Question about 3G usage on Tablets, iphone


Ready to race!
I recently picked up a Samsung Galaxy Tablet with 3G service. I reached 1GB in 2 days! This is just from listening to streaming videos at work.

Now when I had my iphone 3G I never even reached 2GB in one month while doing the same thing, listening to streaming music via youtube.

My question is does the Galaxy Tab and all Tablets require more bandwidth than just a smartphone?


The Lame & The Ludicrous
You're probably accessing a higher-bandwidth, better-quality version of the video. Many streaming apps select the best quality video based on the connection speed, so if you have a fast connection you get better quality, but you also chew up your data allowance faster.


Ready to race!
I just went and returned the Galaxy Tab for the HTC Thunderbolt with unlimited 4G for 30 a month with Verzion.

I love that Galaxy Tablet, the sound quality and screen were great, I just cant figure out how fast it ate data allowance even with lower screen apps.


Ready to race!
Get an iPad with wifi, unless I don't have a wireless router. iPads r the shit. Verizon rapes ppl for data. Unreal how much they charge


When I first got my 3G iPad last year I went with the lowest data plan at first basing it off the usage on my iPhone logs. Think it was 250 mb.

Took me about a week to use it up conserving, went to unlimited.

Compared to the phone data usage log I felt the same as you do.
I have a Motorola Star Tac.


Ready to race!
Galaxy Tab has wifi, my wifi at work sucks so I used the 3G. A hour of youtube a day and you will be surprised how fast that data usage adds up. At my rate I would be around 12-15GB a month.

Had to go to unlimited data plan on a phone instead.