The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


The Fixer
Source? Name of the program? Same thing I asked like 10 pages ago. This is your chance, convert me to your way of thinking. All you have to do is substantiate your claim!
I'm not an illegal alien...I don't know the specifics. But I do know the programs exist. Try doing a google search yourself, I've tried spoon feeding you guys real information and all I get is disdain and disbelief. You think these people jump the wall with no plan? Are they all harvesting produce on random farms? No. They are in every industry.


Autocross Champion
Bro, they're taking farm jobs that pay by the bushel. It’s super hard labor.

They're cleaning offices and hotels.

Are these jobs you're looking for cause I'm confused.

Legal immigrants take many more "American" jobs because people here don't get degrees in math and (non social) sciences.


Autocross Champion
I'm not an illegal alien...I don't know the specifics. But I do know the programs exist. Try doing a google search yourself, I've tried spoon feeding you guys real information and all I get is disdain and disbelief. You think these people jump the wall with no plan? Are they all harvesting produce on random farms? No. They are in every industry.

This must be that liberal propaganda you were speaking of?


Autocross Champion
There is a good point in that america is actually one of the more relaxed countries when it comes to illegal immigration, yet we get the most flack about how tough it is. Its because there are so many crossing in illegally by the bushel.
Same goes to how america harbors people of everg race and culture, yet AMERICA is the racist pig


Autocross Champion
Nah america isnt the racist pig, the racists that are apparently 30-40% of the population are.

I'll say it again, all trump supporters are racists. Even and probably especially the minorities that support him.


Autocross Champion
Nah america isnt the racist pig, the racists that are apparently 30-40% of the population are.

I'll say it again, all trump supporters are racists. Even and probably especially the minorities that support him.

I wouldn’t say all of them. There are some that simply vote for him because he is the Republican representative and they are bible thumpers that can’t vote anything else because that would be saying gay marriage and abortions are okay in their mind.


Autocross Champion
I wouldn’t say all of them. There are some that simply vote for him because he is the Republican representative and they are bible thumpers that can’t vote anything else because that would be saying gay marriage and abortions are okay in their mind.

Like my father-in-law?


Oh, and he is a racist too.


Autocross Champion
Nah america isnt the racist pig, the racists that are apparently 30-40% of the population are.

I'll say it again, all trump supporters are racists. Even and probably especially the minorities that support him.
Respectfully disagree. Many voted for him as an alternative to hillary and many will as an alternative to biden - just as many will vote for biden as ana alternative to trump. That doesnt make you a socialist even if biden is one.


Autocross Champion
This is actually true. They get immunity from many of our laws because of their undocumented status. Democrats fight for them to stay here, when they should be on the first bus back to their homeland. They get some kind of medicaid and x dollars a month, I know this is true. There are similar programs for American citizens but many never qualify. For the illegals, it's essentially automatic benefits. It's messed up.

A new bench mark for stupid comments.

Show a source for the claim that illegals are eligible for Medicaid.
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Autocross Champion
Im am odd ball. If you made me vote simply on social issues that should really have little to do with politics, i could be in the middle or liberal. If you made me vote based on things like amount of state vs federal power, or trade, etc, i might be center or republican.

But of course both sides and either way i vote have major unwanted implications. Hate to say im not voting this round, halfway cause i moved and have registered yet but also just cant stand for either or against either enough to vote. The system is broken.


Autocross Champion
A new bench mark for stupid comments.

Show a source for the claim that illegals are eligible for Medicaid.
To piggyback on this, can illegals vote?? Why would you fight so much for illegals when they cant even vote for yoy, vecause they are undocumented?


Autocross Champion
So can I just walk onto the Google campus and take an empty office? I mean I'm just seeking an opportunity, right?
There are laws. You can't just cross a border and a set up shop. Try doing that in Europe and watch how quickly they lock you up and or deport you. Most countries are not so benevolent.

No one can walk into Google and take up an office.

If someone that can't speak English and has no formal job training can take your job, you're the problem. You're a lazy pos that didn't plan for your future.

And you blame democrats, but do ignore corporate farms and companies, owned by conservatives are doing the hiring of these illegals.

Twisted world view for sure. It's almost like you can't tell when you're being conned.


Autocross Champion
To piggyback on this, can illegals vote?? Why would you fight so much for illegals when they cant even vote for yoy, vecause they are undocumented?

I'm not sure who your question is for? They can't vote nationally, though a few areas allow all people living in a community to vote for certain local representation.

I don't think anyone is "fighting for" illegal aliens, people are fighting for a functional immigration system and basic human rights.


Autocross Champion
Fuckin hilarious when people call biden a socialist.

It's like calling someone who likes to eat meat a cannibal


The Fixer
I'll say it again, all trump supporters are racists. Even and probably especially the minorities that support him.
You are completely looney tunes. How are minorities racist? Unless you mean against white people??