Them's fightin' words 'round here


seen on Jalopnik:

Back in the day automatics were looked down on because automatics were legitimately bad gearboxes. Today’s automatics are great gearboxes.

The #6MT4lyfers have become the craft beer dorks of the automotive world. Ya’ll spend more time waxing poetic about the “feel, sensation, & involvement” of 6MT cars than actually driving em.


Go Kart Champion
It's like any niche. Regardless of the merits of the object of obsession, some folks gonna take it to the limit and beyond.

But yeah, go to Beer Advocate and read some of the reviews. Some folks are trying waaaay too hard.


The beer thing has turned into what wine snobs have been for years.

I say, blindfold them and drive them around for a few hours, sit them down, and have them taste. I dare any of them to know what they're doing.

And frankly, the same goes for cell phone reviews--trying waaaay too hard. Some people in the "journalism" business have no respect for themselves and will spew anything just to get a paycheck of any size.


Autocross Champion
Can we just make this the official mt vs auto thread and direct everyone here when they start to derail all the other perfectly good threads.


And now that has extended to coffee beans. Around here even the way they prepare the coffee comes under great scrutiny.

OMG, isn't that true. For example, civet coffee beans:

Me, I'm thinking of marketing something similar--but instead of civet, it would be from alpacas. I would spend a great amount of time and web space and electrons to create a huge stir around these alpaca-ingested beans, and in the end--months later--I would reveal the carefully crafted drink, available only from the hands of the two highly trained craftsmen in the world who are capable of grinding and brewing this drink, in San Francisco, the only atmospheric environment where the brewing process can be properly excecuted.

I will call this drink an alpacino.

And then I will sit back and laugh my ass off while the snobs spend huge amounts of time discussing this drink at lengths and in tones suitable for Eisenhower planning the invasion of Normandy.

Have you heard about The Shed at Dulwich?

only after you browse the site, can you go here:


Drag Race Newbie
And now that has extended to coffee beans. Around here even the way they prepare the coffee comes under great scrutiny.

The beans must be ground to exact specifications, the water must be at exactly the right temperature, and it must be poured from a special pot, in a specific method, for a precise amount of time, over the coffee grounds.

Or you could just buy an automatic coffeemaker that perfectly replicates the pour-over method. Mine cost $200, but it was worth it. Meanwhile, a friend of mine takes the time to roast the beans himself, but then brews his coffee in a regular Cuisinart drip machine. Go figure.


Go Kart Champion
Holy shit, that's hilarious. And I am not surprised people fell for the Shed. I know some folks who certainly would. Hmm....