The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Drag Racing Champion
The science I read says you are better protected from Delta and ALL variants if you had COVID already.
You can agree to disagree, but I am probably exposed regularly since I NEVER wear a mask.
Welp, I'd be interested in what "science" you're referencing. Some of the stuff I've read, of course, is not really science. Again, I'd look for anything you have that is peer reviewed. If you find it, lmk.

Also, I understand you aren't changing your mind... at least not now. Georgia is not the best, nor is it the worst state for COVID transmission. You may luck out, but because you're not vaccinated and you do not wear a mask... and you have a spouse in healthcare, I'm betting that you'll likely get COVID Delta in the next 6 months. Hopefully you prove me wrong and you don't get it. Based on your circumstances, though, and given that you're likely at the end of your effective natural immunity.... I'm betting you get Delta in 6 months (if you continue to resist being vaccinated, of course).
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Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Most of the discussion here has been focused on the moderna and pfizer vaccines; what are the thoughts on the johnson and johnson vaccine? Safe because no protein spike, or deadly af because 6 people died from TTS (of the almost 7 million that took it)?

My buddy got the Johnson & Johnson No More Tears® vaccine for babies and he still cried. I think J&J is a sham.


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
We're still pretty far from the 2 year mark.

Even if you consider the scamdemic as beginning in Nov/Dec 2019 in China. 15 years to slow the spread began in the US in March of 2020.

Jus sayin. 😋


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
Did I *ask* you to reread my posts? No. So what's your point? Unreal told me that he had a post on the COVID vaccine from after I trashed MedRxIV (which deserved to be trashed). Then when I ask him to show me one of his links, he tells me to go find them, myself. So, apples and oranges. My response to you has nothing to do with my response to Unreal.
