My Run-In With Cops


Go Kart Champion
Ok, let me start by saying that I know what I did was wrong. Speeding on a public road is never justifiable under any circumstance, and if you do it, you are fully guilty for whatever happens to you. I know this, so I'm not looking for a bunch of comments saying "you shouldn't speed" or other stuff like that. I made this thread to instead showcase how I was treated. I'm not planning to do anything proactive about it, because I'm sure it happens more than I would like to know, but I figured I would at least get it out.

So, I was driving home from the girlfriend's house and there are two ways for me to go home, 1. Through town, which is the normal way I go, or 2. Using backroads, which are usually never populated. Many times I've gone home using the backroads and never seen another car for the entire 15mins. Well, I go the back way this night, as I havn't really opened up my car in at least 3-4 months, since I've been living in Tallahassee. I did speed home, but I never passed another car while speeding. If I ever saw headlights in front of me or behind, I immediately slowed down, since I don't have a radar detector and probably wouldn't trust it if I did. I get to the end of the back roads and turn onto a residential road, so I slow down and go the speed limit for the rest of the trip. All of a sudden I see headlights behind me, but they seem about 500-600 yards away, maybe more. I was going the speed limit, so I just kept going. By the end of this road, the headlights were on my tail, and I could tell that they were crown vic's headlights. I start panicing, of course. He puts his lights on after a couple of seconds. I pull over, and get everything ready for the officer. One of the younger officers (there were three of them, in just one patrol car) comes up and asks for the usual stuff. Then another comes up and asks if I know how fast I was going. I say the usual "I'm not sure officer." Then the third officer, an older fellow goes on a tirade about they've been trying to catch me for months (even though I have not been living there for the past semester), asking me if I was trying to drift or something and stuff like that. They told me that they were about to put the helicopter after me because they couldn't catch me. Then the older officer asked me to get out of my car! I knew my rights and that I in no way had to comply, but I knew my car was completely clean, inside and out, so I said sure, I have nothing to hide. I get out, he begins to search my car, asking me if I had any college pot or cocaine. While this is happening, the younger cop puts me against my car, and begins to frisk me. :confused: After that was done, they ask me why I was speeding. I just told them I really needed to get home, and I was running late. They tell me that if had been a trooper, he would have arrested me and I would have a date with a court judge. I'm not going to lie, by now I was fairly scared/nervous, but I also felt like they were just messing with me to get some laughs. They all taunted me, as if it was a competition between them. Finally, the older man says to me that he is off of his shift in 5 minutes, and that I'm lucky because of that. He told me to slow my ass down and merry Christmas, no ticket.

Now, as happy as I was to hear that, I also felt somewhat violated to be treated like that for speeding. Just looking for thoughts/opinions. I'm 18, so I'm sure thats prolly why they were after me so badly. Granted I was going way over the limit, but I've seen plenty of guys on bikes going much faster back there. Sorry for the long story, but I tried to get everything that happened.
even if they were messing with you that's really effed up, thats abusing their authority... if you feel seriously violated i'd probably give a call to the local police station non emergency number and ask to speak to a sergeant and explain what happened and see what they say..... i know where i live if a cop pulls you over and doesnt give you at ticket, the computer in the car still logs that they stopped and they have to enter why they stopped and got out of the vehicle, not sure if its like that where you are.... i dunno i just think thats kind of messed up


D1 2010!
Thats BS, there used to be a cop in my town that would pull over any nice car w/ a young person and give them shit, especially pretty girls just to scare them and what not. Thankfully that jackass lost his job because a bunch of us complained, but he's still a jackass around here. I agree w/ mc08gti, complain about how they were treating you.


Go Kart Champion
I wouldn't say a thing if I were you. Matter of fact, I'd consider myself lucky for the early Xmas gift and stay under the radar. You don't want your local police department knowing you and your GTI as whistle blowers. You stated you were going "way over the speed limit" and that you got away with it. So what's the harm in that? Would you have rather they gave you the ticket for speeding, or worse yet, reckless op (which could have resulted in a suspended license)? Or that they gave you a hard time about your poor choice and gave you just a warning? Seems pretty clear to me.


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Jai Guru Deva Om
3 cops in one car? that sounds like they were driving around messing with ppl, made me think of super troopers/superbad

cops can pretty much do what they want, they know what they have to do to cover their tracks
I know Jacob personally, albeit not that well. He is a good kid with a good head on his shoulders. If I was in the situation, I'd get in touch with the department they are from. But that's just me. I'd tell them the entire story in full honesty. Tell them you were pulled over for speeding. Tell them what happened after they pulled you over. Tell them exactly what you feel they did wrong. I understand what Kirk is saying, they let you off the hook big time, but it was at the cost of making a scene and making you feel uncomfortable.

Off topic: You should come up to Winter Park Wednesday night. Anterrabae is stopping by for the last time before he heads off to Japan for the Air Force. Plus we haven't seen you in forever. Try and make it if you can.
3 cops in one car? that sounds like they were driving around messing with ppl, made me think of super troopers/superbad

cops can pretty much do what they want, they know what they have to do to cover their tracks

yea i thought 3 cops in one car was unusual.... even 2 in one car is rare around where i am, nevermind 3


stop being a pussy. you have your rights stand up for them. what would the arrest you for? what do they have on the dash camera? i guarantee nothing but you doing the speed limit. next time don't consent to the search.

the reason you didn't have a ticket was because you guilty of nothing and they knew it. and unless you were doing 85 in a 55 you're not going to jail.

i have stories with examples, but i better keep them to myself.

p.s. going to the department will do jack shizzle.


standing up to 3 cops while being polite and respectful, looking them in the eyes. say sir, i know you're diong your job, but i have to be on my way, so if you are going to give me a ticket, then go ahead, and if not, then i will be on my way.

on the other hand if they actually did get you speeding, proceed to punch your steering wheel.


Jai Guru Deva Om
haha, i wish i had audio of the last time i got a ticket, i screamed fuck as loud as i could when i passed him