The Movie "Drive" - Thoughts/Opinons?


Go Kart Champion
Damn idk what all you guys saw in that movie? Appreciate the acting dialogue(lack there off) etc...idk how imh I hated it honestly I want to know how to appreciate this movie but just can't. Different people different taste I guess.


Art is subjective.


Go Kart Champion
I liked it.

It's either you like it, or you really hate the movie.

Soundtrack is great like everyone's said.

One thing that bothered me is when he rev matched in the beginning of the film in a car that was clearly an automatic.


Go Kart Champion
yes. seen it about 10 times. one of the few movies i bought on iTunes and own. i became completely obsessed with that soundtrack. i take a lot of those same streets he is driving in the movie, on the way home from work at night, late, no one on the streets, its funny to play that soundtrack and cruise around. cliff martinez did the soundtrack (w/the exception of the actual songs in the movie) and his work on movies like Crash and Solaris are great too. The girl who sings in the band I tour with, sings on the title track to the opening credits of the song. Kavinsky produced w/her on vox.

The song 'Nightcall'?! That girl's voice is so sexy, comforting, and ethereal. And part of the reason that I was instantly drawn into the movie! Pay my compliments!


Go Kart Champion
honestly, after seeing the trailer and reading about the plot, I was expecting a much more intense movie. the awkward scenes annoyed me.

not sure if this was mentioned in another post in this thread, but I hear they're making a Drive 2.... not sure how that will turn out :\


Ready to race!
Wish it had more car scenes...was advertised as a car flick but very little car action. Overall, a meh movie...good soundtrack though


Go Kart Champion
Side note to those that dig the soundtrack, check out com truise. Bunch of tracks on spotify or soundcloud.


Ready to race!
I had to watch it twice, because the first time I put it on I was expecting a completely different type of movie. I watched it with my gf and it just kind of threw us off and I think distracted us for the rest of the movie.

The second time I watched it, I was a little more prepared for what I was getting in to and I loved the movie. The acting, soundtrack, cinematography were all superb.

If you go in to it expecting the Fast and the Furious, it's going to be a lunch box let down for you. If you go in with an open mind, there is a great movie to be watched.


Go Kart Champion
I had to watch it twice, because the first time I put it on I was expecting a completely different type of movie. I watched it with my gf and it just kind of threw us off and I think distracted us for the rest of the movie.

The second time I watched it, I was a little more prepared for what I was getting in to and I loved the movie. The acting, soundtrack, cinematography were all superb.

If you go in to it expecting the Fast and the Furious, it's going to be a lunch box let down for you. If you go in with an open mind, there is a great movie to be watched.



Go Kart Champion
If you go in to it expecting the Fast and the Furious, it's going to be a lunch box let down for you. If you go in with an open mind, there is a great movie to be watched.

that's probably the best way to describe how I felt when I was watching this movie. I mean, with a movie title like "drive" you expect fast cars and fast driving. Good on you for giving the movie a second chance though.


Passed Driver's Ed
I've watched it repeatedly as it's currently on NetFlix instant streaming.

Definitely enjoyed it more after a few times around. Could have been better with more actual driving and car chases...

The soundtrack, art direction, and overall atmosphere was great. Very 80's.

The casting was fantastic. Every actor performed their roll convincingly.

The writing was good. Not stellar... but the characters had some depth and the story was intriguing.

The direction was... ok. Some awkward silence moments, while very good to showcase emotional turmoil and really soak up the tragedy and drama, tended to drag on a little too long.

I think the highlight, really, was Ryan Gosling's character, and his performance. The Driver was a very dark, 80's style hero. His brutality and "get it done, whatever the cost" style was refreshing in the age of political correctness...


Ready to race!
Good movie for sure. One thing that has bugged me every time I see it, why the hell did he do a 180 when he was being chased in the Mustang? I felt like that was completely unnecessary and every time I see it, it bugs the hell out of me. I have this look on my face:

I think that was purely a "Hollywood" aspect. Was it to turn out of and throw the guy off? Couldn't he have just made a sharper turn since he was running from a boat of car? I'm probably over-thinking it...


Go Kart Champion
they fillmed most of that movie by my house. it was lame.


Ready to race!
I think this sums it up
I won't use a gun
I drive a car
I have a useless impala
Oh look a single mother
Uh oh out of jail husband
Oh no dead friend
Yay dead husband
Oh no I have money
Oh no I got stabbed
If this movies complex then so was cars 2.
It could have been an awesome movie unfortunately I'd rather watch the notebook.

lol HOLY SHIT you actually sums it up well :clap::clap:

I was told by my friends that they have a lot of cars in the movie... People who enjoys cars will like the movie... well nope... they only have like 2 cars lol Impala V8 and GT 5.0.... I see more on Tokyo Drift...


Ready to race!
Love this movie. Loved the soundtrack as well.

Very calm and artistic. A breath of fresh air from all the car chase / action movies.