CSB Thread: Mud Getting Desperate At End Of Threads Life

Who should take over CSB2 thread?

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Autocross Champion
^i was strongly considering doing that in the scam thread at one point lol

i had racked up some 40k posts on


Autocross Champion


Autocross Champion
My how the times have changed


Autocross Champion
I replaced my desk name tag with a long 70's style personals add. No one made me change it. They would all come into my office to play with my hot wheels double loop setup, that jumped a stapler and landed in a coffee cup.


Autocross Champion
I replaced my desk name tag with a long 70's style personals add. No one made me change it. They would all come into my office to play with my hot wheels double loop setup, that jumped a stapler and landed in a coffee cup.

I work for the government. I was told to take my trivial pursuit cards home because the “trivia time” twice a day with the folks around me had “bad optics.”


Autocross Champion
I work for the government. I was told to take my trivial pursuit cards home because the “trivia time” twice a day with the folks around me had “bad optics.”
At my previous job, we got an earful from HR playing Cards Against Humanity at lunch. Can't imagine why on that one.


Autocross Champion
I'm just sitting here trying to finish my morning Manwich. I feel as i'm a daily contributor, but every time I come back, there's another 47 pages to comb through and I always forget my witty responses before I get to the last page.

This is anarchy.


Autocross Champion
I'm just sitting here trying to finish my morning Manwich. I feel as i'm a daily contributor, but every time I come back, there's another 47 pages to comb through and I always forget my witty responses before I get to the last page.

This is anarchy.
Anarchy in the Raleigh?


Autocross Champion
It is supposed to snow again this weekend...

View attachment 237102
Oof. I'm up north where snow isn't as uncommon, but you'd think so based on how everyone treats it. I'd say nearly half of the folks on the road are still doing well above the speed limit, following too closely, and in general driving like turds. The last week or so has been single digits in the mornings, so a lot of the residual has turned to ice. Not a fun time.

Really makes me glad I have a bit more leeway to work from home, it's not worth risking my safety (or my car) to do the same thing from a different location.


Autocross Champion
Oof. I'm up north where snow isn't as uncommon, but you'd think so based on how everyone treats it. I'd say nearly half of the folks on the road are still doing well above the speed limit, following too closely, and in general driving like turds. The last week or so has been single digits in the mornings, so a lot of the residual has turned to ice. Not a fun time.

Really makes me glad I have a bit more leeway to work from home, it's not worth risking my safety (or my car) to do the same thing from a different location.
We get the same behavior in rain out here. People doing 30 on the freeway with their flashers on in the middle or left lanes while Escalades on bald tires fly by doing 90+. Good times. :rolleyes:


Autocross Champion
Oof. I'm up north where snow isn't as uncommon, but you'd think so based on how everyone treats it. I'd say nearly half of the folks on the road are still doing well above the speed limit, following too closely, and in general driving like turds. The last week or so has been single digits in the mornings, so a lot of the residual has turned to ice. Not a fun time.

Really makes me glad I have a bit more leeway to work from home, it's not worth risking my safety (or my car) to do the same thing from a different location.
I've never seen people not respect the effects of snow like I saw when driving through Texas during what must have been a once in a decade snow storm there. I remember I was on the highway and you could barely see 15ft in front of you, suddenly an SUV goes blasting past me at what must have been near 100mph.

I caught up him about a mile down the road. Well I was on the road, he was in the ditch.
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