Travel assist and emergency assist errors


Autocross Newbie
Except, the big problem with doing that is that the car will not know that it now has a new battery installed, nor will the car know what the characteristics of the new battery are.

Even if you are swapping out one battery for the absolute EXACT same new battery, you need to recode so the vehicle knows the battery is new.

Agree. The car’s battery management system (BMS) monitors the state of the battery and adjusts the charging rate as the battery ages. When you replace the battery, if you don’t code the new battery to the car, the rate of charge applied by the BMS will be at the level that was required by the old battery (i.e. higher than is needed by the new battery) which could shorten the life of the new battery.


Go Kart Champion
I have found that I can now go on journeys without the SOS and Travel Assist warnings happening. I thought it might have been a coincidence but these warnings started again after my wife drove through deep water. More a deep puddle than a flood. If that’s the case where could this water have gone in the car for this to happen?


Passed Driver's Ed
Anyone have any recent news on this issue? The freezing weather in the UK recently seems to have made it worse (bongs sounding more often, warnings disappearing, bongs sounding again with seconds!)

The YouTube video posted on Page 7, in the comments show that a steering wheel replacement is not the fix. Some people are on their third replacement (!) with issues persisting.

Have VW recognised this, yet, as a warranty or out-of-warranty issue?
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