertainment venues used to have a workforce of 2200 staff, they are down to 30 now.

This has been sheer incompetence at every single level of government. This will be felt for decades through mental health, suicidies, an increased taxes, which in my opinion are already too high to begin with.

However you may feel about what is going on in America, at least you have some sort of semblance of normal lives. We are not allowed to leave our houses, yet multiple flights touch down in Toronto from countries where the different variants are originating from.
That's crazy.

If people would just wear masks and avoid large crowds, like grownups, none of this would have been an issue.

The issue is people like Ricky have always existed, whether it the the plague, ebola, Spanish flu, lead, cigarettes, asbestos, etc.... They don't understand basic science, and I'm sure Ricky's parents thought they had a God given right to lead paint, based on his posts in this thread.

TLDR - Stupid people are why we can't have nice things.

And bolded. I knew ewed mess up eventually. 😉


Autocross Champion
While that certainly explains your actions, it does not excuse them. 😋
Lol. Is this a tribunal that I need to have my actions excused? No, it's a shit show full of fake warriors of light. They hate their faces being poked in their own puddles of piss.


Autocross Champion
You wanna talk Scamdemic - let's talk what's going on in my province. We can't walk outside with people outside of our household. We have not been able to get haircuts since October. I have friends that are physicians that have not been able to get vaccinated yet, and they work the ER. I went for a drive down Queen street - one of the trendier streets in Toronto, and over 60% of stores have papers covering their windows and have been closed down. My friend who works for a company that owns banquet halls, clubs and other entertainment venues used to have a workforce of 2200 staff, they are down to 30 now.

This has been sheer incompetence at every single level of government. This will be felt for decades through mental health, suicidies, an increased taxes, which in my opinion are already too high to begin with.

However you may feel about what is going on in America, at least you have some sort of semblance of normal lives. We are not allowed to leave our houses, yet multiple flights touch down in Toronto from countries where the different variants are originating from.
Absolutely. The US is no different in that respect. Incompetence and never ending lies.


You wanna talk Scamdemic - let's talk what's going on in my province. We can't walk outside with people outside of our household. We have not been able to get haircuts since October. I have friends that are physicians that have not been able to get vaccinated yet, and they work the ER. I went for a drive down Queen street - one of the trendier streets in Toronto, and over 60% of stores have papers covering their windows and have been closed down. My friend who works for a company that owns banquet halls, clubs and other entertainment venues used to have a workforce of 2200 staff, they are down to 30 now.

This has been sheer incompetence at every single level of government. This will be felt for decades through mental health, suicidies, an increased taxes, which in my opinion are already too high to begin with.

However you may feel about what is going on in America, at least you have some sort of semblance of normal lives. We are not allowed to leave our houses, yet multiple flights touch down in Toronto from countries where the different variants are originating from.
Very similar to what is going on in Europe.


Autocross Champion
That's crazy.

If people would just wear masks and avoid large crowds, like grownups, none of this would have been an issue.

The issue is people like Ricky have always existed, whether it the the plague, ebola, Spanish flu, lead, cigarettes, asbestos, etc.... They don't understand basic science, and I'm sure Ricky's parents thought they had a God given right to lead paint, based on his posts in this thread.

TLDR - Stupid people are why we can't have nice things.

And bolded. I knew ewed mess up eventually. 😉
That was a typo - nevertheless, well played.

Honestly, the biggest issue are the transmissions in distribution centres, meat packing plants etc... They should force those people to wear n95 masks if they work there.

Also, the stance that the people have on the government is like the boy who cried wolf. When this began last year, everyone followed it seriously. After semi openings, then closings, then openings, lack of vaccines, lack of leadership, lack of supporting data; people lost faith and stopped giving a fuck.

My mom went for a test on Thursday, she still does not have results.

Ifn the private sector, this level of incompetence would not be tolerated; people would have been fired ten times over.


Autocross Champion
That was a typo - nevertheless, well played.

Honestly, the biggest issue are the transmissions in distribution centres, meat packing plants etc... They should force those people to wear n95 masks if they work there.

Also, the stance that the people have on the government is like the boy who cried wolf. When this began last year, everyone followed it seriously. After semi openings, then closings, then openings, lack of vaccines, lack of leadership, lack of supporting data; people lost faith and stopped giving a fuck.

My mom went for a test on Thursday, she still does not have results.

Ifn the private sector, this level of incompetence would not be tolerated; people would have been fired ten times over.
I think you're overestimating the private sector, but incompetence sucks either way.
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Autocross Champion
That was a typo - nevertheless, well played.

Honestly, the biggest issue are the transmissions in distribution centres, meat packing plants etc... They should force those people to wear n95 masks if they work there.

Also, the stance that the people have on the government is like the boy who cried wolf. When this began last year, everyone followed it seriously. After semi openings, then closings, then openings, lack of vaccines, lack of leadership, lack of supporting data; people lost faith and stopped giving a fuck.

My mom went for a test on Thursday, she still does not have results.

Ifn the private sector, this level of incompetence would not be tolerated; people would have been fired ten times over.
You should have just claimed "suicidies" was the correct spelling in Canadian english, no one would be the wiser. I mean, look how you spell "centres". My dad did that after he moved to America and started high school; anytime a teacher marked a spelling error he would just say "oh sorry, that's the British spelling of that word" and they would never call his bluff.


Autocross Champion
Lol. Is this a tribunal that I need to have my actions excused? No, it's a shit show full of fake warriors of light. They hate their faces being poked in their own puddles of piss.

That line is from Trainspotting.

Your response tells me you're taking the SCAMdemic too seriously though. 😋


Autocross Champion
Anyone have any tyre recommendations?


Autocross Champion

That line is from Trainspotting.

Your response tells me you're taking the SCAMdemic too seriously though. 😋
Lol yeah, I should have just laughed off being called a white privileged racist kluxer, etc. The same way the warriors of light laugh off when they are called hypocritical retards. Oh, wait...