Essay need some quick help


Ready to race!
So my essay is on whether colleges should have speech regulations. I'm against it and am using the 1st amendment as one of my cases. My questions is, for freedom of speech i know there are actually some rules. One being you can directly threaten someone, but that all i can think of right now. Are there any others?? Help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks:thumbsup:

James G

Spool makes me drool.
Wait what?

who suggested you couldn't say what you wanted?

are they retarded?

do you live in china?


Erm, people should be able to say whatever they want, especially on the internet, just use some of the stuff people say on here... it's hilarious :biggrin:


Ready to race!
lol im talking about colleges... heres the prompt

Write an essay in which you take a position on whether colleges should regulate
speech that may be perceived as offensive by individual students or groups of students. In your
essay, you will need to help your readers understand the issue, show that you have considered
various points of view, provide reasons for your position, and support your reasons by using
material from the readings in Writing the World and, perhaps, your own personal experience.

im against it ahah

James G

Spool makes me drool.
sounds quite interesting to be honest :thumbsup:

Perhaps compare countries that sensor speach, against ones that don't, do the for's and against's... all that shit :biggrin:

People should be responsible for what they say, they should be punished if they say something insulting... they should be punished for what they say, not saying it.

Make up some bullshit... like you are abused or something... :lol:


.:. m a s D U B .:.
haha, nice prompt.... lesson one if you wanna have fun in college; take fun positions. i wrote a paper arguing arguing why we should be eating babies.

go here....

high value speech- speech that is protected by the 1st amendment
low value speech -speech that is not protected by the 1st amendment

defamation - speech intended to ruin ones reputation
a) Info must be false
b) Must have a malice intent
c) Reckless disregard for truth

time, place, and manner restrictions on free speech
Regulations of speech that aim to maintain public order, the free flow of traffic, etc. the validity of such regulations depends on a balance of interest approach.


Ready to race!
yea well apparently this has been taken to the supreme court a couple of times and the colleges lost, mainly because it was like to vague and all that. Cause whats offensive to some people isnt offensive to other people.

James G

Spool makes me drool.
i fucking hate white people.


Brick Shithouse!!
You could add slander to your list of why speech should have a few regs. to go along with threatening language.

Those two and maybe unprofessional language, like too much swearing. Its college. Time to act professional, could be their stand on it. Other then those I can't think of anything else.


wannabe GTI owner
so basically speech should be regulated incase it insults the minorities? sounds like a load of shite to me.

James G

Spool makes me drool.


Ready to race!
Lol, naw im good i had some reaading assignments that had good examples, when colleges went to court about this from students. Thrown down most of the time. That and the 1st amendment are going to be my main examples. Thanks though, haha might create another thread when i get my next essay like in a week or so, this one is due next thursday, the draft was due today.