WT Actual F people of Law and Lawenforcement?! (sensitive topic warning)

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Go Kart Champion
Major Rant of the Day here, and btw RACE ISSUE ALERT for you idiots who want to cry Racist or Racism. This has nothing to do with that and all about pointing out the facts of the issue...

Before the rant, let me ask this first. Why are we even still using the term "African American"? Were you born in Africa? We're your parents born in Africa? Most are from Haiti or other parts of the world or are GENERATIONS removed from having any trace of African culture left in them. I'm not calling myself a German, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Scottish, or Irish American, I'm White and that is that. So get over yourselves and stop playing the race card...
Now for the Rant

The Knock Out Game... No one seems to be putting two and two together and realizing that it is (Race Issue ALERT right here) black teens/young adults who are coming up behind a white (or light skinned non black) citizens no matter gender or age, and throwing a blindsided punch to Knock them Out. Everyone who has been prosecuted so far (very few to say the least) is being charged with assult and battery, and that is it. A 5 year penalty in most states if fully convicted. But if the tables were turned and it was White on Black, the white teens would be charged with a Hate Crime or Racially Motivated Crime. WTF America. Where is Obama coming along to say, if I had a daughter, she'd look just like the "white girl bleed alot" girl. (by the way, that is a title written by a black woman on the game).

And it isn't just this so called "Game" that is an issue, it is the crimes are not given the appropriate label. There seems to be no such thing as a black person being charged with a hate crime. Equality my F'n a$$! Seriously, people of the law enforcement community, why are we not convicting a Black on White crime as a Racial Hate Crime when the numbers do not lie? There are youtube videos on this issue and none are of a white teen group stalking a black person. There have been 4 deaths this year on this and many critical injuries.

It sickens me that this country we live in is still so scared of calling a black on white crime a Hate Crime or Race Crime, but will sit back and cry over the stupidest things like a celebrity death.

It just seems like we have our priorities all backwards, and maybe we need to take a step back and take a long hard look at who we are and what we should be focused on. I for one do not leave the house without at least a 6" knife in my pocket now. I grew up in a neighborhood that you could leave your door unlocked. That is a BIG change in lifestyle for me. I'm scared to walk down the street alone, and afraid this might happen to my wife or family and friends if they walk alone. And It isn't because I live near a "bad part of town", but because this is happening EVERYWHERE. It has happened in major cities to rural communities.

So I ask the law enforcement community on here, please for the love of humanity, if you are involved in a case like this that is happening across our Once Great Nation, treat it as a Racially Motivated Hate Crime! And while you are at it, suck it up and take pride in being a member of the people who are there to PROTECT US!

Oh, that is right, you'd rather pull someone over, than deal with potentially hazardous situations, or patrol low income areas, or Protect a person from potential crime because a gun fight might break out. F'n pansies!


P.S. Mods, if you think this is too out there, lock and delete if you must. But I believe this topic needs to be discussed. Simply because no one wants to talk about it and they are afraid of it.


Go Kart Champion
You're worked up over the knock out game?


Drag Race Newbie
here we go again....


Go Kart Champion


Drag Race Newbie
I heard Rosa Parks ended racism :iono:


Go Kart Champion
^^No, it was Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder

Ebony and Ivory...


Go Kart Champion
hmm... interesting take... I will sit here on the shitter pensively while I figure out what I want to say.


Ready to race!
is the knock out game really that widespread or is the media successfully getting you all worked up?


Go Kart Champion
is the knock out game really that widespread or is the media successfully getting you all worked up?

I think knock out game and tesla fires.... should be the only thing left on tv.


Go Kart Champion
If we let them get away with knocking out people, we're fucked. They'll be knocking over our mailboxes next.


Drag Race Newbie


Go Kart Champion
If we let them get away with knocking out people, we're fucked. They'll be knocking over our mailboxes next.

Maybe they're putting different colored stickers on mailboxes to mark who's white and who's black?
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