The bored at home / COVID19 / Working from home thread


Autocross Champion
What does breaking laws have to do with the mess that is 2020?

I never specifically said anything about masks that’s how Jim interpreted it. I’m talking about the entire shit show.

If you’re at high risk stay home, if you want to work then work. Having the choice to drive the economy into the ground or not would be beneficial for everyone...Im not sitting here screaming get back to work, because idk you or feel I or anyone else needs to make decisions for you.

Shocking, I know

It is illegal in several states, including Texas, to go out without a masks and both activities put your and other people's lives in danger. The mask mandate should be federal. Sorry you're not smart enough to understand US law or how infectous diseases work and instead think a known life long con man and grifter is a beacon of freedom. I'm embarrassed for anyone that still supports him at this point. It shows a lack of intelligence, morals and character and you and Jim personally deserve what's coming. This pandemic and the economic fallout from the grossly incompetent handling of it are just starting. Buckle up, buttercup. You're about to get what you voted for.


Autocross Champion
My point exactly. The CDC and my employer could care less as long as I don’t currently have symptoms.

Wanna take days off without symptoms? Too bad, won’t get paid. With that kind of mentality how can you take any of their recommendations seriously. They check our temperature at the gate. It’ll show anything from 93-100* and they say “feel sick? Nope? Welp, see ya later!”

And that will remain a serious problem until they can test with near instant results.


Autocross Champion
It is illegal in several states to go out without a masks and both activities put your and other people's lives in danger. The mask mandate should be federal. Sorry you're not smart enough to understand US law or how infectous diseases work and instead think a known life long con man and grifter is a beacon of freedom. I'm embarrassed for anyone that still supports him at this point. It shows a lack of intelligence, morals and character.

Well gee who could the life long con man and grifter be?

GTI Jake

Autocross Champion
Also, my lead mechanic who’s stand next to me
It is illegal in several states, including Texas, to go out without a masks and both activities put your and other people's lives in danger. The mask mandate should be federal. Sorry you're not smart enough to understand US law or how infectous diseases work and instead think a known life long con man and grifter is a beacon of freedom. I'm embarrassed for anyone that still supports him at this point. It shows a lack of intelligence, morals and character and you and Jim personally deserve what's coming. This pandemic and the economic fallout from the grossly incompetent handling of it are just starting. Buckle up, buttercup. You're about to get what you voted for.

I’m a long way from Texas, so I think I’ll be fine.

Me carrying a licensed firearm and drinking in my own home aren’t dangerous to anyone unless they’re a would be attacker or an ice cold beer sitting around a campfire.


Autocross Champion
Also, my lead mechanic who’s stand next to me

I’m a long way from Texas, so I think I’ll be fine.

Me carrying a licensed firearm and drinking in my own home aren’t dangerous to anyone unless they’re a would be attacker or an ice cold beer sitting around a campfire.

You deserve what's coming. Remember this conversation in 3 months.


Autocross Champion
About half my local Home Depots became pickup only due to the lack of staffing. My local Supermakets and Target were difficult to shop at due to the lack of cashiers as well. It's awesome waiting on a long, slow line during a pandemic just so your family can eat something other than fast food.

Home Depot was one of the more strict places here. Supermarkets not so much, HEB pickup was a disaster for a while. I basically stopped going there. Some also seem to have implemented a system that funnels everyone through a single entrance. I'm wondering how that's supposed to help distance people from each other? Seems counter productive, but maybe I'm just a dumb ass. I forgot to throw Amazon into the mix. Stock price has almost doubled and market cap is now 1.6 trillion dollars. I guess they're just doing the world a favor since most of their revenue is from AWS.


Autocross Champion
Not true. Fine maybe, arrest no, jail no, medical exclusions yes.

Read that back to yourself slowly and see if it still makes sense. Why would you get fined if there wasn't a law requiring a mask? Just because the penalty isn't jail doesn't mean it isn't legally required.


Autocross Champion
I'm not morally or financially bankrupt. I won't respond so this thread doesn't get closed. I would prefer the intent of the thread stay intact.

You may be both before this is all over, so there's that.


Autocross Champion
You may be both before this is all over, so there's that.

Not a chance. I'll never be morally corrupt and my job is protected but I wouldn't need it anyway.

My biggest concern is not getting the virus because I wouldn't survive it with COPD.


Autocross Champion
Please guys, threads have been locked for a lot less mud slinging and political talk. Let's ALL take a moment, back away from the keyboards, and just try to get through this together. Sometimes the best thing is to just agree to disagree and move on. I'm taking no side in this debate, so please dont put me on one side or the other. I just dont want more threads getting locked or people to get vacations from the forum.


Autocross Champion