Colorize me


Passed Driver's Ed
I agree and disagree with everyone here. I am 18 and my dad bought me a car when i was 16 (same one i am driving now) for about 10K, but my parents are also divorced and they both work all the time and i use it mostly to drive to school and pick up and drop off my brothers. He pays for all of my shit but thats because most of the driving i do, benifits him and makes it so he doesnt have to drive. My reward for that is i get my own car that when i am not doing things for him i can go where ever i want. (it also comes in handy to carry stuff cause his car doesnt have that much cargo room, 2k6 mustang gt convertible fun as hell to drive around btw) but when i go to get my GTI, hopefully this december on winter break, i am paying for most of it. I am going to finance it and pay the monthy payments and if my dad feels like being nice and paying for some as a gift for xmas or something, he is more than welcome haha. But all in all, i dont think that if a parent buys his kid a car then is spoiling them. Sometimes the car benifits the parents as well.

but hey, thats just my 2 cents


FIA GT Champion
Orono, ME/Scarsdale, NY
2006 MKV GTI
Teknophreak said:
Ah, there it is. You deserve it for doing good in high school. Sorry, but your reward for doing well in school is the advantage it gives you going forward in life. Only my opinion, of course. Don't take my rant personally.
Proper grammar, its doing "well" in high school. Ok anyways i love in one of those "rich stuck of suburbs" and normally try and avoid conversatiosn like this. Sure, there are alot of spoild kids driving mercs, bmw, lexus ETC, but the parnets have the money and wanna splurge, sure it may not teach us the lesson of a $, but to be honest i think we get it anyways...


FIA World Rally Car Champion
Plano, Texas
Read the whole thing before you Judge me.

Wow. I was shocked to read some of the stuff on here. I know how both sides feel on this issue. My parents got a divorce when I was about 11 and the man that married my mom is a car fanatic. He is like a father to me, so I try to look up to him. He taught me to love cars, to appreciate them. I wash my car when it gets dirty no matter what the temp (live in Texas though lol). The interior stays clean. Avoid pot holes. Stay away from Semi's, etc. He taught me how to take care of a car.

My dad (step-father) was trading in another car when I was 14 and they offered him a great deal on a Firebird. So when I was 14 I had a brand new Firebird. Now I know that many of you are shaking your head in disgust and I understand that. In fact buying that car was dumb and stupid. We all know that now. It just sat there. Their plan was to keep it until I turned 15 and got my permit. I got so much shit for having it. People started calling me "rich boy" and pretty much hating me for my parents getting it. It was not fun to be receiving all of this anger and having to deal with being in High School for the first time. It was very stressful.

My fellow students all felt the same was as yall. So we sold it. Then they bought me a used Eclipse when I was about to get my permit. I thought that people would look at me as more along the lines as them. You know a "used" car. No! I was met with more anger. They were mad that I had another car. I was so anger at these people. What was I going to have to do to get them to like me? Was I going to have to ride the bus just so seniors wouldn't pick on me? Was I going to have to tell my parents that I did not want it because "people did not like it"? What the hell. Why should a great gift from a parent be met like this by the general population. Why should people be angry? If it were me, I would be congratulating the person as we do on here when we get a new member.

My parents I think knew that something was wrong. So they told me that they were offered a great deal on a Ford. Now my father negotiates for a living so we get cars for cost, nothing more. I was so fed up with people giving me shit, that I said to hell with it. I went out with my dad to Ford and we drove home in a Brand New 2002 Ford Mustang GT convertible. It was just about the nicest car in town. I felt that if people were going to harass me, at least I was going to enjoy the ride.

I was immediately met with a different feeling by people. They no longer wanted to harass me. They wanted rides. I was amazed. But my mother told me that I could not give anyone rides, and I listen to my parents. I know that they do a lot for me so the least I could do is do what they say. Once people found out that I would not give rides, they thought that I was an arrogant prick. They thought that I felt like I was too good for them. I was met again with hatred. It was a battle that I could not win.

This story can go on because after this car I had 2 pickups, and another car, before my GTI. Yeah I am a spoiled prick. I know that that is how people feel and I understand. I want you all to know that I completely understand. I have had to deal with this for a very long time, and I have come to understand something. People hate it when someone gets something. They hate it when someone is given something without them having to work for it.

I look up to my friends. I have two friends right now that have been working their butts off so that they can buy new cars. I hate myself every single time that I drive up to see them. I hate it when the complement me on the car. If I could, I would go out and buy them any car they want right now, because they deserve it. They deserve it far more than someone like me.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I know why you hate kids who drive BMW's and Merc's. I was offered 2 BMW’s in fact. I turned them down. Not because I did not want them, but because I knew that if I went up into the category, some jerk would try to damage it. Do you know what that feels like to be afraid every single time you walk out to the parking lot, because you don't know whether someone has hurt your car? Whether someone keyed it, slammed their door into you, or slashed your tires. I respect cars more than anyone I know. I would rather someone run into me or cut me with a knife, then for them to lay a finger on my car. You all must feel something like this. I live and breathe cars. It pains me that my hobby and my love for something can be turned into this.

All I want to leave you with is remember that not all kids that drive nice cars are spoiled jerks. They all aren't arrogant pricks. Some of them understand the value of a dollar. They understand that someone worked hard for this. Some parents show their love by taking you on vacations, or throwing you huge birthday parties, or by letting you have friends over. My parents show their love by buying me stuff. That is the only way they know how. I am sorry that we are like this. I wish we weren't. We are just a screwed up family, which just can't seem to fit in.


FIA World Rally Car Newbie
dallas, tx
texasmkv, i understand and sympathize in your delima. that's highschool, and highschool is full of immature kids, most people are stateing its good to earn a car, because you can gain appriciation for a vechicle in that way. if you can manage do do that w/o working like a slave like myself, then more power to you. i would if i could have. i would hardly judge you because life delt you some better cars earily on, that's just be ignorant. im glad you had some nice cars growing up, i had friends do the same, except they never worked, nor cleaned or maintained their new vechicle which their parents had bought for them. so i see the other side of the coin lol, i by no means hate or even dislike my friends. i just offer to share my knowledge of car appriciation with them, so that i may perhaps fix what their parents did not.


FIA World Rally Car Champion
Plano, Texas
I do know some kids that were given really nice cars, and they destroyed them. Those people sicken me. But even someone they tears up a cheap car makes me mad. I look at cars like a pet that you must take care of. Maybe I am weird though lol. I am so glad that you all are not angry at me. I just had a lot of built up frustration as I can see by how long it ended up. I want to apologize. I did not meen to come of sounding like a jerk.


Go Kart Champion
Redline Motorworks
2007 BMP GTI
wow this post got out of hand...the kid wants to know what color to get for his GTI...

sorry to the people that were offended by my posts...:iono: just stating my view:thumbsup: every situation is different

As for the girl with the RX-8...that's dumb. My dad's been letting me drive cars in parking lots and dirt roads since I was 11. He's seen me progress and trusts me. We've done driving schools together and he felt I can take on the responsibility of a nice car. He cares about me and my safety.

And in a way, getting a car as a reward shows you that if you work hard, the rewards are great. That's how I'm taking the situation. It shows me that when I'm done college and have my degree, I'm gonna work my ass off like my parents have so I can have a nice house, have nice cars, and enjoy life debt free. Who doesn't want that?

On the otherhand, you could see this situation as this spoiled kid gets a BMW and expects everything to be given to's up to you to decide how to view life

I don't really know what else to say..


Autocross Newbie
some kids drive a mercedez and walk out like a pimp, while he always have a pretty girl sitting besides him as well....., those are the stereotypes of 'kids getting nice car are nuts'

Come on, getting mad at a kid with a nice car is like getting mad at a handsome guy (he may not do well in high school, and he may not work hard for being handsome, he was just born to be handsome and tall and shxx) and who gave him the pretty looking face? HIS PARENTS !!!! There are just different kinds of ppl in the world and why do we need to be mad at them just because we do not live the same life.


Go Kart Champion
Redline Motorworks
2007 BMP GTI
jeff_faye_lo said:
some kids drive a mercedez and walk out like a pimp, while he always have a pretty girl sitting besides him as well....., those are the stereotypes of 'kids getting nice car are nuts'

Come on, getting mad at a kid with a nice car is like getting mad at a handsome guy (he may not do well in high school, and he may not work hard for being handsome, he was just born to be handsome and tall and shxx) and who gave him the pretty looking face? HIS PARENTS !!!! There are just different kinds of ppl in the world and why do we need to be mad at them.

it's the kids who flaunt their wealth and abuse what is given to them for free that should piss people off...

Rabbit GTI

Go Kart Champion
U S and A
a GTI.
RJS5689 said:
Proper grammar, its doing "well" in high school. Ok anyways i love in one of those "rich stuck of suburbs" and normally try and avoid conversatiosn like this. Sure, there are alot of spoild kids driving mercs, bmw, lexus ETC, but the parnets have the money and wanna splurge, sure it may not teach us the lesson of a $, but to be honest i think we get it anyways...

i, unforutunately, live in one of those rich stuck up suburbs in south jersey...i didnt get an expensive car, and i could care less...i'll be driving my audi or bimmer later in life, when i earned it on my own.


Autocross Newbie
06_TR_GTI said:
it's the kids who flaunt their wealth and abuse what is given to them for free that should piss people off...

what about those handsome guys always get the hot girls? do they deserve to have a pretty girlfriend b/c they have a prettier face?

I would love to see more spoiled kids than educated kids. spoiled kids only know how to spend money but not earning them. while educated kids know both.


Go Kart Champion
Redline Motorworks
2007 BMP GTI
jeff_faye_lo said:
what about those handsome guys always get the hot girls? do they deserve to have a pretty girlfriend b/c they have a prettier face?

I would love to see more spoiled kids than educated kids. spoiled kids only know how to spend money but not earning them. while educated kids know both. bout this: "You're born with what you're born with!" People are going to be jealous and hate you for how you look and your wealth.. and then there are the few people who don't care about materialistic items and looks...those are true friends and those are the people you hang out with.


This thread is getting into an argument...sorry to the original poster
i wonder if black magic owners are starting to wonder if you can wash a car too much.

i keep my car really clean in and out (and under the hood), but i have never had black (just dark blues)

I would suggest zymöl car wax to keep it cleaner longer