**Gun Enthusiast Thread**


Ready to race!
Just a few


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Ready to race!
So how many of you are worried about your state changing 2A laws to your detriment?

WA State is passing I-1639, supposedly the most aggressive gun control laws in the USA.

At the same time, they are passing I-940 to try and make it easier to prosecute police officers (you should see the description of the "citizens panel" that will be used to determine prosecuting a police officer, literally will be children, immigrants, LGBTQ and social justice advocates (warriors) determining if an officer is out of line, I kid you not)
Additionally, Seattle PD is without a contract for 4 years, and City Council is being urged by social advocacy groups to reject the current contract proposal. We'll be without a police force soon.

So, yeah, de-policing and dis-arming of the general population here is a trend.

I am not worried though, because I won't comply.

BTW, also contemplating a FN 5.7 as my next handgun........


Autocross Champion
WA State is passing I-1639, supposedly the most aggressive gun control laws in the USA.

At the same time, they are passing I-940 to try and make it easier to prosecute police officers (you should see the description of the "citizens panel" that will be used to determine prosecuting a police officer, literally will be children, immigrants, LGBTQ and social justice advocates (warriors) determining if an officer is out of line, I kid you not)
Additionally, Seattle PD is without a contract for 4 years, and City Council is being urged by social advocacy groups to reject the current contract proposal. We'll be without a police force soon.

So, yeah, de-policing and dis-arming of the general population here is a trend.

I am not worried though, because I won't comply.

BTW, also contemplating a FN 5.7 as my next handgun........

I read some articles about I-1639 and its appalling the lack of knowledge people have about guns, and the ways they word things. One article said that nobody should have "a rifle that shoots a bullet every time you pull the trigger"... so they want us all to have broken rifles?

I don't have an issue with the 21 age limit for semi auto rifles. I didn't need one when I was in high school or early college and I don't think the current generation is mentally stable enough to have easy access to them yet. Let them get a little older so they have a chance to flush the hormones and figure out if they want to be a criminal before they have the option of buying a semi-auto rifle (or as the media would say, a "fully semi automatic tactical assault machine gun")

Interesting how the most recent shooter used a pistol with banned/illegal magazines


Autocross Champion
I don't have an issue with the 21 age limit for semi auto rifles. I didn't need one when I was in high school or early college and I don't think the current generation is mentally stable enough to have easy access to them yet.

It's a slippery slope.

Should we raise the voting age to 21 too?


Autocross Champion
It's a slippery slope.

Should we raise the voting age to 21 too?
Most people I know didn't have a good enough grasp on politics to vote at 18, myself included, so I wouldn't necessarily be opposed. But I get what you're saying. It's hard to draw the line on what rights should be enacted at what age

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Autocross Champion
Most people I know didn't have a good enough grasp on politics to vote at 18, myself included, so I wouldn't necessarily be opposed. But I get what you're saying. It's hard to draw the line on what rights should be enacted at what age

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

IMO the people who would infringe upon the 2nd Amendment will never be happy until a complete ban is enacted. It's like slow boiling a frog.

In unrelated news, I submitted the paperwork to renew my concealed handgun permit :)


Autocross Champion
IMO the people who would infringe upon the 2nd Amendment will never be happy until a complete ban is enacted. It's like slow boiling a frog.

In unrelated news, I submitted the paperwork to renew my concealed handgun permit :)

I agree with that. They probably wouldn't be happy even after that. And it's funny the same people who argue you can't change the constitution for the citizenship upon birth, are the same people who want guns banned. Thats none of my business though


Go Kart Champion
WA State is passing I-1639, supposedly the most aggressive gun control laws in the USA.

At the same time, they are passing I-940 to try and make it easier to prosecute police officers (you should see the description of the "citizens panel" that will be used to determine prosecuting a police officer, literally will be children, immigrants, LGBTQ and social justice advocates (warriors) determining if an officer is out of line, I kid you not)
Additionally, Seattle PD is without a contract for 4 years, and City Council is being urged by social advocacy groups to reject the current contract proposal. We'll be without a police force soon.

So, yeah, de-policing and dis-arming of the general population here is a trend.

I am not worried though, because I won't comply.

BTW, also contemplating a FN 5.7 as my next handgun........
I support the hell of out the last two lines...

I watched Colion Noir's recent video on Seattle, very sad sights he shared. Piles of used needles in the streets, like wtf.


Ready to race!
I support the hell of out the last two lines...

I watched Colion Noir's recent video on Seattle, very sad sights he shared. Piles of used needles in the streets, like wtf.

There's a Facebook group called "Seattle Looks Like Sh*t" and I myself have posted many pictures of people pooping and peeing right in front of me (I work for the city of Seattle).

I HATE HATE Seattle. This place is out of control. Becoming like South Africa.

I get paid a lot of money in Seattle, we are poised for an early retirement after our son is done with education, and we will retire somewhere more rational.

Good news is, with the recent crap going down, I believe nearly everyone at my work has bought a nice stash of firearms recently. Coworker just bought a DD5v1 with Tornado Grey Cerakote (spelling?). They won't deter us.


Go Kart Champion
There's a Facebook group called "Seattle Looks Like Sh*t" and I myself have posted many pictures of people pooping and peeing right in front of me (I work for the city of Seattle).

I HATE HATE Seattle. This place is out of control. Becoming like South Africa.

I get paid a lot of money in Seattle, we are poised for an early retirement after our son is done with education, and we will retire somewhere more rational.

Good news is, with the recent crap going down, I believe nearly everyone at my work has bought a nice stash of firearms recently. Coworker just bought a DD5v1 with Tornado Grey Cerakote (spelling?). They won't deter us.
That's incredible....and sad. Sorry to hear it's gone that far south. South Africa is pretty freakin south...

Glad to hear you'll be departing the dump eventually.