The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


The Fixer
Because they don't have as many morons refusing to follow public health guidelines.
Morons are equally dispersed across the world.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
The fact that they reopened schools today, vs. the US opening schools 6 - 7 months ago already shows they have a better understanding and pandemic control than the US.
I don't know about other locations but in AZ they reopened and then closed schools a few times.


Autocross Champion
NASA found a GTI on Mars, someone tell @IanCH
Impossible to fake...
View attachment 204089

Holy shit!! What is that?!!?


It's the $500 you owe everybody!! What's it doing on Mars?!?!


Autocross Champion
I don't know about other locations but in AZ they reopened and then closed schools a few times.

Which just goes to show that schools should have just remained closed the entire time.


Autocross Champion
Which just goes to show that schools should have just remained closed the entire time.
Agreed. Plus the decision as to whether be open or not was left up to the individual school districts. They still wear masks in school as they should.


Autocross Champion
wasn't it March 3/5th he was going to pay up? Remember the same date Vegas pays...

Post 21,504
Page 1434 (on MK6 forum)

The guys asking for money... Vegas pays out in March. There is evidence of fraud, which Arizona famously released one hour after Joe's inauguration. Evidence in every battle ground state.
We should call it even.
The Spanish flu started here at a military base... Why at a military base? Well we know our government uses them as guinea pigs.
Millions don't have to die to achieve herd immunity, it's a natural term that has nothing to do with vaccines. It depends on the health of the population. Virus or no, the weak die off and the healthy survive. That's always how it goes. Makes the species stronger. Mothers transfer antibodies through breast milk. Darwin went over this in detail, though many of his theories are flawed.
The flu shot is worthless, single digit efficacy. Military reports it makes people more susceptible to getting sick. Look at the ingredients, one of them literally mutagenic poison.
I have more anecdotal evidence GTIfan won't like... My co workers got the COVID vaccine 8 days ago. The other tech got really sick yesterday, fever, fatigue, looks terrible. A nursing home wouldn't let him deliver. It may just be the flu, but it could be the Rona and it's ironic he is in the incubation period after the shot. He's going to get tested today. My Dad is also in the hospital right now, heart failure and COPD. He has been more fatigued after he got the shot recently.

It’s even in his mind


The Fixer
I don't know about other locations but in AZ they reopened and then closed schools a few times.
Schools are still closed here...except for the private school. Have not heard any ETA of when they might open.