Peleng 8mm fisheye?


So ive always been intrigued in fish eye shots and Ive been thinking about picking up a peleng 8mm fish eye just for shit and giggles for my D40. I realize that its not the fanciest but its cheap enough to just throw on the camera and fuck around with all day long.

My question is, does anybody here have one and how do they like it? Ive seen some pictures with them but if you have one and want to pos tit feel free.

for picture content: heres a shot i found off of vortex, d40 w/ the peleng 8mm fish eye.



New member
I would save my money and just buy the Nikon glass. I have thier 10.5mm fisheye. Use it on my old D70. Yours for about 550. I really dont get to use it that much. Great if you want to take realy sureal photos. I want something around 12mm, somthing that holds straight lines. I would get more useable shots out of that.


I Void Warranties
omega has the 10.5 i think, i played with it at H2Oi it's nice. i've got a tamron 11-16 love it, F2.8 and damn


Ready to race!
The fisheye is cool, but remember that you always want a subject in the photograph. Get closer, fill the frame, just like other lenses.