Windows 8 Discussion


Drag Race Newbie
Just got my first windows 8 machine, its a touchscreen laptop. Feels almost as foreign as a Mac, but not quite. Wouldn't mind learning tricks and such and some of the cool differences.

First thing I do on any machine is add the quick launch tray to the taskbar.

then I add Goggle Chrome browser, to avoid using Internet Explorer.

I don't like how this Windows 8 wants a Microsoft account for everything, I didn't sign up. (photos/videos/chat/etc)

I do like how it has a virtual keyboard like an ipad, but maybe thats available just on touchscreen machines.

One thing I'm stuck on. Say I click a couple tiles and open those apps. Then i just press the Windows button on the keyboard to get back to the tile page. I don't think I'm closing the app when I do that. How do you close an app? There is no "x" in the corner of the screen or anything.


Go Kart Champion
Install the Windows 8.1 update (I think it's only available through the Windows App Store) and you'll get a start menu back. :)


Go Kart Champion
One thing I'm stuck on. Say I click a couple tiles and open those apps. Then i just press the Windows button on the keyboard to get back to the tile page. I don't think I'm closing the app when I do that. How do you close an app? There is no "x" in the corner of the screen or anything.

With your cursor, grap the top of the window and swipe quickly downward to exit the program/app.

Edit: Or use your finger since you have a touch screen.
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Drag Race Newbie
Install the Windows 8.1 update (I think it's only available through the Windows App Store) and you'll get a start menu back. :)

damn.. does that mean theyre gonna force me to set up one of those microsoft accounts?


Drag Race Newbie
With your cursor, grap the top of the window and swipe quickly downward to exit the program/app.

Edit: Or use your finger since you have a touch screen.

SWEET ill try it soon. Is there another trick to see what all apps you have running then, since they dont show on your taskbar in desktop viewing mode? (Aside from bringing up task manager?)

D Griff

Go Kart Champion
In for reviews and stuff... I need some kind of new computer/surface or something soon.


Ready to race!
When in desktop mode Windows Key + X is your best friend, it will bring up applications like Command Prompt and your run menu. I use it very often.


Go Kart Champion
SWEET ill try it soon. Is there another trick to see what all apps you have running then, since they dont show on your taskbar in desktop viewing mode? (Aside from bringing up task manager?)

Either swipe from the left off screen to on screen that will bring you up all current active programs. Or, if using the mouse, put the mouse in the top left corner, and it will do the same thing.


Drag Racing Champion
Im having a problem on startups, how do i get the setup menu from this screen?

Do Work Son

Go Kart Champion
I fixed all my Win8 issues by installing Win7.

Sent from my iPhone 5s - the world's greatest smartphone - so I am clearly better than you and whatever pitiful excuse for a communications device you use.


Go Kart Champion
Been using windows 8 and 8.1 for a year now. There is a learning curve to it but once you get used to it it works very well. I actually like the start menu with the tile cause I can pin more programs to it than I could in Windows 7. Apps are a little confusing and I still find myself using the desktop apps more than the windows store with the exception of Netflix. Very stable OS, have yet to have it freeze or blue screen on me. Task manager is much improved. I've held off on getting a tablet but I am considering picking up a Surface. Used one a few times at work and I'm digging it


Drag Race Newbie
worked for me right now. im at the tile screen. moved my cursor to top left corner of screen. a tiny thumbnail showed up showing a web browser i have running right now.


Go Kart Champion