

Autocross Champion
I just realized pretty much every photo on this page (other than mine and one other) has the dog sitting on the couch.

I trained my dog to never go on the couch or into the master bedroom. Has anyone else done this or am I alone in this?
I trained my previous dogs that way, but lost that battle with the wife this time around. When she was home all day and I was gone, so were the rules. It's great that dogs like to snuggle, but that doesn't mean guests in my house want to sit on a furry sofa or that I want to be woken up all night.


Autocross Champion
Tell me your dog isn't a member of your family without telling me your dog isn't a member of your family. Would you stop your gf from going on the couch?

Tf is the point of a dog if they're not allowed to snuggle with you?
Because he's a dog. They need boundaries and structure and I'm happy to give him that. You know what his personality is like, he needs to understand his place in the pecking order.

That and I don't want dog hair all over my sofa and bed. It's a hard enough battle keeping the hair off everything I wear, I don't need him rubbing himself into it. That being said he has a bed in the living room, in my office, and in the hallway just outside the master bedroom so he's got a comfy spot in all the usual places in the house.


Autocross Champion
Also for those of you who let your dogs sleep in your bed.

Is the dog just watching you and the S/O having sexy time? Do you lock out the dog and just have them whining and pawing at the door the whole time you're doing it?


Autocross Champion
Also for those of you who let your dogs sleep in your bed.

Is the dog just watching you and the S/O having sexy time? Do you lock out the dog and just have them whining and pawing at the door the whole time you're doing it?
They're not idiots, they know when to go. Mine also hates the sound of me coughing, so if she's not getting the hint, I just do a few fake coughs and she'll jump off the bed and get in her bed on the floor.


Autocross Champion
I just realized pretty much every photo on this page (other than mine and one other) has the dog sitting on the couch.

I trained my dog to never go on the couch or into the master bedroom. Has anyone else done this or am I alone in this?
It always starts with "you're not allowed on the couch!" Then on the 2nd day it's like ahhhh fuck that, get up here you mangy mutt!


Autocross Champion
Because she's a woman. They need boundaries and structure and I'm happy to give her that. You know what her personality is like, she needs to understand her place in the pecking order.

Now how's it sound?

If your dog isn't allowed on the couch or bed, how can they come over and lay their head on you?


Autocross Champion
I'd ban my daughter from furniture before my dog.

You know which one of them has ruined more furniture?

Hint: They only have 2 legs.


Autocross Champion
Now how's it sound?

If your dog isn't allowed on the couch or bed, how can they come over and lay their head on you?
Nice try, but definitely not analogous. For example:
Dogs need poop outside and you need to clean up after it. You also need to be in charge of their caloric intake and exercise to keep them healthy.

Just subbing in women for dog isn't some sort of humanitarian test. The above is for sure true for being a good dog owner. It would also be offensive if you made your substitution.


Autocross Champion
Nice try, but definitely not analogous. For example:
Dogs need poop outside and you need to clean up after it. You also need to be in charge of their caloric intake and exercise to keep them healthy.

Just subbing in women for dog isn't some sort of humanitarian test. The above is for sure true for being a good dog owner. It would also be offensive if you made your substitution.

For the most part (maybe not "outside"), but that could also be talking about babies or the elderly...


Autocross Champion
I just realized pretty much every photo on this page (other than mine and one other) has the dog sitting on the couch.

I trained my dog to never go on the couch or into the master bedroom. Has anyone else done this or am I alone in this?
I started to train my dogs not to be on the bed or couch, but that didn’t last very long. We just use blankets and wash a lot.


Autocross Champion
I crated our current dog and kept her off the couch for the first two and a half years, but then we had a three month preemie who needed feedings every three hours and that caused all dog issues to go out the window in a hurry. I don't think I'd bother with the next one, she doesn't hurt anything by being on the couch/bed and honestly seems happier being in our space than having her own. Could be wrong, could be doing a huge disservice to her, but she seems fine.