The "near-death" experiences thread.

I think you all should Google what a "Near Death Experience" really is, because it is quite plain to me that no one in here yet has had a true "NDE" (you know, when you almost die, see a white light, relatives of long past that are dead, etc.).

That would make this thread that much more interesting.

I've had an NDE, but it wasn't too exciting. And yes, it was REAL NDE.

Kandahar, Afghanistan, March 2008, my NDE.



VW Afficiando
Anything counts, but most NDE's that get a lot of publicity are the ones where people see a bright light, see their body dead on the ground while floating above, go through a dark tunnel to see the light (sometimes) and see people they know that have been dead already.

I've had one, but it was too weird to explain. I think I might have died during a surgery on my eye (who knows why? Ok, that wasn't funny). I just know that from being under anasthesia before, this was different. I was caught in a dim, low light, buzzing feeling of total calm.

To this day, the doctors never told me, or my parents that anything abnormal happened, but I feel differently. That was the summer of 1993.


Back to dubbin
Got one for ya.

About 12 years ago while at a house party. Two gangsters arrived and started to "hit up" on people. When they got to me, I of course told them I don't bang. At that time the owner of the house came out. Knowing the gangsters, she asked them to leave. In return to her request, one of the gangsters smacked her. Me, being the guy who cant let things like that happen, decided I was going to step up.

The guys left and party continued. Well they came back. 7 in total. I was a little intoxicated and a little slow on running back into the house. The injuries and insued were. Sever whiplash, 8 broken bones in right hand and wrist, a broken nose, 3 stab wounds to the back, a sever concussion and multilpe skull franctures. I blacked out and woke up in the hospital the next day.

I dont remember any part of the fight. But witnesses tell me that once the guys ran up on me i started swinging and knocked out two of the guys. Thats when i was stabbed. I in return hit and knocked that guy out. I think thats when I broken my hand/wrist. After that I was hit in the head with an aluminum bat at an upward angle. Thats when I blacked out. Doc said if the blow to the head were at a staright or downward angle, I would probably not be alive.