hay look I has Halo 3.

Co-worker's friend is master chief's 3D modeler and he overnighted us copies.


Yes i glued pubs to my face.

V-dub Junglist

Ready to race!
Dude! that's B.S.! I made that damn box and gotta wait till monday night?!?!?!?!?! Didn't make the Manual Cover but should have since i think it is ugly. Actually ordering up 3-D models today since we are working on Halo Wars now too. Congrats bruv...
Son of a...


Go Kart Champion
Dude! that's B.S.! I made that damn box and gotta wait till monday night?!?!?!?!?! Didn't make the Manual Cover but should have since i think it is ugly. Actually ordering up 3-D models today since we are working on Halo Wars now too. Congrats bruv...

Quit hatin' on the manual and those who got it before you...:tongue:

I remember getting Halo 2 two days early from a Game Store Owner I work with. Thought I's cool as sh!t too.


Ready to race!
WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, I'm so angry that you have it, this just ruined my day. I'm going to come and steal your copy, I am that anxious to play.

V-dub Junglist

Ready to race!
See, my Fast is soooo sad too. At least he has MC's helmet protoype for company. One would think that after working on the art the last 2and a half years I'd be sick of it though (like I was with Crackdown, Shadowrun, and Desperate Housewives). Now it seems work won't give me a sick-day Tuesday to play. Grrrrrrrr


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Ready to race!
Yeah, crackdown was kind of a boring game. I bet they sold a good number of copies though because people wanted to play the beta.


Interior > Horsepower
meh halo isn't really awesome its OK at best. so much fanboi-ism for it...
Read the books, its a great story. I can't wait for the movie if it ever gets made.

V-dub Junglist

Ready to race!
Still working on the movie... It's at Fox studios now, and since we mostly do theatrical we are hoping for the job. The director, Blomkapmt (or something), made two shorts already. One is called Arms Race and dunno the other's name but they are both pretty cool. When I went to Dallas to kick off Halo Wars I learned a lot about the over-all history of the Halo universe.
RCB's one hour review: So, I went home, ordered a pizza and played it with my roommate and brother.
1: The multiplayer is HALO excellence; Very accessible, intuitive, various guns to use and lots of NEW TOYS.
. Ie.The bubbles are great for pissing off snipers. The bat rifle is back; it rocks.
2: There is a "Forge" function which takes forever to load and I don't know what it is.
3: The maps load when you select them, so when you start match its instantaneous.
4: The single player is better than the first two. You start off in action; no tutorial. The bruts are much tougher now. {note: I was playing on Heroic}

There ya go. I'm heading out of town this weekend. I won't be playin it any more. Peace.