The bored at home / COVID19 / Working from home thread


Autocross Champion
Some of these posts are a little over the top. It just goes to show that people can't put politics aside, and truly wish harm on those they don't politically agree with.

Is this protest, and encouraging sick people to show up to a mass gathering the right thing to do? Of course not. In fact, I think that as a whole we need to do better staying home when we're sick. I see far too many people who take showing up at work with a fever or the flu as a badge of honor.

On the flip side, is the continued shutdowns and driving the economy off the cliff in the process the right thing to do? 22M people are unemployed at this point.......

I dearly wish that politics were kept out of this. It's a tragedy that so many people are unemployed but it's a greater tragedy that so many people have died and so many more would die if the economy is opened too soon. It's the asymptomatic people who are spreading the virus. Social distancing is helping keep the asymptomatic people from spreading the virus.


Autocross Champion
We'll spend 6 trillion dollars invading Afghanistan and Iraq, because a bunch of Saudis killed 2500 Americans, 1 trilion a year on defense, trillions to bail out banks and corporations that sunk all their cash into stock buy backs to manipulate their stock prices, but 44,000 and counting in this country have died from this virus and we can figure out to halt payments for the unemployedb until we get through this? And we're supposed to sacrifice tens of thousands of more Americans because Karen wants a haircut?

Seriously, there is no hope for this county. Read the fall of Rome. Or just watch Idiocracy. We deserve everything that's happening and what's to come.


Autocross Champion
We'll spend 6 trillion dollars invading Afghanistan and Iraq, because a bunch of Saudis killed 2500 Americans, 1 trilion a year on defense, trillions to bail out banks and corporations that sunk all their cash into stock buy backs to manipulate their stock prices, but 44,000 and counting in this country have died from this virus and we can figure out to halt payments for the unemployedb until we get through this? And we're supposed to sacrifice tens of thousands of more Americans because Karen wants a haircut?

Seriously, there is no hope for this county. Read the fall of Rome. Or just watch Idiocracy. We deserve everything that's happening and what's to come.
Just wanted to butt in and say that we in Sweden are doing a damn fine job aswell destroying everything our previous generations have built up. During the Viking ages we used to throw the old people from cliffs, but that is honestly more merciful than locking them into retirement homes without protection and letting them die from oxygen deprivation.


Autocross Champion
And you've got a fucking problem about that???

I take it you don’t.

I have a problem with the Iraq side of the coin, yes. That war was an epic waste of money, time, and lives.


Autocross Champion
I take it you don’t.

I have a problem with the Iraq side of the coin, yes. That war was an epic waste of money, time, and lives.

No I don't. I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan and other parts of the world and still going. I don't see it as an epic waste of time when we are getting rid of these shitbags that want to terrorize the world.

So you are okay with Americans and other innocent civilians being killed for a bullshit jihad cause?


Autocross Champion
And you've got a fucking problem about that???

Yes, why don't you? We continue to do business with the Saudis and we killed Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan in a special ops raid. So every what exactly do you think invading Afghanistan and Iraq have done to avenge the deaths of 9/11 or make Americans safer? Saudis' and Pakistan's are two of the largest terrorist exporters in the world. We sell them weapons and give Pakistan aid. You think it was coincidence Osama Bin Laden was in a house next to the Pakistani military academy? Pakistan allows the free passage of terrorists in and out of India and Afghanistan.

I also served in the first Gulf War and twice in Iraq. How you could have done so and not figured out your friends were dying for no reason is beyond me. And BTW, Saddam asked for permission to invade Kuwait. We gave it to him and said we wouldn't interfere. We stopped him because the Saudis got nervous they were next. Osama Bin Laden started his Jihad because he felt US troops on Saudi soil was heresy, because Saudi Arabia is the home of Mecca. Osama Bin Laden and his followers took potshots at us in Saudi Arabia while we were their defending their country. Saddam used chemical weapons that we gave him on US troops. We gave him the chemical weapons when he was fighting our proxy war with Iran. We armed, trained and supported Saddam. We knew his goal was to unit the ME under the Iraqi flag for decades before he asked us to invade Kuwait.

Seriously, you'd have to be pretty dense to think we're the good guys in all of this. There are no good guys. Only a lot of dead civillians.
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Autocross Champion
No I don't. I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan and other parts of the world and still going. I don't see it as an epic waste of time when we are getting rid of these shitbags that want to terrorize the world.

So you are okay with Americans and other innocent civilians being killed for a bullshit jihad cause?

Wait, so we're getting rid of the terrorists we created by invading 2 countries that didn't attack us, while we continue to arm and train the one that did? Do tell me more. At the time of 9/11, NSA and CIA estimated approx 500 Jihadists in the world. There are now millions. It's almost like occupying peoples countries and killing their family members turns them into "terrorists" and allows us to ignore the actual terrorists, because it's profitable to sell them weapons and buy their oil.
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Autocross Champion
No I don't. I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan and other parts of the world and still going. I don't see it as an epic waste of time when we are getting rid of these shitbags that want to terrorize the world.

So you are okay with Americans and other innocent civilians being killed for a bullshit jihad cause?

I never said anything of the sort.

The Iraq war was a sham from the start, one might say it was our own little bullshit jihad cause of sorts. Even without the advantage of hindsight, it’s readily evident.

Saddam was a tyrant, and Bush Sr. should have taken him out when we had our first chance, but he was our boy. We used the post 9/11 environment as a guise to open full scale operations in Iraq. The wasted lives and money in that shit hole do not balance out what we gained from our involvement since 03. The more current situation(s), and arguably our whole issue in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, is a product of our long term abuse, meddling, and failed policy on these regions as the defacto global hegemony.

Yes we are removing baddies from the planet, but it’s treating the symptoms, not the disease.


Autocross Champion
Yes, why don't you? We continue to do business with the Saudis and we killed Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan in a special ops raid. So every what exactly do you think invading Afghanistan and Iraq have done to avenge the deaths of 9/11 or make Americans safer?

I also served in the first Gulf War and twice in Iraq. How you could have done so and not figured out your friends were dying for no reason is beyond me.

How do you NOT see that is making things safer? You are blind by your ignorance or lack of knowledge and get too wrapped up in the bullshit that is put out in the media. My friends didn't die in vain. They signed up for a reason and had no problem going overseas to take out Tier 1 & 2 terrorists. But I guess that's the difference between Conventional Forces and SOF.

NSA and CIA had no real way of telling exactly how many there where prior to or at the time of 9/11. The terrorists were always there, committing their acts long before the US coming in to the picture. Ethnic cleansing, tribe vs tribe, Sunni vs Shiite and so on...

Yes, Saddam was an evil tyrant and needed to be taken out and should have when we had our first chance prior to 2006, when he was finally executed. And yes, I am aware of all the bullshit conspiracy theories about the first Iraq war and how it was started over oil and then WMD being used as a reason.

There's never going to be world peace and I tend to stay out of these types of conversations and politics because, well, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and it always turns ugly. I've said my piece so I am done now with this. Say what you want or mock me or try to prove me wrong, if that's what makes you feel better, because I really don't give a shit.


Autocross Champion
In before lock 🤭

Hey, just going to remind y'all, this is the internet. You will never sway each others opinions (especially on near 2 decade old arguments) the more energy you put in here the more frustrating people's responses will become.

Let's just go back to disagreeing about people's transmission and mod choices, then the hostility won't actually be real.


Autocross Champion
How do you NOT see that is making things safer? You are blind by your ignorance or lack of knowledge and get too wrapped up in the bullshit that is put out in the media. My friends didn't die in vain. They signed up for a reason and had no problem going overseas to take out Tier 1 & 2 terrorists. But I guess that's the difference between Conventional Forces and SOF.

NSA and CIA had no real way of telling exactly how many there where prior to or at the time of 9/11. The terrorists were always there, committing their acts long before the US coming in to the picture. Ethnic cleansing, tribe vs tribe, Sunni vs Shiite and so on...

Yes, Saddam was an evil tyrant and needed to be taken out and should have when we had our first chance prior to 2006, when he was finally executed. And yes, I am aware of all the bullshit conspiracy theories about the first Iraq war and how it was started over oil and then WMD being used as a reason.
There's never going to be world peace and I tend to stay out of these types of conversations and politics because, well, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and it always turns ugly. I've said my piece so I am done now with this. Say what you want or mock me or try to prove me wrong, if that's what makes you feel better, because I really don't give a shit.

The US ambassador did give Saddam permission. It isn't a conspiracy. It's a matter of record. We did give Saddam chemical weapons. It's not a conspiracy. We did arm Saddam to fight a proxy war with Iran, because Iran removed the puppet government we installed in a coup. It's a matter of record. HW and James Baker, the defense secretary at the time wrote a point paper on why they didn't remove Saddam. They spelled out exactly what would happen if we destabilized the region. It happened exactly as they stated it would once we invaded Iraq. We never found nuclear material in Iraq and the chemical weapons we found had already been declared to UN weapons inspectors AND WE GAVE THEM TO HIM. These are facts. Matters of record. Not conspiracies.

We created the terrorist you took out. Sorry, that's just the reality. I know learning that your country created many of the problems that we use our military to fight is hard to swallow, but it's the truth, whether in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc... or in Central and South America, we've created the majority of the problems that we face in foreign policy. History isn't a conspiracy. We did these things. We supported many armed coups from Iran to the tip of South America, we've armed and put in power a majority of the brutal tyrants that we later violently removed. Freedom fighters that we trained and armed to fight our proxy wars have become the terrorists that we fight today. This is all basic history, not conspiracies.

We aren't safer today than we were in 2000. You can look up the number of American's killed every year by terrorists. Again, not a conspiracy, just basic facts. I used to be ignorant of basic historical facts and a flag waver. Then the military spent lots of money to send me to college and the war college. You learn the truth. It has nothing to do with the media. Crazy, the point of education is to try to keep from repeating the same mistakes, it isn't to make people hate their country. Rational adults can still love their country and understand that we created a lot of our own problems. Hypernationalism, which is what you're exhibiting is dangerous. The my country is always right attitude allows governments to do a lot of immoral and illegal things with full support of their population. It causes wars. That isn't a conspiracy, that a basic knowledge of history.

And this is off topic, so there should be some latitude in discussion. Basic history and facts aren't political.
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Autocross Champion
In before lock 🤭

Hey, just going to remind y'all, this is the internet. You will never sway each others opinions (especially on near 2 decade old arguments) the more energy you put in here the more frustrating people's responses will become.

Let's just go back to disagreeing about people's transmission and mod choices, then the hostility won't actually be real.

No kidding, I feel a bit OG having been on forums for a couple decades. That being said, DSG is the best transmission. :LOL: