The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


The Fixer
Lincoln himself wrote that he'd keep slavery if it meant maintaining the union. He was only mildly bothered by slavery. The nonsense that he was was going abolish slavery was just a bunch of southern zrickety's spreading fake news to incite war.
I'm everywhere in the timeline!!


The Fixer
No it's not. Your a dipshit that lies about being a paramedic or you'd know the difference.
I could show you my expired license, but this is the internet. You'll scream 'deep fake' and throw more 6th grade insults at me.


Autocross Champion
I suppose washing hands when your not sick is Munchausen's in your professional opinion too. 🙄

How about sunscreen and hats, is that Munchausen's too? I don't have skin cancer, so why should I wear them?

I actually hope you're really trolling, because if you aren't, you're a danger to yourself and society.


Autocross Champion
I could show you my expired license, but this is the internet. You'll scream 'deep fake' and throw more 6th grade insults at me.

Well yeah. I'd open it up in Photoshop and see 17 layers. GTFO here with your obvious fake.


Autocross Champion
Anecdotal evidence. I will admit I don't have the coroner's signature, but when enough people say the sky is falling you should probably look up.
Not when it's these people...

It's a weird prejudice, but I just trust people more when they still have most of their teeth.


Autocross Champion
Anecdotal evidence. I will admit I don't have the coroner's signature, but when enough people say the sky is falling you should probably look up.

Leave it to you to not understand a children's story.


Autocross Champion
Lincoln himself wrote that he'd keep slavery if it meant maintaining the union. He was only mildly bothered by slavery. The nonsense that he was was going abolish slavery was just a bunch of southern zrickety's spreading fake news to incite war.
Exactly. Fuck Lincoln. It was the free black folks and a ton of people in the north that forced the proclamation. Lincoln’s bitch ass had no choice the second republicans started pushing on the subject too

fuck that bearded bitch

like I said many pages ago. Cant learn American history in one of its text books. It’s as if zrick wrote and recorded history


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
if you used it and have LOTS of memories you need to stop smoking ditch weed.


I've mentioned b4 I've been sober for quite a while. I did keep a gag gift of a ceramic pipe that you put the weed in Reagan's Ass and smoke out his head.
Pffft no ditch here
I'm really enjoying watching Jay turn into zrick when deep dish casserole comes up. Ignoring evidence, outlandish claims, hopeless devotion to something with no redeeming qualities...

Deep dish is the Trump of pizza. Sloppy, doughy, gross, and unpleasant, but strangely appealing to people with poor taste and judgement.
I'm starting to understand how trumpers feel...surrounded by idiots, knowing I'm right. Getting insulted by window lickers who put mayo on a grilled cheese. The irony.


Autocross Champion
Deepdish is pizza. Its the same no katter if you get thin crust. Pan, fire oven, its pizza.

Just like whether you vote for trump or biden. You are gonna get raped by the government


The Fixer
No democrat gave marching orders towards any violence. Let alone a coup
Maxine Walters did implicitly early on in Trump's term.