Sounds like rotor grind?


Oval Champion
Riverside, CA
Not sure if this is something that anyone else has run into or not, but when I was taking off for work this morning, sounded like I was almost getting rotor grind when coming to a stop. It's only noticable when I have the radio off and right as I completely coming to a halt. Almost sounds like when you have pads that are wore out, and riding the rotors, if anyone knows what I mean. Seems to be coming from the front only & I only got 1200 miles on the car. I haven't noticed any score marks on the rotor and they still feel smooth to the touch. I guess what I'm asking is, am I being a freak about this, or is it something you guys would take in to have looked at? :help: Appreciate any thoughts or opinions here. Thanks.


Go Kart Newbie
Golf Sport
sounds familiar on mine. Nowt to worry about...think it maybe just a characteristic. Pads all fine, car worries! LOL.

Sounds louder if cold too. Just friction i guess.


Touring Car Champion
I know that if the rotors get wet (sitting outside in the rain) they will get 'flash rust', which will cause grinding noises the first time or two that you hit the brakes.
Check your brakes in the morning (or whenever you first get in your car to go somewhere) and look to see if the rotors are a little rusty looking. If they are, take note if they make the grinding sound. If they do and it stops after the first few stops, then it's nothing to worry about.
If the grinding keeps on through out the day, then you might have an issue.


Oval Champion
Riverside, CA
the_saint said:
I know that if the rotors get wet (sitting outside in the rain) they will get 'flash rust', which will cause grinding noises the first time or two that you hit the brakes.

I did wash the car last night (of course it's supposed to rain tonight!), and have noticed the rust @ other times, so I will listen on the way home tonight since they are clean now.

HotLanta MKfizzle

Formula 5000 Driver
Atlanta GA
after washing my car, i get the same thing until the rust get's knocked off... NO WORRIES... if it's cold sometimes the frost/ice that builds up on the rotors makes that noise too...once they warm up and get clean it's all good.


FIA GT Champion
Welcome to the issues of having open rims. The best is when a tiny pebble gets loged up in there. Sounds absolutely horrible....till it is ground loose.


Rally Car Newbie
loccusst said:
Welcome to the issues of having open rims.

So, aren't the rear of the rims open on all cars? There is no difference in brake rust or debris caused by the openess of the wheel design, unless you have solid covers (no vent holes),IMO.


Drag Racing Champion
Vienna, Syracuse
When i wash my porsche just rolling it back into the garage it sounds like a cat be mutilated. Literaly the roters on that rust up within minuts of the wash and really sound terrible untill all the rust is gone. This is pretty normal on a german car as the tolerences are tighter on the break calipers and other parts.


Oval Champion
Holy crap, my old Porsche sounded absolutely aweful once the rotors get heated up. Had to brake late and hard to reduce the sqeaking noise :mad:


Touring Car Champion
Cjeckert said:
When i wash my porsche just rolling it back into the garage it sounds like a cat be mutilated. Literaly the roters on that rust up within minuts of the wash and really sound terrible untill all the rust is gone. This is pretty normal on a german car as the tolerences are tighter on the break calipers and other parts.
It's normal on all cars. It was probably more noticeable on your Porsche because of the pads. The harder, more agressive the pad, the more it will chatter.

tighter tolerances, :bellyroll:


Rally Car Newbie
Cjeckert said:
This is pretty normal on a german car as the tolerences are tighter on the break calipers and other parts.

You will have to explain that comment. What tolerance? The clearance between the pad and the rotor? I would doubt that as all disc brakes are designed to have there pads just rub the rotor surface under no brake application. Wheel bearing tolerance? Again, I would doubt it. My 911 is no different than my GTI in these characteristics.