Biden Rolls Back Trump MPG Standards


Autocross Champion
Both of those make me a total idiot then.

Humans are stupid, the earth will eventually rid itself of our nasty infestation.

But at least you paid taxes to be stupid. Maybe those tax dollars helped out the tornado victims.

Silver lining kind of thing.


Autocross Champion
I know I'm right. Government has always taxed people for being dumb, nothing new.
Being "right" here is just being okay with arbitrary taxes. Gonna be real cool when our 4 bangers qualify as gas guzzlers.


Autocross Champion
Being "right" here is just being okay with arbitrary taxes. Gonna be real cool when our 4 bangers qualify as gas guzzlers.

Everything is an arbitrary tax. Work for a living? We tax you wages. Earn passive income? We'll tax you at a lower rate, cuz job creator and stuff. Really rich? Get paid in stock, take loans with stock as collateral, pay no taxes...or hide their money in tax havens.

Yawn. You guys are whiny little bitches and fight with people like me, because some rich assholes have convinced you the government is bad, so they can continue to cornhole you.

Don't worry though, when your state is burning, flooding or being flattened by storms, the wealthy will migrate to safer areas, so it's all good.

The Fed

Old Guys Rule
I didn't mean this to be political. The higher MPG (and pollution) standards will be here no matter who is in charge. I won't live to see it, but you young guys will. You can be sure that at some point sales of ICE vehicles will be banned. The governments only need to make it too painful to drive existing ones. Either the price of gas will prohibitively rise because demand will wane, or even easier for governments, they won't renew your registration or not allow insurance companies to sell coverage for them.


Go Kart Champion
My other car is electric and I love it. And it costs like 80% less to drive than my GTI.
Also when the world is flooding the super rich will be relaxing on their super yachts. Thanking us for all the tax breaks we gave them.


Autocross Champion
I didn't mean this to be political.

Also OP:



Autocross Champion
I didn't mean this to be political. The higher MPG (and pollution) standards will be here no matter who is in charge. I won't live to see it, but you young guys will. You can be sure that at some point sales of ICE vehicles will be banned. The governments only need to make it too painful to drive existing ones. Either the price of gas will prohibitively rise because demand will wane, or even easier for governments, they won't renew your registration or not allow insurance companies to sell coverage for them.

We stopped using horse and buggies. Government made it painful to keep using them. Our cities streets were literally full of horse shit and smelled awful.

I doubt they won't allow registration of ICE vehicles, they will simply remove oil and gas subsidies and add them at the current renewable and electric car subsidies. It will initially hit the poor the hardest, as the poor trend to drive older vehicles, live in less efficient homes, and drive farther for work, if lawmakers don't offset that penalty, which historically they do not.
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Autocross Champion
My other car is electric and I love it. And it costs like 80% less to drive than my GTI.
Also when the world is flooding the super rich will be relaxing on their super yachts. Thanking us for all the tax breaks we gave them.

Exactly, the wealthy have no attachment to any country. Climate change will have regions that win and lose when it comes to consequences, they'll just move. They just use patriotism as a weapon to use to get people to vote against their own interests. They have no allegiance to any country.