Fishtanks, Plants, or other Aquaria?


GolfMK5 Graduate
Hi dubbers.

Anyone into the aquarium hobby?

I just started a 20gallon freshwater tropical.

DIY CO2, 6 Cherry Barb, 1 Betta Splendus, Some HC, Java Moss, Riccia, Morimo / Mossballs.

I freakin' love mossballs.

The tank's at about 2.25 Watts-per-gallon - the Co2 is still kicking off.

note, the picture isn't my own tank - just one I was admiring.

Anyone else? Would love to see some pics, get some advice, trade plants, etc.


5 meters spread, no sound
I used to be into it. Had fish growing up. As well as newts, soft shell turtles, red ear sliders. Last year I had 2 oscars but they started getting over a footlong , they produce alot of waste. So cleaning was a constant. I just got tired of the fish tank smell. So I took them to a store to get adopted out.

Get-a Trek

Ready to race!
Had just about everything imaginable. 8 tanks running at one time once. Eight 6-8" Discus back when they were imported. $20 bucks a pop. 100 feeder goldfish for my three piranhas. Brackish water fish. Archerfish, bumble fish, gobies, monos, chromites, and mollies. Convict cichlids (and about 100 little ones), about 150 assorted tetras, And of course salt water. Lion fish, sea anemones and clown fish, among more than I can remember. Even had a small octopus.


fish tanks is more or less something to do when you own your own house... i tried to do it in the dorms and it just dont work out


mmmm Horse Pop
Here is my fresh tank....50G Planted, Pressurized CO2, 12 Rummy Nose Tetras, a pair of German Blue Rams, 6 Peppered Cory Doras and a Bushy Nosed Pleco...Plants...Dwarf Sag, Chain Sword, Jungle Vals, Some Melon Swords, Some Crypts, Water Sprite, Christmas Moss, Java Moss, Java Ferns, some different types of Anubis, Red Ludwiga, Corkscrew Vals, Hornwort, Cabomba....I know I am forgetting something...anyway...this picture is after a heavy trim.

And here is my SW nano.Just a modified JBJ Nano Cube with some live rock, a royal gramma, some snails, and hermits.. I had a bad ass tailspot blenny for a awhile but he went carpet surfing...stupid little fucker. So I just got a gramma...I broke down my 65 reef last time we moved. Thinking of building another reef soon...



Go Kart Champion
All my good pics went down with my last hard drive...that I never backed up.:mad: Long time Saltwater tank owner here that recently sold my last tank while having this house built. My plan was to build a custom one when I moved in, so that I wouldn't have a tank to care for while building a home. Now my plan is to build a custom when I can afford it.

BTW. If anyone's interested, there's a nice message board for saltwater enthusiast at where you can learn and receive great feedback.


mmmm Horse Pop
Now my plan is to build a custom when I can afford it.

I am in the same boat. I know I would need at least 2500 to do what I wanted to do, even with the equipment I still have. Just not in the cards right now. But that saltwater addiction is strong.... :biggrin:


I want FREE HAM!!
Damn you guys... Now I want to get back into it... I had an 80g Malawi Cichlid setup as well as a 50g Discus tank before that, but when I moved I had to get out of it all. Once I buy a house with a room I can dedicate to the hobby I will definately get back into it. Some great looking tanks in this thread :word:


GolfMK5 Graduate
I knew some of you would have beautiful tanks. Love the coral nano.

Here's mine, it's my first attempt. The tank is only about six days old, but I was able to weasle some cultured biomedia from a friend (so I'm hoping it won't spike out too bad.)

It's underplanted for the time being, but what's in there is healthy so far.
