Arlene Garcia
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  • Is that you in your avatar? yes i heard a few people mention it showing off there cars and jsut meeting one another.. yes we do...have something very much in common..
    33 yrs. I'm curious what the demographics are of a VW scene. Perhaps it's a mix crowd. I would be bummed if all it was was 20 somethings. But then again, we do have VWs in common.
    yes.. but i am 34 yrs and that is what i have mainly hitting on me are younger guys.. lol I am a personal trainer finishing off another ACE Course to teach groups.. I want to go to one of VW scenes.. How old are you??
    I use to own a Civic too. I hated that car, lol. I'm not sure what a VW scene would be like in terms of hitting on woman. Maybe, maybe not, lol. I guess it all depends on how old they are, if they're early 20s, they probably havent matured enough yet around ladies, lol.
    Hello. My name is John and I've owned a 2012 GTI for less than 6 months now (bought in 2011). I surf the forums here and there. I've always wanted to do a VW meet but I'm not sure if any happen around where I live. My car is bone stock. WOuld like to do some minimal mods on it like leds and such. Otherwise, nice to meet you!
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