The "Wish Road Rage was Legal" Thread


Go Kart Champion
I'll start off, and complements to fasteddy for making me think this one up!
85 golf I think you woke up on the wrong side of the bed bruddah...!!

Maybe, or it could have been the Geriatric Drag Race going on in front of me on the way to work. Hit every freakin Red Light into work because of them. Two old farts, side by side, both from Ohio (Snowbirds) and at each light, 0-speed limit (most of it was 55) was literally 5 minutes, no lie. So maybe a little of both as to why I'm a little grumpy this morning, but I'm chaulking it up to Snowbird season is in full force once again!

But really wish road rage was a legal thing and that I could have just "gently" pushed one out of the way. (driving my wife's truck to work this morning) I could have easily gotten up to the back bumper of one and just 'Earnhardt' that old bastard's car out of the way!

What takes usually 25 minutes on a BUSY day, took 40 Minutes on a Sunday morning, and there is usually Zero Traffic.

So, lets here your stories of when you were wishing you could Legal Rage out behind the wheel and get someone off the road or out from infront of you!


Go Kart Champion
I know the feeling. Every morning on my way to work, I dread following slowass drivers who can't even keep up with the speed of traffic. As you pass by them, you can easily see they drive so nervously with both hands clutched to the steering wheel and staring forward. Idiots definitely picked up their driver's license at Walmart for sure.


Go Kart Champion
Well, it wasn't so much as one idiot, it was two, side by side doing the EXACT same speed and accelerating the same, hence the term Geriatric Drag Race!


Ready to race!
I always get people parking in the middle of the street so they can have a conversation with random people through the window... I want a duece and a half so I can just run them all the hell over...


Go Kart Champion
Haven't experienced that one yet.


.:R32 OG Member # 002
I despise it when people do that as well; I get them all the time on my 65 mile commute...

But to be honest it was only 1 idiot, and 1 person trying to do the right thing.
Well, it wasn't so much as one idiot, it was two, side by side doing the EXACT same speed and accelerating the same, hence the term Geriatric Drag Race!
The guy in the right lane was doing what he was supposed to; staying right and out of the way. The idiot was the one in the left lane who couldn't get out of the way for traffic. :p


Go Kart Champion
I despise it when people do that as well; I get them all the time on my 65 mile commute...

But to be honest it was only 1 idiot, and 1 person trying to do the right thing.

The guy in the right lane was doing what he was supposed to; staying right and out of the way. The idiot was the one in the left lane who couldn't get out of the way for traffic. :p

Was the one in the other lane an out of state person with grey hair and couldn't see over the steering wheel? Cause both these folks were!

I don't even think they knew where they were at, let alone knew they were in a car and doing something wrong!

Glad I'll be up north this year for the winter.


.:R32 OG Member # 002
I was talking about your situation...

You cannot blame a person driving in the right lane for driving slower; they are doing so where they should be, in the right lane. :thumbsup:


Go Kart Champion
Yes I know, but when they both are looking around like they don't know what is going on, one of them should have the decency to speed up (since they couldn't go any slower) and let people go by.


Autocross Newbie
I hate the jerks that will cut you off, just to be the 1st in line at a red light. When the light turns green, they idle away from the light. Step on the gas, asshole!! You wanted to have pole position, punch it!! That drives me insane.


Go Kart Champion
"You wanted the Pole position, punch it!!"

That is classic, I might have to yell that out the window next time!


Ready to race!
I just have a huge problem with the whole US license system. Take a shitty course, pass a shit easy driven and written test, get your license, never get tested again for the rest of your life.

I personally think we need to revamp the process and age a license can be acquired. At least have to be 18, with a much more intensive programs focusing on emergency maneuvers and how to 'actually' handle a 2 ton killing machine.

Also. To anyone that uses there cell phone in their car, there is a special place in hell for you.



Go Kart Champion
Min age 18, Tested every 10 years until age 68, then each year after that. Too many impaired elderly on the road handling 2 ton land yachts on wheels.

And I agree about the special place in hell for cell phone users, I'll take it one step further though.
It should be legal to shoot out the right rear tire of anyone who is using an electronic hand held device! There is BlueTooth for a reason people... get it!