Hilary or Trump (and why?)

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Passed Driver's Ed
Oh god... tumblr has spilled over into car forums. I guess I'm technically a cis male, because if I had a nickel for every gender that actually exists, I'd have 10 cents. Us Americans are so fucking first world now, we have liberals and conservatives making shit up so we have "problems."

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Go Kart Champion
Us Americans are so fucking first world now, we have liberals and conservatives making shit up so we have "problems."

Yep exactly. What do you do when things are so good to begin with? Create problems. This is what breeds SJW's. If they spent half the time that they complain about needing safe spaces, and instead learned the ins and outs of political policy on bad deals like the TPP maybe we could actually solve some problems.
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Ready to race!
so u only care when it comes to using us for ur hateful agenda against another minority...trump himself is against gay marriage...he has never once denounced his pal putin for his homophobic policies...and as a gay man myself???? ive experienced more homophobia from white christian cisgender males (including self-described milo fanboys) than i have by muslims or refugees...

edit: eu??? u mean countries like poland , hungary, or lithuania??? u need to do more research than relying on milo and breitbart...

Clearly you are the one who needs to do some research instead of blindly voting with your gay dick. Clinton does not care about you she wants your vote like the video shows. Russia and homophobic policies lawwwwl?? The middle east is murdering and beating homosexuals, those are the countries funding the Clintons. As far as the EU goes I mean the entire OPEN BORDER EU, sweden for example, thanks to islam, is the rape capitol of the world. Germany well that speaks for itself Merkel is a complete asshat hell bent on destroying her country. Luckily for me when it goes down, Mexico will build my mk8 golf R at a killer price. #brexit

I have never been to breitbart and my only knowledge of Milo is watching him destroy feminist logic on youtube.


Go Kart Champion
Have you watched the news to see whats happening to people with trump shit? People are driving through their yards to run over the signs! People wearing trump hats are being attacked, it's not safe to support some candidates.

Yeah, let's pretend that Trump supporters are victims while ignoring all the fights and violence that they instigate at their bullshit rallies, huh? :rolleyes:

It's probably Dubpl8:fighting0030:

Even after all these years, you still can't get over the fact that I will never join the shitty conservative movement. You must be an outcast in the jam band scene with such viewpoints :laugh:

This is the closest thing I have done to such "vandalism":

I saw one video where a guy put a board with nails below his sign because of vandalism... Showed an old white guy changing his tire down the street.. Whatever flavor koolaid that is, I don't want any... That's one step away from Jim Jones flavored koolaid. :/

Well, free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences, now does it?

If I had a sign that said "Chris Kyle was a cunt" in my yard here in Dallas, what the fuck do you think would happen? Stop being naive dude.

Oh for fuck's sake, just 2-3 weeks ago, FBI foiled a plot by 3 self-described "Crusaders" in Kansas that plotted to bomb an apartment complex full of Somali immigrants. They were so thirsty for blood that they even admitted they wouldn't spare children:

Pitcavage said the Kansas plot could have been devastating if carried out.

“They were choosing a target expressly for the purpose of killing specific people, and they were fantasizing about using truck bombs to do it,” he said. “That’s really serious. A truck bomb could bring down a whole building and kill everybody inside — men, women, children. They do not seem to have been daunted at all at the prospect of killing children.”

And I'm willing to bet there are many, many people on this forum who would be among the first to cheer had they been able to go through with it. Would you have been joyful if they were successful? Seems like dead_catz below would be.

my favorite gay is milo yiannopolous, that guy knows where it's at. I will vote trump because Hillary is a steaming pile of corruption. She is big government, wallstreet, and funded by countries that kill Americans, gay, and degrade women. Oh also project veritas and wikileaks and the fact she will plunge us into war with Russia just to find a way to blame someone else for the podesta emails.

I hang out with a lot of people in the LGBT community here in Dallas, and I can tell you first-hand that NO ONE gives a flying fuck about what a self-hating fucktard like Milo thinks.

If you're so concerned about gay rights and degradation of women, what have you done to combat the Texas GOP when it comes to their cavemen views on women? Ever volunteer at a women's shelter or express outrage over hate crimes against LGBT groups in this state alone? Have you supported Wendy Davis' efforts to improve women's rights in TX? I work in the Oak Lawn neighborhood of Dallas where there have been a disturbing increase in knife attacks against gay men over there, and I have yet to see a single Texas GOP official speak out against that.

But they suddenly pretend to care about gay Arabs all of a sudden? Milo has no problem trolling women on Twitter, and gets banned permanently for it (rightfully so), but you claim to show concern for degradation of women? Bitch please, we can smell the bullshit from a mile away bro. :lol:

Wait, what? :laugh:

So you want to vote for the even more corrupt, self-professed woman abuser, who hires people from other countries instead of Americans, refuses to pay his bills, and is ready to hand the White house to one of those countries you are complaining about?

Sounds logical...

Nailed it.

You're right.. I forgot that Trumpets bombed a democratic party building in North Carolina!

Except that Kansas plot to bomb apartment complexes full of Somali and Burmese immigrants, or the California Scientologist plotting to massacre worshipers at the Islamic Center of Southern California mosque (ironic as they are among the most progressive of all) while being an Anders Breivik fan on top of it.

A large chunk of Trump supporters do have a strong tendency towards violence, and given the fact that white supremacists and anti-Semites have embraced Trump openly, it's only a matter of time before an American Breivik is successful in replicating the horrific terrorist attacks of Norway here on American soil.

Government agencies agree that trump has no connections to Russia. However wikileaks has proven cash flow going into Clinton foundation during a uranium deal. So please just sit down

From early in the thread, needs to be repeated:

What the fuck are you talking about? Trump had no problem doing business with them either and wants the "same people who fund terrorism" to have nukes on top of it.

Trump also rented out his fucking mansion to the same man who actively sponsored terrorists that hijacked Air France 139, refueled the jet in Benghazi en route to Uganda, and bombed a West Berlin discotheque that killed 2 US servicemembers. I shouldn't even have to bring up Lockerbie for fuck's sake either.

Trump's ties to Gaddafi are much, much deeper than you are willing to believe.

also Hillarys refugees you know the "women and children" that look a lot like men aged 18-40, they can't stand you gender fluid non conforming transsexual lbgqtzs even more than they can't stand my cis white male privilege.

You people really don't hide your disdain over homosexuals who don't parrot the same bullshit drivel as you far-right douchebags, huh?

He will not import tens of thousands of "refugees". I suggest you check out the EU. It isn't going too well. There are women, children and gays being assaulted daily. Islam hates America and they hate the lgbt community. If you think trump is dangerous to your dick taking you just wait until a "refugee" has you dangling off a roof.

What about the EU? What do you know about the European Union? I wonder if you knew that Viktor Orban, Hungary's PM, decided to block an agreement on LGBT rights this year:

However, the agreement was vetoed by the representatives for Hungary who blocked the agreement – the same day it also blocked a proposed deal with Turkey on the migration crisis.
A statement from the country’s right-wing government said: “Hungary is not in the position to agree with the list of actions to advance LGBTI equality.”

Pretty clear-cut there.

If you're concerned about women and kids being harmed, plenty of Trump's 'Deplorables' keep trying to plot attacks against women and children who are immigrants, but I'm sure that's okay to you since they're not white. or just google and you'll find countless videos of hillary being against gay rights. She is just a self serving politician after the gay vote.

By that token, isn't Trump the same as well? Only difference is that Trump himself is too busy courting the votes of Evangelical Christians and has a VP that has a rather piss-poor record when it comes to defending LGBT rights.

Please explain as detailed as possible how he will harm the lgbt community as it may affect how I vote.

How many people in the LGBT community are rallying behind him? Very, very few.

Yep exactly. What do you do when things are so good to begin with? Create problems. This is what breeds SJW's. If they spent half the time that they complain about needing safe spaces, and instead learned the ins and outs of political policy on bad deals like the TPP maybe we could actually solve some problems.

Ironic, the only ones who demand safe spaces more are right-wing douchebags who cry over stupid shit about "how come black people can say the N-word but I can't?" and expect to be coddled over their sensitivities.

P.S. TPP isn't a bad deal, only ones who think so are ones who are against free trade and would prefer to go back to the protectionist era of the 1930s with more Smoot-Hawley Act's if anything.

Clearly you are the one who needs to do some research instead of blindly voting with your gay dick. Clinton does not care about you she wants your vote like the video shows.

Can you make a point without resorting to homophobic drivel?

Russia and homophobic policies lawwwwl?? The middle east is murdering and beating homosexuals, those are the countries funding the Clintons.

What's funny about that? I made a thread about Russian homophobic policies 3 years ago here, and majority of the posters responded with the usual "their country, their rules" BS, but somehow pretend to show homosexual plight in the Middle East :rolleyes:

As far as the EU goes I mean the entire OPEN BORDER EU, sweden for example, thanks to islam, is the rape capitol of the world. Germany well that speaks for itself Merkel is a complete asshat hell bent on destroying her country. Luckily for me when it goes down, Mexico will build my mk8 golf R at a killer price. #brexit

I've noticed that people like you often regurgitate the same tiresome BS above. And you only do so because you get all your news from right-wing sites who constantly circulate this racist propaganda, and have no idea what's happening in the real world or any interest in finding out. I mean, when's the last time you ever traveled outside of Texas for that matter? People like you are also the same people who refuse to believe in rape on college campuses but are so eager to spread racist propaganda about an immigrant “rape epidemic". All you people do is peddle the "our white women are in danger from brown men" crap.

As for Germany, I wonder if you knew of certain right-wing politicians who were shouting the loudest about sexual assault crimes were the ones that opposed criminalizing marital rape almost 2 decades ago. Does a certain Erika Steinbach ring a bell to you?

Sweden allegedly being the "rape capital of the world"? You must be young, maybe you should brush up on the Bosnian war and the rape camps that were set up by Serb militias when they were gang-raping Bosnian Muslim and Catholic Croat women during the Balkan wars? You know, the same group of people that are now backing Trump in Belgrade? Ironic we never hear the types of you ever address the horrific rapes that were committed by your kin in Bosnia, in the name of the Cross, all to fight them evil Muslims, eh? Rape was increasingly used by Serbs to demoralize their enemy which were Croats and Bosniaks. Don't even try to deny that.

I have never been to breitbart and my only knowledge of Milo is watching him destroy feminist logic on youtube.

You seriously sound like someone that comments on Breitbart on the regular, you ain't foolin' no one homie.

You're a straight-up embarrassment to Texas. I hope you're not in Dallas.

So you're worried about nothing. Got it. Still, might as well just chop it off and become a eunuch just in case you may need to avoid further persecution.

How's that straight white privilege working out for you there?


The Fixer
OMG have you been living under a rock? There is video evidence Hillary supporters were paid to incite violence at Trump rallies. TPP is a terrible deal being negotiated in secret, involving quotas for food, laws that supersede existing laws, intellectual infringement, etc. Voting all democrat without considering they are part of the problem makes you part of the problem. There are firsthand accounts of these 'refugees' terrorizing the communities they go to. Troll. Try looking into these things instead of drinking the kool aid.


Ready to race!
Nice rant it is mostly bullshit but good effort. I am guessing your on the staff at CNN? good luck to you on convincing anyone with that argument but I am definitely not that ignorant. I have seen the corruption thanks to the lovely folks at wikileaks. Also I am not an embarrassment to Texas but thanks for throwing that in there.


Go Kart Champion
Ironic, the only ones who demand safe spaces more are right-wing douchebags who cry over stupid shit about "how come black people can say the N-word but I can't?" and expect to be coddled over their sensitivities.

P.S. TPP isn't a bad deal, only ones who think so are ones who are against free trade and would prefer to go back to the protectionist era of the 1930s with more Smoot-Hawley Act's if anything.

Where do I begin haha. First of all, to make claims you need proof. The college safe spaces are being pushed by the SJW left. This can be supported by studies and polling about hate speech banning on campuses and political affiliation. The studies find that if someone is for banning hate speech (free speech) on campus, they generally tend to side on the left. Four years ago I considered myself a progressive, but my own party has failed me. Instead of upholding classic liberal principles, the left is now attacking free speech in the places that matter most (college campuses). These spaces need to be places with a vast influx and exchange of ideals, and needs to be a bastion for free speech to do so.

Secondly, on the TPP front you are utterly incorrect. Thousands, literally thousands of top economists including multiple Nobel peace prize winners are vastly against the TPP calling it "an outrage." The concept was great, but as stated it was not implemented as originally they told it to be. At the start many economists were onboard with it, but now as it's played out everyone has jumped ship and realized how bad of a deal it is.

Also you know Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are both against it now right? Lol. This is not a party issue. This is a "literally universally bad for everyone issue."

Milo has no problem trolling women on Twitter, and gets banned permanently for it (rightfully so)...

This is the exact kind of thinking that I'm talking about. You are seeking to censor someone's opinion. Freedom of speech means that people have the right to say whatever they wish; to share any idea they want. If you don't like the idea, fine. Come up with a good argument, and debate it. Freedom of speech is under attack by those who think like you. You are the reason that people like Milo exist.
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Go Kart Champion
OMG have you been living under a rock? There is video evidence Hillary supporters were paid to incite violence at Trump rallies. TPP is a terrible deal being negotiated in secret, involving quotas for food, laws that supersede existing laws, intellectual infringement, etc. Voting all democrat without considering they are part of the problem makes you part of the problem. There are firsthand accounts of these 'refugees' terrorizing the communities they go to. Troll. Try looking into these things instead of drinking the kool aid.

What experience with refugees do you have? I have met refugees here in Dallas in the past 15 years because one of my good friends worked with the International Rescue Committee before moving to Los Angeles and none of them are like what you described you bigoted asshole. Try getting to know a few before regurgitating racist bullshit you read online.

And nice job ignoring the terrorist plot involving 3 Trump-worshiping "Crusaders" that wanted to kill innocent women and children in Kansas. It is the same state that has pro-lifer douchebags who have no problem terrorizing abortion clinics and cheering the murder of Dr George Tiller by Scott Roeder. Or the Bundy bros who were recently acquitted by an all white-jury for occupying a federal building for a long period of time. Blue lives matter? Crock of shit when it involves white anti-government douchebros.

Never thought in my wildest years that I would see Republicans nowadays being against free trade. It's been quite the election year, I must say.

Nice rant it is mostly bullshit but good effort. I am guessing your on the staff at CNN? good luck to you on convincing anyone with that argument but I am definitely not that ignorant. I have seen the corruption thanks to the lovely folks at wikileaks. Also I am not an embarrassment to Texas but thanks for throwing that in there.

So you can't argue my points, cool story bro.

Uh, yeah you are an extreme embarrassment to Texas. You sound like someone that wouldn't hesitate to go assault some immigrants out in the streets with such rhetoric, but luckily people like you are nothing but cowards in real life and only limit it to stupid rants on Twitter with the rest of the alt-right (more like white supremacist) gang.


Go Kart Champion
This is the exact kind of thinking that I'm talking about. You are seeking to censor someone's opinion. Freedom of speech means that people have the right to say whatever they wish; to share any idea they want. If you don't like the idea, fine. Come up with a good argument, and debate it. Freedom of speech is under attack by those who think like you. You are the reason that people like Milo exist.

Another stupid comment. No one is censoring the annoying fucktard Milo here.

Twitter is a PRIVATE entity that is free to do what they wish with their users. Free speech only means the government can not infringe on it. Since Milo has been repeatedly known to break the rules and harass users, he was suspended multiple times before being banned permanently when he decided to harass Leslie Jones.

No one is stopping that alt-white douchefuck from starting his own social media network if he feels Twitter is unjust. Twitter has EVERY right to combat abuse. Would you cry about free speech being violated if you got banned from here or any other forum?

Learn to differentiate before beating a dead horse. Milo broke the rules repeatedly and was punished for it. Deal with it.


Go Kart Champion
These days if you see people claiming to be "free speech activists" on Twitter, it usually means they're racists who enjoy posting hate.


Drag Race Newbie
Well, free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences, now does it?

If I had a sign that said "Chris Kyle was a cunt" in my yard here in Dallas, what the fuck do you think would happen? Stop being naive dude.

You would probably get beat up rather quickly. Chris Kyle is a saint in Texas.


Go Kart Champion
Another stupid comment. No one is censoring the annoying fucktard Milo here.

Twitter is a PRIVATE entity that is free to do what they wish with their users. Free speech only means the government can not infringe on it. Since Milo has been repeatedly known to break the rules and harass users, he was suspended multiple times before being banned permanently when he decided to harass Leslie Jones.

No one is stopping that alt-white douchefuck from starting his own social media network if he feels Twitter is unjust. Twitter has EVERY right to combat abuse. Would you cry about free speech being violated if you got banned from here or any other forum?

Learn to differentiate before beating a dead horse. Milo broke the rules repeatedly and was punished for it. Deal with it.

No one is saying that twitter broke the law. They are perfectly within their rights to do so. But by giving into the pressure of the SJW activists that reported the comment, Twitter has sent the message loud and clear that they are invested in protecting feelings instead of free speech. Where this becomes an issue is because the internet is the quickest and easiest places of all to exchange ideals hence why freedom of speech should play and have a big role in this sector too. On the other hand, public universities are funded with taxpayer dollars. Surely you agree that in this sector freedom of speech needs to be defended yes? Because the left is attacking it on college campuses. In fact, a study by a think tank called YouGov found that the majority of democrats are in favor of banning hate speech on campuses while a minority (37%) of republicans are in favor. I would like you to comment on that point and the TPP from above if you could.

Also deleting someone's comments and banning them is the definition of censorship. Whether you like it or not, you will have to deal with the fact that you just stated you are onboard with twitters decision to censor someone with ideals unlike your own.

Might want to refrain on the name-calling next time and let's just have a decent discussion. We forget that we are here for the love of cars, try to keep it civil.
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