Douchebag Sighting/Encounter a.k.a. Ranting Thread


back being low.
Wow sorry to hear that, but if you have something appealing that could be inside then any thief is willing to do it. Dubber or no Dubber. You should've put a sign that's says "Smile, you're on camera!"


Go Kart Champion
i had my v1 in there but it was on the floor in the back seat covered. i think he was either looking to grab something or hoping the keys were in the car. as if i ran into get something. (which i have 2 admit i have done in the past):frown: i didn't have time 2 say anything as soon as i stood up the ran back to the car and they took off


GolfMKV Veteran
^ That's just not right man... glad nothing else bad happened.


how about the internet? theres plenty on vortex and here :p


women = cunts
almost got robbed by a mkv today. mother F*cker! i had a stain on my front seat so started cleaning it. while i was letting it dry i sat in my front room with the front door open so i could still see my car. but ppl from the street couldn't see me. i had the doors open so it could dry. so i'm sitting in the front room and a gti pulls up in front of my house then roles down a little bit and ends up in front my my neighbors house. a passenger gets out. then i stand up and now they can see me. his eyes get huge. jumps back in the car and they take off. what the beep. i cant even trust a fellow dubber.

next time sit outside in a lawn chair with a shotgun and a cold brew :thumbsup:


GolfMKV Madame
A couple weeks ago, I was scheduled to work a Friday at one of the new stores to help them out. I ended up getting sick, fever, sore throat, sore joints, the works. So, I called there and talked to one of the managers and told him I was not feeling well and wouldn't make it in. I called at 7:58am and wasn't even due in until 11:30am. He asked me if I called anyone else to cover my shift. I told him no, because I did not know any of the other employees there, nor their phone numbers. He then told me the policy was I had to find someone to cover my shift, or I had to come in. He looked at the roster and said "I don't even see your name on the roster." I said "Really? Are you sure? My name is Alyssa." He looked again and said "No, I don't see it on here, so don't worry about it."
I then get a call at 12:30 from my store asking if I had a doctors note. I said I didn't because the docs office was booked for the day and would call if they had any cancellations. My GM gets on the phone and tells me I have to have a doc note or the DM said I am fired. (He thinks I was calling out because I didn't want to work at the new location. Because apparently, one of the other girls called out from my store that was supposed to work there too.) I told my GM what the manager I spoke to said. He said he'd call me right back. Well, when he called back, he said that the manager I talked to said he never said that! I was SO mad! I was like "Why the hell would I make that up?!" My GM knows me...he knows I don't lie about stuff just to get out of something I don't want to do. The DM doesn't know me so well. I wanted to have words with the manager from that store so bad but they told me to let it go. Grrrrr...

Oh, for those that don't know, GM is General Manager. DM is District Manager.


Go Kart Champion
almost got robbed by a mkv today. mother F*cker! i had a stain on my front seat so started cleaning it. while i was letting it dry i sat in my front room with the front door open so i could still see my car. but ppl from the street couldn't see me. i had the doors open so it could dry. so i'm sitting in the front room and a gti pulls up in front of my house then roles down a little bit and ends up in front my my neighbors house. a passenger gets out. then i stand up and now they can see me. his eyes get huge. jumps back in the car and they take off. what the beep. i cant even trust a fellow dubber.

Maybe they were just a couple of nice guys driving by and went "hey, that dubber forgot to close his door, I'll stop and close it for him so that no one tries to steal his car..." So the guy got out, and then when he saw you in the window staring him down, he was like "wow that guy might have a gun, lets go" and hoped back in the car. So then the driver was like "wow, I guess not all Dubbers and helpful like us..."

:biggrin: :lol:


Flying circles around VWs
Maybe they were just a couple of nice guys driving by and went "hey, that dubber forgot to close his door, I'll stop and close it for him so that no one tries to steal his car..." So the guy got out, and then when he saw you in the window staring him down, he was like "wow that guy might have a gun, lets go" and hoped back in the car. So then the driver was like "wow, I guess not all Dubbers and helpful like us..."

:biggrin: :lol:

i find this much more reasonable
a coulple weeks ago there was this bitch that really got to me. So, i was driving in a parking lot and there is kind of a roundabout thing that takes you to the other side of it again when your done. This roundabout re-enters the parking lot at a 90 degree just like any intersection (which is where i am at the moment). Well i look left, no one, look right, no one. I start to roll and all of a sudden this bitch comes flying around through the parking lot at like 45mph and then sees i'm pulling out. She slams on the brakes and nearly slides into me, then she has the nerve to throw the hand in the air like it is my fault. Yeah, i'm the reason you are driving 45 in a fuckin parking lot. I exchanged the bird and left for class, oh, and i took the last parking spot so her ass had to park in bumfuck egypt

If i had a my parking garage at school girls(I dont mean to be sexist but it is ALWAYS girls)are always doing like 25 in a 5 mph parking lot, and taking those right blind turns at those speeds.

They cant see anything that's there and they always make these crazy adjustments when my car is coming. Then they look at me with that "You crazy fuck!" look. I never even go 5 mph. Not even kidding when people turn the other way from my car to go around me lol. Whatever. I love my R32 way too much.

I wish I had the video, but this girl hit a car RIGHT in front of me. Like 2 ft not even fronting. And she drove off. female douche.


GolfMKV Veteran
.:R-DüB1864;1357518 said:
If i had a my parking garage at school girls(I dont mean to be sexist but it is ALWAYS girls)are always doing like 25 in a 5 mph parking lot, and taking those right blind turns at those speeds.

They cant see anything that's there and they always make these crazy adjustments when my car is coming. Then they look at me with that "You crazy fuck!" look. I never even go 5 mph. Not even kidding when people turn the other way from my car to go around me lol. Whatever. I love my R32 way too much.

I wish I had the video, but this girl hit a car RIGHT in front of me. Like 2 ft not even fronting. And she drove off. female douche.

Fucking retards. You are right lol. I saw this one chick speeding while ON HER FUCKING PHONE going 25-30 in a 5mph parking structure with slopes. Crazy ass @!$#!


5 meters spread, no sound
So true, the few I caught rides with made me regret getting into their car. That's the only time I've ever been scared of being in a car.


GolfMKV Veteran
I don't know why... and I ain't sexist either... it's just not the same when a girl is behind the wheel. Hell, I get nervous sometimes when my gf drives, and she's not even a bad driver or close to crazy. :bellyroll:
today...was sketchy...and scary as fuck!!

long story...

so tonight at around 11 me and my friends were hotboxing my car at this place on the side of the road (yea i know, stupid) around our neighborhood. it got late so we all decided to bounce, they got in their cars parked in front of mine and left. i went to go get jack in the box drive thru then i was going to go to some party my other friend told me about. so i get the food, i come park back at that spot we were at before because its a pretty chill spot. there are alot of cars parked on the side of the road so any car parked on the side just blends in. i start eating and this prius on the opposite lane was going all slow and shit, 45-50 year old woman inside just looking inside my car as she passes. then she busts a bitch and parks in front of the car in front of mine. she just stays there with her brakes on, i cant tell what shes doing. so like 2 minutes later im like fuck this it seems sketchy so turn on my car and bust a bitch. i see her busting a bitch after me so im like wow now this is getting really sketchy. no problem though its just a prius right :biggrin: so i just floor it going as fast as i could trying to lose her (dont really have to try). i pull into some randomass streets and eventually lose her. then i park 2 blocks away from home and start eating again and i see a cop car speeding up the street i was parked in front of. and cops NEVER go in that area. so im just alright screw this and just went home. that was scary as hell because if i get pulled over and get a search warrant on me im fucked.