I suspect that may be the issue - manufacture was October 2020, so before the issues arose, I think? or was this known about earlier in 2020?
Any specific bit of Consumer Righrs Act I should be referring them to/quoting?
To be honest I scoured the net on all forums, as far back as I could find, including one post on a forum that a garage gave the customer a copy of their fault and stated on there about the TPI Notice they posted a pic and I screenshotted it. Which means they knew about the issue for there to be a TPI.
I basically went mental and said I suffer with mental health problems (I do and repetitive noises are like torture to me) I have a child with multiple disabilities and uncontrollable noise sets him off screaming (he is non verbal) I basically threatened them with Damages and likened it to sound torture used in warfare (yes I actually stated this), only quoted the consumer rights act everything that's on Which? Consumer Rights Act 2015, said it meant it wasn't fit for purpose, of satisfactory quality and it couldn't be repaired within a reasonable time frame (quoted me 5 months) also if they already have repaired yours then they have used their 'opportunity of repair' under the CRA if the fault returns after this you are entitled to return for a refund but this is usually minus fair wear and tear/usage or a replacement.
oh before I did this I did ask if it could be turned off, a reasonable request? to be told no, had it been able to be turned off, I would have kept the vehicle and awaited the 5 month steering wheel replacement.
Also they tried to blag me it wasn't a fault, but the Dealership sent me a video of their vehicle check stating it was a fault and there was a replacement part to rectify (again meaning they knew about it) and also tried to argue I needed to 'prove' it was a fault before time of delivery, which I did with the forum screenshots and its across the whole VW range, not limited to Tigs (clearly).
I told them I would go motor ombudsman and trading standards, they didn't like it and offered to 'investigate and get back to me the end of the week' By that time I had the offer of a refund and an agreement to sign that I wouldn't pursue in future.