German Shepherd Owners

Do Work Son

Go Kart Champion
This thread is distinctly lacking pics.


Go Kart Champion
aww man that's a beautiful pup. I have a white one (not elbino) myself named Shelby (yup after the car). She will be 4 on valentines day :) she's my bratty little angel.

Few things I've noted if you want to know more about GS pups (my GS is my first dog, so there was a bit of experimenting/ learning)
- they shed like MOFOs, so get used to an abundance of fur (brush often!)
- They generally only have one alpha owner. Though I got her for my mom she only listens to me.
- socialize them with other dogs ASAP. Mine is a little jittery with hyper dogs and barks a lot at them. She had a bad experience with a shih tzu when she was a puppy.
- I think someone already mentioned socializing with humans (mine is amazing with people fortunately)
- This may depend on what habits you instill in your dog early on, but if mine doesn't get her 2 half hour walks a day (even in winter) she gets a little agitated. I know people who only walk theirs once a day, but for a big dog the more the better I'd say
- they don't like heat too much, but love snow and winter, so be careful on walks on hot days, keep a bottle of water with you if you're taking her on a long walk in the summer months.
- First few months they do chew a lot and get bored easily, you can try bitter apple or apple cyder vinegar or cayenne pepper (though my dog liked the pepper :s) it does go away. try to replace what they're chewing on with a nylabone (you will find yourself going for the hard ones very quick!)
- if you want to keep her out of trouble while your out of the house crate train her and phase her out of the crate as she gets older. Get the biggest crate as she'll grow into it by the time she's 1 years old. it will also help if you ever plan on kenneling your dog in my opinion. Mine was crated till she was 2.5 ish years old.
- you will hate terrible twos. but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
- at 1-1.5 years old a switch goes off and they will mellow out and become less bratty/ puppy like.
- Oh and watch who clips their nails, they will hate you for life if you cut to their quick (thank you petsmart) my friends german short hair had the same issue.
let me know if you have any other questions! and congrats!