Damn! Speeding Ticket! :(


Ready to race!
The clear dry roads with exceptionally light traffic on a 3 lane freeway enticed me today in Southern Nevada. Yep nailed by the State Trooper in a speed trap:thumbdown: After warp speed was reduced and I was stopped he was very friendly and told me not to feel too bad and that my car was engineered to take that curve at 97 mph in a 65:eek: At anyrate he wished me a good day after citing me for 5 over. Still a waste of money but I guess I was a bit overdue on my freeway usage tax lol. Paid it to California last time on the 15 in my MKV Anyone else?

Sorry to hear bout the ticket, but if you're not busy later, there's a meet at 215 and Jones at 7 tonight. Swing by.


Ready to race!
Hmmm 215/Jones where at? I guess I'll pass through.

Off too a pretty rough start without even my plate yet. :eek: But not my first so just need to tweak my top speed a bit. You are pretty much safe under 80 here (most of the time)

Laid back officer so nothing to complain about. It is kind of like lions and gazelles on the safari. Sometimes your number comes up. ;)


Ready to race!
There are some states carrying "super speeder" laws now. Georgia is one of them. Fines upwards of $500 if I recall correctly. I will say that has stopped me from "speeding" in Georgia.

I will always drive 9 mph over everywhere.....;)

If you get caught speeding here in Ontario more than 50 km over, its a $2000-$10000 fine, immediate roadside impound for 7 days and your drivers license is suspended for a week. Needless to say, I make sure to never cross the 50+ threshold anymore


Ready to race!
I too admitedly speed at regular intervals 5-10 over generally, though that was indeed a bit excessive. :eek: Made me reconsider my stage 1 contemplations for sure. But what the hell... "warp 9.9 Mr. Crusher" :p

JK I just needed to tweak the top end a bit. ;)

Truthfully not my first and sadly not my last, though the fear factor is reduced greatly from my 06 GSXR-1000 and the speeds attained on that. Now THAT is fast! I will leave it at that.

At any rate I completely agree that the system will be slow to change or worsen significantly as traffic infractions greatly contribute to local government revenue especially in rural areas so there is very little real motive to change behavior, especially when people regularly get tickets for nonsense like 62 in a 55. Silly.

As far as Canada is concerned, yes with Max speeds of 100km/h utterly ridiculous. Thought the car would stall when going through a construction zone on the intersate. Crazy! Been there no intention of returning as a driver for sure. Hell Utah is next door with hwy speeds in parts of 80mph now that is a bit better! :w00t: