The ULTIMATE Workout Thread

I go to the gym and do free weights.

Start with bench press
185 10 times
225 10 times
275 8 times
365 as many as possible

Then a hybrid dumbbell curl with military press.
Works biceps tri's and shoulders
40,45,50 x10 for each weight

Flys with dumbells
5 sets of 10

Then to finish I do cables, just depends I usually do alot of flys till failure keep doing sets of 10 till I'm dead.

I've tried many supplements and I'm hooked on this gnc super whey protein.

After all of that I go home and do a 2-3 mile run or do some live wrestling.

Fuck the treadmill...

Diet, I eat whatever I want but keep everything down to one serving.

I don't touch fast food...

My idea with eating is that..
"you eat shit, you'll feel like shit."


Go Kart Champion
I haven't hit the gym in a couple months. I did work out regularly, weights, running, lots of biking, and doing Insanity (better then P90X imo, but then again I'm not trying to looked like a huge bulky meathead). But then in the weeks prior to my wedding, nights were hectic, we were out of town for a week leading up to the wedding, gone on a honeymoon, and then sick and now starting a kitchen remodel so getting back in a routine hasn't happened yet. I was gonna start back up today but I caught a cold again.


Go Kart Champion
I typically do a 5x5 push/pull routine. A couple months ago I slipped and broke my ankle (also tore a lot of tissue, it was ugly) and had to stay out of the gym for 8 weeks, lost a lot of gains.

5x5 A:
squats (low, high, front, whatever suits my fancy that day)
Usually end with some power cleans

power cleans
pull ups
pendelay rows

Off days I jump on my bike and do HIIT, looks like its permanantly on the trainer for the next few months due to weather and wet leaves on the trails I typically ride.

Brotein, Gold standard whey (delicious)
GS Casein brotein
Creatine mh
Multipro 32x daily

I've tried Jack3d, Animal cuts, No-Xplode, white flood etc. Jack3d was by far the best of them, the tingly feeling would come before I would even get to the gym and I'd want to rip the knob off of my shifter lol. Unfortunately NO boosters have a bad habit of messing with your liver enzymes (this is actually fairly common) so I decided just to stick to Cmh and Glutamine (which I've used for years prior to NO boosters). Right now my lifts are awful due to the healing ankle but its getting there...better to go light and make slow progress than hurt myself on a stupidly heavy weight.


Go Kart Champion
My workout routine is looking like this:
Monday: Chest/Tris: Incline bench BB or DB Press, Flat bench BB or DB Press (opposite of what I did for incline), Incline Bench cable flyes, Decline BB press, Weighted dips, cable tricep extensions with the rope attachment, then a superset of DB chest pullovers and reverse grip tricep extensions with a straight bar.

Tuesday: Back/Bis: Pullups, T-Bar Rows, Pulldowns, Cable Rows, Standing EZ Bar curls, Seated DB Curls, superset lat pushdowns with cable bicep curls.

Wednesday: Legs: Squats, Hammy curls, Seated calve raises, Quad extensions, Leg press.

Thursday: Cardio: Stairmaster 10 minutes, Treadmill 10 minutes, bike 15 minutes.

Friday: Shoulders: Rear delt db raises, DB shoulder press, upright rows, BB shoulder press alternating sets behind and in front, DB lat raises, Machine rear delt flyes.

Saturday: Legs: Leg press, front squats, Romanian deadlift, calve raises, squats.

For supps right now I'm taking animal pump for my preworkout, Pro Complex Gainer for carbs/protein while I lift, creatine monohydrate leaving the gym, casein before bed, and animal pak for my multi vitamin


Ready to race!
Grambles, Rockchops, Balius => great insight for those looking to get into the gym for the first time or for those ready to get back in routine after a hiatus.

Do what you think is best for you- some people may like P90x style of workouts to get lean and shredded, while others like to lift heavy with few reps to gain strength and size. Just don't force anything that REALLY puts you out of your comfort zone. Listen to your body. Don't try and deadlift 300lbs when your max last week was barely 200.

Also, I try to be smart when I get to the gym. Doesn't necessarily mean I'm pounding out seven different exercises in 90 minutes. It's more like doing four or five exercises I know will kick my ass and make me work. And because I'm on a time constraint, I'll try to get it all done in 45-60 minutes. Sometimes, less is more.

And, hm, what else? I would say a gym workout wouldn't be right without squats, dead lifts, bench press, and cleans. These will definitely make you stronger and more explosive. I've been doing a lot more hang cleans and power cleans lately and I can already see a difference in strength and "athleticism" so to speak when playing sports.

Now, if only I could be as disciplined as some of you when eating. I've been eating like a slob lately and it's taking its toll on my body. I've gained 30 lbs since last year. No bueno.


Go Kart Champion
I do free weights and run quite a bit. For supplements pre-workout I've tried no-xplode with good results, currently using superpump max which isn't quite as good. I want to give jack3d a try next. Post-workout I mix casein and whey proteins. One tip I would give is don't neglect your core. I know it's a pain in the ass but it gives your whole body strength and improves your workout/athleticism in other areas.


Automotive Engineer
Do what you think is best for you- some people may like P90x style of workouts to get lean and shredded, while others like to lift heavy with few reps to gain strength and size. Just don't force anything that REALLY puts you out of your comfort zone. Listen to your body. Don't try and deadlift 300lbs when your max last week was barely 200.

I like your mentality and I think we both agree on the same thing. I've gone through p90x twice (minus nutrition) and saw extreme lean gains. The workouts arent really GEARED for muscle bulking, how can it when its such a cardio, plyo based?

But I agree here. I actually sat in on a few of my wife's anatomy and physiology class and practically "attented" her class while she was studying and such. I read through the books and really learned how the body works. I learned about force angles, insertion points of the muscles and found the perfect form for muscle building.

Putting it into practice was difficult, but I actually managed to incorporate the physics I learned to a good workout. Knowing that the difference of 2* of angle between certain body components results in almost a 50% reduction of actual muscle contractions. Meaning, I can get the same workout using 30lb curls than someone doing 65lb curls with mediocre form.

Also, I try to be smart when I get to the gym. Doesn't necessarily mean I'm pounding out seven different exercises in 90 minutes. It's more like doing four or five exercises I know will kick my ass and make me work. And because I'm on a time constraint, I'll try to get it all done in 45-60 minutes. Sometimes, less is more.

Agreed. There is actually a point where it becomes diminishing gains, and almost removes some of what you've done. THis is where most intra workout supplements help, but only to a point. You heart can only do so much work before your brain finally says...."I'm done"

I normally put my body in an anabolic state before I go (Plus a PW supplement) to make the best of it. I'm in and out in about 45-55 minutes. I have seen more gains than when I used to workout for 2 hours.

And, hm, what else? I would say a gym workout wouldn't be right without squats, dead lifts, bench press, and cleans. These will definitely make you stronger and more explosive. I've been doing a lot more hang cleans and power cleans lately and I can already see a difference in strength and "athleticism" so to speak when playing sports.

Compound workouts make you stronger. Isolations make you look better. I LOVE deadlift shurgs and power cleans. Makes me feel beast.

Now, if only I could be as disciplined as some of you when eating. I've been eating like a slob lately and it's taking its toll on my body. I've gained 30 lbs since last year. No bueno.

Tough call. I pretty much removed everything from my cabinets and bought a ton of fresh food. It forced me to make snacks rather than open a box for chips or such.

***I'm on a modified gluten free diet as well. THAT is tough. I sitll eat bread and such but a lot of my pastas are corn or rice based. Rice is freaking amazing to supply all 8 essential amino acids.

I do free weights and run quite a bit. For supplements pre-workout I've tried no-xplode with good results, currently using superpump max which isn't quite as good. I want to give jack3d a try next. Post-workout I mix casein and whey proteins. One tip I would give is don't neglect your core. I know it's a pain in the ass but it gives your whole body strength and improves your workout/athleticism in other areas.

Jacked and NO Explode are apples and oranges. Jacked doesnt provide Nitric Oxide supplements to produce that awesome "pumped" feeling. It just gives you energy like nobody's business


Ready to race!
Compound workouts make you stronger. Isolations make you look better. I LOVE deadlift shurgs and power cleans. Makes me feel beast.

Jacked and NO Explode are apples and oranges. Jacked doesnt provide Nitric Oxide supplements to produce that awesome "pumped" feeling. It just gives you energy like nobody's business

Grambles, you sound just like my best friend. Always trying to be a student of one's body and trying to learn more in order to better yourself in the gym, outdoors, or wherever you are. That's good knowledge there.

Deadlift shrugs are cash money. Power cleans ALWAYS humble me. And that's probably one of the reasons why I go hit the gym- I wanna feel good about myself but also be humbled. I wanna prove to myself that I can push some limits but at the same time know it came from all that sweat and fatigue.

I will say that, alongside a terrible diet, that my core is pretty weak, even though I go through the compound lifts in each workout. I tried doing those pushups to rows with a 12lb dumbell and got ROCKED after the second set. Just another thing to work on.


FIA World Rally Car Newbie
Great Thread Grambles! The past two years of my life have been nothing but working out getting back into shape. At my heaviest I was 270, I am currently down to 195 with muscle showing.

Unfortunately I am still trying to tighten up my midsection, any suggestions? I try to eat as cleanly as possible. Any suggestions?

Fish oil, flax seed, baby asprin


Monday - Chest/Biceps/abs
tues - rest/run
wed - back / tric
thurs - rest run
friday - shoulders / legs

supplemental schedule: when I do crossfit...
sunday - chest/bicep/abs
monday - jog
tuesday - crossfit
wed - rest/run
thurs - crossfit
friday - rest/run
sat - shoulders/back/legs

post out: optimal nutrition whey protein / just started Hydro Builder
Morning - eggs/oatmeal w/ berries
morning snack - banana, peanut butter
lunch - pork chop veggies
midday snack - yogurt turkey sandwich
dinner - some sort of fish or chicken breast with lots of greens
after dinner snack - milk and cookies


Go Kart Champion
Jacked and NO Explode are apples and oranges. Jacked doesnt provide Nitric Oxide supplements to produce that awesome "pumped" feeling. It just gives you energy like nobody's business

good to know, thanks man I will probably skip trying jack3d then and just go back to no-xplode. what do you use pre-workout at the moment? anything better than no-xplode I should know about? I love that pump feeling and also the energy boost and focus.


Go Kart Champion
Great Thread Grambles! The past two years of my life have been nothing but working out getting back into shape. At my heaviest I was 270, I am currently down to 195 with muscle showing.

Unfortunately I am still trying to tighten up my midsection, any suggestions? I try to eat as cleanly as possible. Any suggestions?

Fish oil, flax seed, baby asprin


Monday - Chest/Biceps/abs
tues - rest/run
wed - back / tric
thurs - rest run
friday - shoulders / legs

supplemental schedule: when I do crossfit...
sunday - chest/bicep/abs
monday - jog
tuesday - crossfit
wed - rest/run
thurs - crossfit
friday - rest/run
sat - shoulders/back/legs

post out: optimal nutrition whey protein / just started Hydro Builder
Morning - eggs/oatmeal w/ berries
morning snack - banana, peanut butter
lunch - pork chop veggies
midday snack - yogurt turkey sandwich
dinner - some sort of fish or chicken breast with lots of greens
after dinner snack - milk and cookies

Tighten up as in strengthen your core? Squats, deadlifts and rows (Pendelay are tops for that). Even overhead press and power cleans will work your core well due to the need to balance.


Automotive Engineer
good to know, thanks man I will probably skip trying jack3d then and just go back to no-xplode. what do you use pre-workout at the moment? anything better than no-xplode I should know about? I love that pump feeling and also the energy boost and focus.

I use Assault right now, but I really wanting to try an Ultima + Pump-vol stack afterwards. Stimulant Free!!

Great Thread Grambles! The past two years of my life have been nothing but working out getting back into shape. At my heaviest I was 270, I am currently down to 195 with muscle showing.

Unfortunately I am still trying to tighten up my midsection, any suggestions? I try to eat as cleanly as possible. Any suggestions?

Your nutrition looks good and so does your workout plan. However, I might be worried about the amount fat and sugar you consume. Sugar, besides what is found in natural fruit (not juices) turns into fat and is tough to get rid of. That normally is what does it for most people. Any compound exercise will gain core, but make sure you do isolated stuff like crunches and such. They can build the fast twitch muscles easier and show faster than the compound slow twitch muscles, but dont forget about them!!!

Cardio Cardio Cardio Cardio if you want to lean up.

Tighten up as in strengthen your core? Squats, deadlifts and rows (Pendelay are tops for that). Even overhead press and power cleans will work your core well due to the need to balance.

What this guy said!


Go Kart Champion
I quit working out for awhile but recently got back into it. Trying to get into the habit of going every day


I eat right most of the time, eat vegetarian about 75% of the time, run/jog 10-15 miles a week, do light weights and a lot of push-ups/pull-ups, abs etc.. I don't get all into the science of working out and supplements and all of that. Not trying to be all ripped or whatever. Just staying fit.

Supplements: Multi-vitamin, B complex, flax seed oil & red yeast rice w/CoQ10 & Niacin ( great for lowering cholesterol)


Ready to race!

Clean your room!