The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Autocross Champion
I guess since anybody on here who leans to the conservative side is a crazy Trump supporter the we can assume any of you leaning left is a crazy Antifa supporter and puts on a mask running around with baseball bats smashing and looting because they are "protesting".

Why aren't you anti fascist?
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Go Kart Champion
Oh yea they are "protesting" against fascism, now who is living in an alternate reality.


The Fixer
Who? Tolerating someone does not necessarily mean you respect them. Take for example you and Jim over there. The rest of the world tolerates you, but few actually respect. Does that make sense, or should we break out the crayons?


Autocross Champion
I guess since anybody on here who leans to the conservative side is a crazy Trump supporter the we can assume any of you leaning left is a crazy Antifa supporter and puts on a mask running around with baseball bats smashing and looting because they are "protesting".

Play nighttime games, win nighttime prizes.



I flip flop in the middle based on the issue. I’ve had a problem with the crazy left as much as the crazy right for years.
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Autocross Champion
Depends - I'd be willing to bet money that the plumber and electrician carry licenses and insurance, which are key indicators that they'll be filling taxes and are openly reporting they are a business.

Does your cleaning lady carry a city issued business license?

I don't know and I don't know if the plumber or electrician do either. The city of Phoenix doesn't require a business license for cleaning services.


Autocross Champion
But like I already said, it isn't free for anyone, some don't pay their bill and anyone can not pay their hospital bill.

Yes a legal citizen can get hospital treatment just like the illegal person. But if the legal citizen has any assets you can bet the hospital is going after them. They can't find the illegal person to try and collect.


Autocross Champion
Who? Tolerating someone does not necessarily mean you respect them. Take for example you and Jim over there. The rest of the world tolerates you, but few actually respect. Does that make sense, or should we break out the crayons?

You have no idea if I'm respected. Foolish assumption. I am very much respected by the pharmacy I'm contracted to deliver for. Friends and family and over 150 people I have employed at businesses I owned over the years.


Autocross Champion
You have no idea if I'm respected. Foolish assumption. I am very much respected by the pharmacy I'm contracted to deliver for. Friends and family and over 150 people I have employed at businesses I owned over the years.

What ever helps you sleep at night.


Go Kart Champion
I like what I just heard someone say which this thread perfectly demonstrates "if you don't agree with me you must be evil".


Autocross Champion
I like what I just heard someone say which this thread perfectly demonstrates "if you don't agree with me you must be evil".
Dude, no.

Read the posts.

One side is clearly insane. Or hypocritical.

The other side might be slightly too mean.

Come on man.
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Autocross Champion
Wait a minute.....are you fucking kidding us? After all the bullshit you've spewed about illegals you're now saying an illegal comes in your home to clean it? And you're paying them cash non taxed.

Holy fucking shit.

Can't make this shit up folks.

Jim, you've got serious problems.
You must have missed it pages ago when he said his favorite car wash got shut down when they fired all the illegals...