Autoblog podcast


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So I do an hour+ each way in the car 3-4 days a week. Part of my way of coping is audiobooks and podcasts. Most podcasts really don't hold my attention well. Except the AB 'cast. For those that havne't heard it, it's basically a bunch of guys from AB that sit around BS'ing about cars for an hour. Seriously, I could do that!

They're kinda hot-and-cold on VW. They recommend the cars (the GTI especially) to a lot of emailers, but then grind on reliability over and over again. Quite honestly I think it is time they let VW up off the mat. But anyway.

I just got around to listening to #187, where Dan had an '10 Golf TDI. I was pretty disappointed that he didn't get into what kind of mileage he was actually seeing in it, etc. But then I was mortified when he went off on the cruise control buttons. Are you kidding me? The cruise controls are trivial to use. And unlike 98% of the Fords I've driven, it actually has a cancel feature.

Anyway. Anyone else listen?